[B]Nobody asked for it but we keep getting it.[/B]

Care to elaborate? or you're too narrow minded yourself?

You really need to calm down and wind your neck in.

People have disagreed with you and you have resorted to ad hominem and reductio ad absurdum rather than defending your statements with examples and logic.

So yes, many, many MANY people put forward "this is how they can fix the game" posts and basically they (and you) are urinating into the breeze - F D has a development plan and a release timetable and yes these things chop and change but they are F D decisions, not some "armchair developer's".

Finally I would say that if you think NMS is the bee's-knees then why are you in here rather than roaming about in your cartoon universe?
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You really need to calm down and wind your neck in.

People have disagreed with you and you have resorted to ad hominem and reductio ad absurdum rather than defending your statements with examples and logic.

So yes, many, many MANY people put forward "this is how they can fix the game" posts and basically they (and you) are urinating into the breeze - F D has a development plan and a release timetable and yes these things chop and change but they are F D decisions, not some "armchair developer's".

Finally I would say that if you think NMS is the bees-knees then why are you in here rather than roaming about in your cartoon universe?

ironically you are the one resorting to ad hominem and reductio ad absurdum rather than defending your statements with examples and logic; by calling me an "armchair developer" and saying that im urinating on Fdev. great examples and logic btw; trully an example of childish behavior please remind me when did i insulted you? i will say that yes i play NMS and i have ELite in the back burner., i paid for the game like you did and so i have a rigth to write my feedback and criticism and im not the only one, lots of ED players are playing NMS right now because guess what, its surprisingly fun; who wold had though righ. but what im surprised is that you know frontiers developments plans; do yo u work for them?? anyhow tell me what do you desire for this game to improve and try not to be vague. maybe your ideas are better than mine, cant wait to see.

I'd say that the negative feedback you've recieved so far has been for two reasons:

1) Your list of "do this really quick and all will be solved" is composed of features that would be incredibly complex and time-consuming to create from nothing. I really and truly don't believe that you grasp what an undertaking it is to generate a detailed earthlike world, controlled and realistically modified by things like star type and gravity. We're talking about flora, fauna, and atmospheres, realistically presented and in keeping with science, and with relevant gameplay accompanying them. Cartoony, slapdash plants and animals works fine for NMS, but not Elite. Likewise space legs, in order to be worthwhile, would need to be essentially an entire game's worth on content on its own. Integrating such a play mode into the greater starship base game would be... a nightmare. Do-able, probably- but a nightmare. For all we know it'll be next season's paid content- but I wouldn't hold my breath.

2) Your attitude of "disagreement=personal attacks!!!" pretty much finished off what your starry-eyed list begun. Also, your poor sentence structure, grammar, and spelling didn't exactly lend itself to your credibility- and before you accuse such observation as a personal attack, let me just say that such things do matter when presenting ideas.
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I'd say that the negative feedback you've recieved so far has been for two reasons:

1) Your list of "do this really quick and all will be solved" is composed of features that would be incredibly complex and time-consuming to create from nothing. I really and truly don't believe that you grasp what an undertaking it is to generate a detailed earthlike world, controlled and realistically modified by things like star type and gravity. We're talking about flora, fauna, and atmospheres, realistically presented and in keeping with science, and with relevant gameplay accompanying them. Cartoony, slapdash plants and animals works fine for NMS, but not Elite. Likewise space legs, in order to be worthwhile, would need to be essentially an entire game's worth on content on its own. Integrating such a play mode into the greater starship base game would be... a nightmare. Do-able, probably- but a night mare. For all we know it'll be next season's paid content.

2) Your attitude of "disagreement=personal attacks!!!" pretty much finished off what your starry-eyed list begun. Also, your poor sentence structure, grammar, and spelling didn't exactly lend itself to your credibility- and before you accuse such observation as a personal attack, let me just say that such things do matter when presenting ideas.

well this will be easy:

1 i didn't say do it now or quickly i said "do it" notice no time constrain ;)

i understand enough about game development to know what is impossible and what's not. my comparison with no mans sky was the developer dedication to the fans; Shean could just take the many an bail but he didint; he improved the game. Frontier keeps adding thargoids and guardian stuff; never saw anybody on the forum asking for it. Frontier ignore their fanbas to do their story stuff that nobody cares and my proof is here

unlike you i like to provide proof iinstead of ruining your salty mouth; you can cry all you want and insult people, at the end you haven't defended a single point.

