Save Obsidian Orbital - Humanity UNITE!

Lol. Not a hope I’d even think about helping unless we get a guarantee that it’ll bring Palin’s missions back. There’s plenty of other stations. And as I recall, obsidian was pretty junk as far as stations go. Didn’t even have a shipyard...

Orange Spark

Volunteer Moderator
Thanks Commander! A grand total of 9 million tonnes needs delivering. I think there still be something to do for you when you're back ;)

Should be doable.

The Kuun-Lan's CG collected about 9.5 million tonnes in a week, and this is even more widely known. OO will be up & spinning in no time.
Currently on the opposite side of the galaxy, but I favor fixing the damaged stations, even the Aegis ones.

Why? Because Aegis isn't going to stop what they're doing just because of some station damage. If they can't work there, they'll go somewhere else.
Likewise, all the scum and villiany once housed at OO will simply move somewhere else.

Do you want these folks in your neighborhood? I didn't think so. Best to keep them Out There.
I'll admit I skipped the bulk of this thread, but The Pleiades is Thargoid territory. We're the invaders there, not them.

We should realize that, and withdraw from our encroachment, not double down on it and declare war on a species who was apparently engaged in self-defense.


Volunteer Moderator
I'll admit I skipped the bulk of this thread, but The Pleiades is Thargoid territory. We're the invaders there, not them.

We should realize that, and withdraw from our encroachment, not double down on it and declare war on a species who was apparently engaged in self-defense.

Again, this has nothing to do with the war! This project is about repairing the damage.
I'll help out if you promise that Palin will offer the Thargoid missions again so that I can make 40 mil an hour in my Sidewinder.
Again, this has nothing to do with the war! This project is about repairing the damage.

If you repair the damage, but leave it there, that makes it pretty directly about the war, no? Rebuilding a base inside someone else's territory is an attempt to re-establish your claim on that territory.

If you want to move the station elsewhere and rebuild it, I will support that. Or just build New Obsidian Orbital, in unoccupied space, I'll also support that.

Rebuilding and leaving though, while not directly aggressive, still seems to be making a statement of control.
Sorry, during the early stages of the station burnings by the thargoids, unifed fed forces along with help from other powers (some "traitorous") campaigned their so-called "Operation Shattered-Prism" for weeks (and up to now, aftermath efforts are continuing) which turmoiled Aisling space during the distraction(!), causing several Aisling control systems and spheres to turmoil, defect and secede where hundreds of hauling cutters seem to have been involved. Myself and other Aisling defenders are otherwise, currently greatly occupied in trying to retake back some of the lost systems under strong preparation competition, expansion countering efforts, and attempting to counter 'stealing' of our lost systems, as well as the constant fortification.

Maybe Palin ought to move back to civilization, and I'm amazed the thargoids haven't bombed Palin's research centre yet. They must have known his research efforts have contributed to the AX weaponry from all of their abductions of escape pod-people for intel(!)
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Indium - 2,924,083
Gallium - 843,842
Titanium - 288,677
Copper - 273,398
Aluminium - 380,131
Synthetic Fabrics - 1,248,946
Polymers - 429,080
Water Purifiers - 367,658
Robotics - 1,180,174
Ceramic Composites - 243,978
CCM Composite - 237,970
Insulating Membrane - 267,479
Power Converter - 245,588
Natural Fabrics - 238,400

Thanks for the data, I've updated my spreadsheet:

it won't be quick
I estimate at least 4,000 man-hours, most likely much more.
I'll admit I skipped the bulk of this thread, but The Pleiades is Thargoid territory. We're the invaders there, not them.
"The Pleiades" is just an arbitrary grouping of stars based on our humanocentric concepts of distance and area. We have no reason to think that the Thargoids have the same concept of space. We have no reason to think the Thargoids even know what "The Pleiades" is. We have no reason to think that the Thargoid's consider the Pleiades to be their territory or, if they do, where they draw the edge of their territory. Finally, we have no reason to think that the Thargoids will stop at the Pleiades even if we were to give it to them.

In short, there's no evidence to suggest that leaving the Pleiades will end the Thargoid attacks. Better to fight them there than in Sol.
Maybe people should read the thread before posting so we don't have circular arguments here...

Obsidian Orbital was there before the Thargoids and doesn't have anything directly to do with a perceived or actual war against them. :p

In real space, if I remember correctly, the Pleiades is a cluster of many stars, a handful of which are easily viewable from Earth and the "nebula" "around" them is a bit of interstellar space dust between here and there.

Anyway, as you were.
The thought what would actually happen to that station if it wasn't "saved" intrigues me far more.
It's a chance to really test how much influence we actually have. Not by doing something, but by not doing it.
No doubt, there'll be enough players who'll do as asked, but what a wasted opportunity.:)
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The thought what would actually happen to that station if it wasn't "saved" intrigues me far more.
What a chance to really test how much influence we actually have. Not by doing something, but by not doing it.
No doubt, there'll be enough players who'll do as asked, but what a wasted opportunity.:)

That's way too meta for my tastes, but I guess if that's your thing, suit yourself. I helped build Obsidian Orbital in the first place. Sorry there weren't enough of us to get all of the services out there.
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