UAs, Barnacles and other mysteries Thread 8 - The Canonn

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I've listened to it a few times now. I cannot make out a voice by myself. I am only hearing the words people are suggesting. It's Pareidolia all over again.

For example, some claim it says ''You will find Elite'' but I don't hear a 'T' sound at all.

Instead, I hear ''You will like the cheese''
well i give up on this the only thing i have in my head to try is to get an armada of ships and send the feds home
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I've kinda said this a couple times now, but this is why there's basically one thing we need to do right now: Look for those UP free-floaters. Then people can run around doing whatever tests they like.

I don't know if this has been suggested so far, but what if the UP free floaters are in Merope system? The UAs point towards Merope star, and can be found in a shell around that system. The UPs point towards Merope 5C, so could it be that they can be found in a shell around that planet? Maybe several kls out, so the occasional traveller inside the Merope system would not find them easily?

Again, sorry, if this has been tested yet, I haven't come across it so far.

Cheers, CMDR Heisenberg6626
I can totally understand hearing things in white noise but trust me this is something completely different. If you listen to the UP audio at around 17, 18 seconds you can hear the voice. It isn't white nose, it's a distinct voice and once you manipulate that section you can isolate that voice and hear distinct words. What the voice is saying and how it is going to help us is what we need to figure next. We need to clean up the voice more, and perhaps adjust some of it's attributes to make the voice more audible and coherent. I'm not hearing things that my brain wants to hear, or making something from white noise. There is something there. Listen to the whole UP audio and then to this and tell me that it is just in our heads....

Can you please link a wav file that we can download so we can do further analysis.

I want to pursue this line of inquiry, and check it out just because It is a possibility and it could have something hidden in there.
However, I will say that your arguments seem very close to just about any EVP claimant arguments. This isn't to say that you may not be correct, but an argument that "it isn't white noise, its a distinct voice" without any analysis is just about what everyone who claims to hear things in EVP phenomena say. It doesn't have to be white noise, if there is a signal with a pattern our brain will try to isolate the pattern as words just because it evolved that way. So far what I've heard in your soundcloud doesn't make it clear if it is a voice or not. It could be, but further analysis is required.
I've listened to it a few times now. I cannot make out a voice by myself. I am only hearing the words people are suggesting. It's Pareidolia all over again.

For example, some claim it says ''You will find Elite'' but I don't hear a 'T' sound at all.

Instead, I hear ''You will like the cheese''

It's not necessarily pareidolia unless we can prove it's not a voice, we need to run analysis and isolate it further, I will do that with Audacity shortly. As for what it may say, "Release the keys" seems accurate.
It doesn't have to be white noise, it can be all sorts of sounds that cause it. Records played backwards for example. I've listened again, and honestly I think it's not a real voice.

Agreed, doesn't have to be white nose. The recording we have of the white noise voices could have also had that sound recorded into it as a hoax, so that in fact it really did hold a hidden sound but wasn't from the deceased. As for the records playing backwards, agreed you can hear words that aren't there in those because the songs and lyrics are being played backwards so eventually your brain will put those words into some coherent form at some point. I admit I can't say for certain that it is a voice but everything in my gut is telling me that is a voice and it has to do with something. The hidden message in the spectograph, hidden morse code signals, it makes sense to hide an audio clip in the message as well. Before I even dove into the sound file I couldn't help but think there was something hidden in that small part, it was just a strange switch from what came before that I had to explore. Anyways, hopefully someone can clean it up more. It might be another dead end but we are running out of ideas and I think that is causing us to get more complex than necessary. I even feel like we edited the spectogram so much that we are missing what it really is. the symbols look like planets to me, except the one on the top left, perhaps that is a ship scanning a body, the other symbols are a ringed planet and to regular planets, perhaps the dashed have to do with it's location. anyways, hopefully something new comes soon...

Thank you very much!

I can totally understand hearing things in white noise but trust me this is something completely different. If you listen to the UP audio at around 17, 18 seconds you can hear the voice. It isn't white nose, it's a distinct voice and once you manipulate that section you can isolate that voice and hear distinct words. What the voice is saying and how it is going to help us is what we need to figure next. We need to clean up the voice more, and perhaps adjust some of it's attributes to make the voice more audible and coherent. I'm not hearing things that my brain wants to hear, or making something from white noise. There is something there. Listen to the whole UP audio and then to this and tell me that it is just in our heads....

I'm sorry, but it's not completely different, it is exactly the same as all the other 1000 claims about hearing voices in the noise in more than 70.000 posts to date.
You cannot even imagine how many voices.
In one thing you are right: it is not noise. That is in fact the kind of sound treatment that FD have chosen to generate the UP sound, to make it very chittering/alien/robot voice like. All the UP sound is like that bit you've analyzed. So voices could be heard everywhere in the UP sound.

In the exact moment two people are hearing something different, for me it is a big NO.

The only voice I'm hearing in that sound is saying: " think you are hearing voices..."

Thanks for your effort CMDR, and keep on researching!
Thank you very much!