2 . and ofcourse you are pulling your grammar card because you cant generate a competent argument against my idea. please try, can you make a point by point how my ideas to improve the game wont work. and please spare me "nobody done it" and "you are not a developer" falacies. pick my ideas and break it apart: let me show you how:

i think your idea x wont work because it will mess with mechanic y therefore causing the game become unplayable or unbalanced.

and lastly the developers job is to develop. games dont improve by doing what everyone else done. if Fronter doesn't know how to do it they need to figure out how to develop it. is literally what they are getting payed for by us.


i understand enough about game development to know what is impossible and what's not. my comparison with no mans sky was the developer dedication to the fans; Shean could just take the many an bail but he didint; he improved the game. Frontier keeps adding thargoids and guardian stuff; never saw anybody on the forum asking for it. Frontier ignore their fanbas to do their story stuff that nobody cares and my proof is here
Ok your worshipping NMS. A worthless game that you finish well in 30 hours. For the cost for a game that not worth my 30 hours.

unlike you i like to provide proof iinstead of ruining your salty mouth; you can cry all you want and insult people, at the end you haven't defended a single point.
Oh another person worshipping steam wantable facts. Does game console (Xbox and Play station) work on steam websites also? NO. So stop using it to make Elite look bad. Also, a lot of Elite players don't play on the Steam site. I use the Elite launcher and I don't use Steam So your facts do not hold water.

2 . and ofcourse you are pulling your grammar card because you cant generate a competent argument against my idea. please try, can you make a point by point how my ideas to improve the game wont work. and please spare me "nobody done it" and "you are not a developer" falacies. pick my ideas and break it apart: let me show you how:
I already have blown your argument

and lastly the developers job is to develop. games dont improve by doing what everyone else done. if Fronter doesn't know how to do it they need to figure out how to develop it. is literally what they are getting payed for by us.
I think you lack developers skills. I rather have a company take their time and do it right. Instead of SC which been in Alpha as long as Elite been out. Or NMS that looks nice. But the gameplay is bad.
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Ok your worshipping NMS. A worthless game that you finish well in 30 hours. For the cost for a game that not worth my 30 hours.

Oh another person worshipping steam wantable facts. Does game console work on steam websites also. NO so stop using it to make Elite look bad. Also, a lot of Elite players don't play on the Steam site. I use Elite launcher So your facts do not hold water.

I already have blown your argument

I think you lack developers skills

1 comparing is not the same as worshiping; do you need reading glasses?

2 i gave yo proof of the decay of ED player base, prove me wrong where is your evidence. so far you are just assuming that people use the launcher; in other words you're pulling this from your .

3 you haven't blown anything. if anything is proving my point that you cant generate a decent counter argument.

4 your opinions is irrelevant/waste of time. where is the constructive criticism? is it too hard for you?
why is it that we keep getting more guardian/thargoids that nobody for the exception of a select few actually like; the whole personal narrative that they keep saying is just a pretty word for GRIND. i think that frontier made a poll asking the players what they would like to see in the future, and the results where atmo planets followed by space legs. this was i think 2 years ago. But so far we are stuck with aliens and .
i though that by this time we would have the carriers already and bases to manufacture or extract resources. more and more FrontierDev is starting to look like certain company that is making a space game since 2014. so how can we fix this?

1 atmo planets; is rocket science anymore NMS did

2 space legs; people like to say that there is no point to it even tho in this forum we have given enough functioning feature for space legs to fill a book.

3 carriers/ bases; we are getting one of these so hallelujah, but we need a base to manufacture or extract resources.

