General / Off-Topic Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is Burning

It's not necessary to be religious or french to feel very sad when watching the pictures from Paris. All it needs is a little sense for beauty and I'm sorry for all you folks who seem to be blind for it.
France has far better in terms of beauty than Notre Dame, it is as nothing compared to Lascaux.
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Seriously, they could have been inspecting the timbers, found woodworm, .. cough, "woosh".
100 million pays to rebuild the roof, 600 million left for a big party!? o_O

Maybe my mind is just too devious from all that elite I've been playing.
But even if L'Oreal found out, they can't back out now. It's genius.
They estimate the cost of the works to be around 1 billion euros.

It seems excessive to me anyway.

It will be necessary to check the bills.

Can I just say that, historical and (for people of faith) spiritual values aside, I find it... sad and comical at the same time. In a country (or even western society as a whole, nothing against French in particular) that is on a verge of economical and social collapse, where thousands of people are protesting against leadership, millions of people are on poverty level of livelihood and nothing is being done with anything, suddenly people emerge who are willing to put years of work and tens of millions Euro into repairing a burnt-down church.

That is just so... human, I guess.
This morning in the newspapers, they say that the very rich have money for the stone but not for the 3600 homeless in the streets of Paris.
I think such old massive buildings transcend their religious significance though. This for example is not just a church, it's where Napoleon crowned himself and was probably a site of significance ever since Paris first began as a city. You can imagine the generations buildings like this must have seen come and go, while staying essentially unchanged in all that time. I think it's just a coincidence almost though that religious buildings tend to be the buildings that get preserved, rebuilt if they burn or fall down. As such just are the oldest and therefore by default the most historic buildings around so even if you're not into the values that built them it's difficult not be impressed, 850 years is a long time standing. The fact that cathedrals tend to be huge doesn't hurt their charisma either.
There was also the Coronation of King Henry VI of England in 1431, towards the end of the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453), at the age of ten years. He was never recognized. Charles VII had already been crowned King of France in 1429 in Reims.

And also many other events.
And also many other events.

Another thing Notre Dame does, annually is hand over the cathedral to the British Legion, for November 11 Armistice rememberence.

There are similar stories in the UK this morning too; Millions can be found instantly for a burned cathedral but when Grenfell Tower burned down the millionaires were nowhere to be found.
So we're up to 3 quarters of a billion.

Paris is going to be swarming with Poles and Romanians for this.(Single market rules require that work be advertised EU wide, and Poles Romanians will undercut any French bidder)

Deleted member 110222

Yeah, this whole saga just reveals what's wrong with the world.

Let it burn I say. Nobody was killed.
This morning in the newspapers, they say that the very rich have money for the stone but not for the 3600 homeless in the streets of Paris.

they can use their hearts. to grind the stone from, i mean ...

All it needs is a little sense for beauty and I'm sorry for all you folks who seem to be blind for it.

oh, i do see the beauty, no doubt. this is a masterpiece!

jokes apart, beauty is in the eyes. don't be so simple as to believe you see all.
Iconoclasm; as The Church declines the remaining adherents retreat to the symbols of their lost prestige, ie; the cathedrals rendering the organisation increasingly top-heavy. As the congregation ages it becomes ever more conservative in its outlook and ever more at odds with anything they regard as 'other'.
'The cultural and natural heritage is among the priceless and irreplaceable assets, not only of each nation, but of humanity as a whole. The loss, through deterioration or disappearance, of any of these most prized assets constitutes an impoverishment of the heritage of all the peoples of the world.' (from the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention)
'The cultural and natural heritage is among the priceless and irreplaceable assets, not only of each nation, but of humanity as a whole. The loss, through deterioration or disappearance, of any of these most prized assets constitutes an impoverishment of the heritage of all the peoples of the world.' (from the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention)

I like that. Happened to see a poster earlier of something else - that took many ages to develop, can never be replaced but vanishes in the blink of an eye .. that is species of insects / the environment. Good poster I thought, maybe Notre Dame really is a useful allegory.
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