I'm sorry, but it's not completely different, it is exactly the same as all the other 1000 claims about hearing voices in the noise in more than 70.000 posts to date.
You cannot even imagine how many voices.
In one thing you are right: it is not noise. That is in fact the kind of sound treatment that FD have chosen to generate the UP sound, to make it very chittering/alien/robot voice like. All the UP sound is like that bit you've analyzed. So voices could be heard everywhere in the UP sound.

In the exact moment two people are hearing something different, for me it is a big NO.

The only voice I'm hearing in that sound is saying: " think you are hearing voices..."

Thanks for your effort CMDR, and keep on researching!

You are the reason the Rep button should be ''Give Rep'' and ''I know I'm giving Rep to Rizal AGAIN, they deserve it.''
Ok, it was fun so far. I so hope that they don´t let us players become frustrated by implementing the "rest" of the stuff later.

My conclusion:

- the "Aliens" or "whatever species" sent us a message
- "they" are not aware of our speech, writings, numbers
- "they" use maths to communicate - which is pretty logic
- when they are able to provide clear pictures by sound, they should be considered "intelligent"
- when they are "intelligent", the picture should not lack some information - everything should be there in a perfect, yet to discover manner. No information is useless or should be ignored.
- I am frustrated
Ok, it was fun so far. I so hope that they don´t let us players become frustrated by implementing the "rest" of the stuff later.

My conclusion:

- the "Aliens" or "whatever species" sent us a message
- "they" are not aware of our speech, writings, numbers
- "they" use maths to communicate - which is pretty logic
- when they are able to provide clear pictures by sound, they should be considered "intelligent"
- when they are "intelligent", the picture should not lack some information - everything should be there in a perfect, yet to discover manner. No information is useless or should be ignored.
- I am frustrated

as well as everyone else is frustrated abaut this better everyone shoud take a break or

Ok, it was fun so far. I so hope that they don´t let us players become frustrated by implementing the "rest" of the stuff later.

My conclusion:

- the "Aliens" or "whatever species" sent us a message
- "they" are not aware of our speech, writings, numbers
- "they" use maths to communicate - which is pretty logic
- when they are able to provide clear pictures by sound, they should be considered "intelligent"
- when they are "intelligent", the picture should not lack some information - everything should be there in a perfect, yet to discover manner. No information is useless or should be ignored.
- I am frustrated

These aliens are so highly intelligent that they didn't provide clear drawings of the planet or whatever they're referring to in the encrypted message.
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These aliens are so highly intelligent that they didn't provide clear drawings of the planet or whatever they're referring to in the encrypted message.

well looks like the feds allready found the according to some of the chatter o merope 5c so maybe we shoud ask them kindly for informaton:)
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Not enough 'why' questions being asked here.

- UP points at Merope 5c - Why?
- UP responds to the discovery scanner with a burst of audio in which a diagram (or 3, or potentially more if we've missed them, depending on how you look at it) can be found encoded as DbFreq plotted against time. Why?
- Inside the image, we have a circular figure, reminiscient of a sphere, with a radial line roughly at south east east, and an arc segment on the circumference marked by two outer lines. Why?
- Around the circular figure, we have four symbols in the corners - '-|-', '-||', '|--', '--|' reading left-right, top-bottom. On the top right symbol, we also have two quarter-arcs that either accompany that symbol, or which accompany the circle & just happen to be really close to that symbol. Why?
- To the right of the circle, we have what appears to be a stretched version of parts of the circle: the top-right and bottom-left quadrants, although bits are missing (no gridlines in particular). Why?
- On the right, also, there appears to be a part with the letters 'VV'. Why?
- On the left, there is a shape that looks like an angled 'C', above a fuzzy shaded box, and preceded by a '.' - Why?
- There are some other arc details and '.' characters on the left also. Difficult to make out, but they are there. Why?

I'm sure there's more, but you get my point.

Everyone is rushing to answer the question 'what?' - but very little success is being made because we don't know which 'what' we need to answer.

Before we do that - we need proposed answers for 'why?' - this will provide context for analysing the detail to give us a 'what?', and then we can get to 'how?'.

So an example:

Why embed an image in the sound?
To broadcast information that can only be conveyed by image

What information?
A location of interest to the probe.

Why broadcast it to us?
Because they want us to find it

How do we get a location from the image?
By understanding how to decode the information in the image of course!

What information could be encoded in the image?
Galactic and/or system location. Planetary surface location, perhaps.

Okay, how?
I dunno!

Anyway - keep the questions simple, use the observations to inform the questions, come up with a simple explanation for part kf the image, and try to use that to interpret the rest.

If you get it wrong, it won't work and you can go back to the previous question.