3 crew. hire-able NPC crew to work your base and get passive income and to maintain it at cost[crew is not required to run a base but the player needs to maintain it]

4 scrap powerplay and add eve type economy so give exploration, mining, trading, combat a proper career.
it works like this:

explorer finds resource rich system(gets payed by player at
requested price)> manufacture/extraction player squadron moves in. set up operation> ship/sell resources to manufacture system> combat players get hired to protect freighters/ miners.

5 add player to player trade/donate function.

this is how they can fix the game

1) As has been pointed out, modeling science based atmospherics is not a simple task. Now multiply it by thousands as you add various types of stars, planets and satellites to the mix.

2) As has also been pointed out, space legs is a whole new game grafted on top of the flying the space ship game we have. There needs to be some reason to do it otherwise it's wasted dev time.

3) And yet another entire game worth of programming to add on top of out flying a spaceship game, though this and spacelegs could work together.

4) No. If this was Eve in cockpits I'd never have bought it. Go play Eve.

5) No. Gold sellers. Nuff said.

This game is built around the premise you are a lone pilot out there trying to make your way in the galaxy. Your proposals would shift that to the players are the focus of the galaxy, changing the entire premise of the game. I do not want to play the game you propose, and I suspect many of those who have disagreed with you feel the same.
let me break this down for you:

1 staff size ED is bigger than hello games 20x times over.

5 you say that you don't grind; correct ?
so you dont do combat, trading,mining, passengers missions, gold rushes, exploration, engineering? im very curious to know how do you play maybe i can get some pointers from you. please share your play-style i am very curious.

1) Doesn't matter, NMS has 5 types of planets, small planets, 1 environment per planet, ie: tropical, the entire planet, they don't orbit, they don't have gravity or even attempt to simulate gravity. ED's planets are affected by all the things that normal planets are affected by, heat from the sun, different distances from the sun during orbit, eclipses, axial tilt, there will be different season, tropical regions and icy areas near the pole, different environments in different areas of the planet, deserts, tundra, jungles, cyclones and weather affects that depend on all these factors, and this will all need to be the same for all players who visit. NMS has only just introduced multiplayer for up to "four" people, wow! Introducing atmospheric planets in the same standard as NMS would be a massive failure simply because people expect so much more from a game that claims to be some way towards a sim rather than a cartoony game.

5) No I don't grind, and you don't need to grind for any of those things you mentioned, except of course for PvP combat, which I don't do at all. Engineers is pretty much grindless if you do it right, but if you spend endless hours max engineering every single thing on every ship you own I imagine it can get pretty wearing, but then that's down to you, if you find it grinding then you are obviously doing it in a way that creates grind, you can do that in every game I have ever played, and I have played games which place far more emphasis on grind mechanics than ED.

You can see my play style if you look around the forums, I don't feel it necessary to tell you about myself, why you should think I am obligated to do that I don't know, from the way it's worded this seems to be some sort of snarky attack? If it is please refrain in the future.

Oh yes sizes. I have just spent 15 minutes looking for updated details on body sizes in the new NMS release, it's surprising how difficult it is just finding basic information like that, of course this is readily available information in ED, all they seem to have in NMS is "small", "Medium" and "large." In ED I have landed on planets from as small as 138km radius up to 25,000kms in radius and everything in between, I can post you the details of every one of them within minutes if I wanted to. The main problem with NMS for me is simply this sort of engagement, it is ultimately shallow in a way that ED isn't. Of course both game have their faults, which games don't, but lets not try and turn ED into a copy of NMS, that would be a disaster from many players perspectives.
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why is it that we keep getting more guardian/thargoids that nobody for the exception of a select few actually like; the whole personal narrative that they keep saying is just a pretty word for GRIND. i think that frontier made a poll asking the players what they would like to see in the future, and the results where atmo planets followed by space legs. this was i think 2 years ago. But so far we are stuck with aliens and .
i though that by this time we would have the carriers already and bases to manufacture or extract resources. more and more FrontierDev is starting to look like certain company that is making a space game since 2014. so how can we fix this?

1 atmo planets; is rocket science anymore NMS did

2 space legs; people like to say that there is no point to it even tho in this forum we have given enough functioning feature for space legs to fill a book.