We need to be more ordered. We also need more UPs. They might still provide more data to be observed - and we can't get that if we don't have UPs.
(Firstly, apologies for the long text - no actual science takes place in this post! Secondly, no theories either, just a framework to build on the work already taking place. Feel free to ignore, comment or correct[up])

I think the reason that there is no further progress on the UP sound is because we've already got everything out of it that we need. (the spectrogram). As I've said before, without context everything we have is conjecture. A few people make an assumption and use that as the basis for a theory - for example, the straight line in the image is a direction to take on the planet, or the 'wifi' symbol means we should be honking the planet. That's all well and good, but as I say without context it's guesswork, and guesswork on top of an assumption isn't really very likely to find us a solution.

So, we need to work with the facts as we know them, and then come up with a plausible hypothesis which either allows us to make further tests, or more likely to consolidate our results and wait for the next installment.

Ok, so here are the


  • UA's and UP's are firstly found in Federal convoys that appear militaristic in their nature. Comms chatter indicates that the carriers of these items do not know what they are, or where they come from.
  • UA's cause damage to ships carrying them. They morse the name of the system they are in, morse the planet name they are on if dropped on a planet, and also seem to scan nearby ships and process a morse based image of the ship they have scanned. UA's are also found 'free floating' in a shell approx 130 light years around Merope.
  • UP's are a more recent find. Again they are found in convoys, but haven't so far been found 'free floating'. When 'honked' with a discovery scanner, they emit some sort of EMP pulse that disables a ships systems momentarily, and produces a noise that contains a spectrogram (image encoded in audio) containing a strange so far undeciphered set of symbols. UP's point towards the planet/moon Merope 5c.
  • Merope 5c is the home of the first 'Barnacles'. Barnacles, as we are led to believe, are "genetically engineered based on another life form" (MB). Barnacles display a strange as yet undeciphered symbol. When attacked, the barnacles release 'Meta Alloys' which we know reverse the damage caused by UA's.
  • there are several known Barnacle sites - all are contained within systems described as 'in nebulae', so far including Pleiades, Witch Head and California nebula and, again as we know from MB 'the reason they appear in nebula is logical, and to do with their origin'. Barnacles can also (again, according to MB) appear in random POI's on planets, and can be described as 'fixed' if they have set lat and long coords, or 'random' otherwise.
  • The Feds also have a specific interest in the Barnacles on Merope and have formed quite a fleet above them and in the specific instances. There are no known instances of the Feds appearing at other non-Merope barnacle sites.

Safe hypotheses -

  • UA's and UP's are linked by behavioural and visual likenesses.
  • UA's and UP's are linked to Merope by virtue of their pointing behaviour.
  • UA's and UP's are interested in or aware of us by virtue of their morse scanning/responses or, human readable signal.
  • Merope is linked to Barnacles by virtue of the fact that Barnacles are there.
  • Fed's are linked to UA's, UP's and Barnacles by virtue of their presence in nearly all circumstances surrounding these three types of event (free floating UA's and non-Merope based Barnacles excepted)

Unknowns -
  • Whether the Feds are protecting or harvesting the Barnacles.
  • Whether the UA's and UP's are specifically linked to Barnacles.
  • Whether the UA's, UP's and Barnacles are from the same source.
  • What purpose the Barnacles have on Merope 5c and the other planets.
  • Whether the UA's and UP's are trying to communicate with us specifically.
  • What the UP message means.
  • What is so interesting about Merope? (Although there are interesting theories about the mathematical design of the Merope system)

Answering any of the questions above will give us context - the 'key' if you like to place the rest of the mystery, but there are no obvious clues to any of those questions apart from the image in the spectrogram. I would suggest that the image in the message is the answer to a question, but we don't know which question [big grin]
Ok, some more random thoughts; this time on Latitude and Longitude assuming that we're looking on Merope 5c for a location.

There are only a couple of ways to measure Latitude that make sense (from a pole or from the equator).
Perhaps the quarter circle is indicating an equator to pole measurement (the same way we do it).

Yup, a location system that makes sense to us could only e based on one or two things, to my mind:

Geometry: The Sigils provide position is given as proportions of radius, pi and other numbers which are universal constants.

Situation/landmarks: the position relies on some unique landmarks which make sense in that one position. 5C does rotate, but it is also tidally locked. Rotation period and orbital period are the same, meaning that 5C is fixed in position in the sky. The Sigils may be depicting or pointing us to inclinations. relative to fixed astronomical points.
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Another Idea, this goes along with the voices theory that is very unpopular at the moment. So i'm going with the voice I managed to isolate, yes I know it could all be in my head, but i got the message "you're equipped with each of these" now even if there is no voice this got me thinking, and sorry if it has been tried already, but what if we are supposed to have all things in our possesion for this to work. So a UA, a UP and a Meta-Alloy then when we have all those and we are at the proper location we can scan the body and it will lead us to the next spot.
I am beginning to think that we will not find out any more.

We found that the UA has morse signals, map our ships in wire-frame and points to Merope. We got nothing more out of this.

We found that the UP bursts EMP, map our dashboard (?) and points to Merope 5C. Maybe that is it - end of story and wait for FDev to put something new in to the game?

Yeah we did find barnacles so maybe something new has been placed on the surface because the UP was implemented - but other than that maybe there is no more to find ;-)
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