3 carriers/ bases; we are getting one of these so hallelujah, but we need a base to manufacture or extract resources.

3 crew. hire-able NPC crew to work your base and get passive income and to maintain it at cost[crew is not required to run a base but the player needs to maintain it]

4 scrap powerplay and add eve type economy so give exploration, mining, trading, combat a proper career.
it works like this:

explorer finds resource rich system(gets payed by player at
requested price)> manufacture/extraction player squadron moves in. set up operation> ship/sell resources to manufacture system> combat players get hired to protect freighters/ miners.

5 add player to player trade/donate function.

this is how they can fix the game

I feel the same way unfortunately the forums of this game are bullied by a select few that just stroke the ego of the company. So here we are with a game with so much wasted potential due to lazyness and grind happy solo players. I thought it was going somewhere then this "season" was announced and completely lost interest now the game sits in my steam inventory doing nothing, same case for 5 of my friends i regret suggesting this game 2, and here i am returning every few months to see if they figured it out. And yet nothing has changed. No offence to the onesthat enjoy it, i just feel dupped for the advertising and what i bought this for.
I feel the same way unfortunately the forums of this game are bullied by a select few that just stroke the ego of the company.

Hi Cuddlestuff, there's a button for reporting bullying and abuse, if you feel you have been bullied and abused please use it.

Before you do though just consider that people disagreeing with your point of view and opinion is not bullying or abuse, but I certainly would encourage anyone who feel they have been bullied or abused to report it immediately and let the mods sort it out.
and lastly the developers job is to develop. games dont improve by doing what everyone else done. if Fronter doesn't know how to do it they need to figure out how to develop it. is literally what they are getting payed for by us.

I can't just let this go, FDEV are the first, and still the only company that has ever attempted to simulate a one to one scale galaxy based as closely to real life physics as possible and incorporating as much as possible actual existing features of the galaxy, NMS isnot even in the same class, SC is still toying with a dozen or so planets and even when it's released it won't be remotely similar, and you are trying to criticise them by accusing them of doing what everyone else has done? They have broken entirely new ground in gaming development, they haven't done some things which you claim are "easy" based on some other games that don't even come close to ED's scale and vision, I really think you should stop around now, you aren't helping your argument with these sorts of statements.
NMS is for filthy casuals that like atari flight characteristic models.

Bases I'm cool with as long as you don't make money on it. Only used to store your stuff with basic services.

Player to player trading/donating is just asking Elite to be filled with Gold Sellers

This assunption is just arbitrary and stupid. It implies that all games with player trading are having a gold digger issue but surprise surprise, they don't. In fact, except in Eve, where it as actually supported, I don't know any game with atleast a couple of thousands of active accounts with a serious gold digger issue.

It's a foolish excuse to prevent the teamwork of larger player groups which might cause fear to the solo player who won't be able to keep up (which he shouldn't in general).
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why is it that we keep getting more guardian/thargoids that nobody for the exception of a select few actually like; the whole personal narrative that they keep saying is just a pretty word for GRIND. i think that frontier made a poll asking the players what they would like to see in the future, and the results where atmo planets followed by space legs. this was i think 2 years ago. But so far we are stuck with aliens and .
i though that by this time we would have the carriers already and bases to manufacture or extract resources. more and more FrontierDev is starting to look like certain company that is making a space game since 2014. so how can we fix this?
Wow your lack of facts is noted. Elite has been out 34 Years. First elite was made in 1984. Let look how other games. CS. Been in Alpha for 4 years. NMS is kinda cartoonish.

1 atmo planets; is rocket science anymore NMS did
Let look at it this way. Do you want the same junk as NMS After 20 Hours the Monsters seem to look the same? As the monsters, you have seen before? I rather have Frontier take their time. Make it look right.

2 space legs; people like to say that there is no point to it even tho in this forum we have given enough functioning feature for space legs to fill a book.
Same thing. Do you want the company that does it right the first time? Not stuck in Alpha or Cartoonish?

3 carriers/ bases; we are getting one of these so hallelujah, but we need a base to manufacture or extract resources.
What you can't do it your self. This game is about a player and Their ship. Not Civilization 5 where you run a country Or some older games like Master of Orian where you run a Galaxy of systems.

3 crew. hire-able NPC crew to work your base and get passive income and to maintain it at cost[crew is not required to run a base but the player needs to maintain it]
Wow you truely don't know what Elite about. It, not you're running a Plantation/country or base. That a different game. You are a single pilot in a vast galaxy

4 scrap powerplay and add eve type economy so give exploration, mining, trading, combat a proper career.
it works like this:
Well If you look at the current info. Eve full of bots and Gold mining. So don't hold your breath. eve online bot Please note that also includes Real Money Trading. Yes, I do know how to do Bots. It not hard. When you get a group of people it make it a hell alot easier. EVE+Bots Equals Gold sellers.

explorer finds resource rich system(gets payed by player at
requested price)> manufacture/extraction player squadron moves in. set up operation> ship/sell resources to manufacture system> combat players get hired to protect freighters/ miners.
Hell no. You sound like you want bots in Elite Dangerous.

5 add player to player trade/donate function.
this is how they can fix the game
Can we say. GOLD SELLERS/Bots. Keep that in your mind. When you try to sell your idea.
why is it that we keep getting more guardian/thargoids that nobody for the exception of a select few actually like; the whole personal narrative that they keep saying is just a pretty word for GRIND. i think that frontier made a poll asking the players what they would like to see in the future, and the results where atmo planets followed by space legs. this was i think 2 years ago. But so far we are stuck with aliens and .
i though that by this time we would have the carriers already and bases to manufacture or extract resources. more and more FrontierDev is starting to look like certain company that is making a space game since 2014. so how can we fix this?

1 atmo planets; is rocket science anymore NMS did

2 space legs; people like to say that there is no point to it even tho in this forum we have given enough functioning feature for space legs to fill a book.

3 carriers/ bases; we are getting one of these so hallelujah, but we need a base to manufacture or extract resources.

3 crew. hire-able NPC crew to work your base and get passive income and to maintain it at cost[crew is not required to run a base but the player needs to maintain it]

4 scrap powerplay and add eve type economy so give exploration, mining, trading, combat a proper career.
it works like this:

explorer finds resource rich system(gets payed by player at
requested price)> manufacture/extraction player squadron moves in. set up operation> ship/sell resources to manufacture system> combat players get hired to protect freighters/ miners.

5 add player to player trade/donate function.

this is how they can fix the game

Don't expect FDev to custom build the game for you.

Of course I would love to get access to atmos planets, but I also understand very well how much work goes into that.
You can't compare this with the cartoonish approach of NMS. NMS doesn't have convincing planets, or ecosystems, NMS doesn't have convincing atmospheric entry or whether systems etc. etc. etc. The NMS approach is fine for what NMS is, but it would be terrible for Elite Dangerous.

Spaceleg would be great too, I would love it, but it should not be a priority at all. Adding spacelegs is like creating a whole new game. First we need satisfying core mechanics for exploration, asteroid mining, planetary mining etc. etc.

Carriers are a multiplayer thing. I have nothing to say about that as I do not care about multiplayer stuff whatsoever.

I completely agree about a good NPC crew mechanic. I think this should have been implemented before the multiplayer crew stuff. I believe this should be a priority now. NPC crews have always been part of the Elite universe. Bigger ships should not even be able to take off without sufficient crew, or they should have limited functionality.

I am against scrapping Powerplay. I like a lot of the stuff Powerplay adds to the game, but it needs work. I do believe that Powerplay mechanics should be used to enable players to create their own personal narrative. Using Powerplay only for a simplistic multiplayer landgrabbing mechanic is a waste of incredible potential. Powerplay could add incredible depth to the personal experience. I hope FDev recognizes they have something very promising here and I hope they use that potential.
Killing Powerplay completely would be a horrible mistake.

Player to player trade/donate function. I don't care about that. I can imagine the problems this might cause, but perhaps this could be resolved. I don't really care though.
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