Two years today. Remember Salome - Text Cyphers

I don't know if I am being Nit picky about 29 April 3303 but did Drew Wagar post this in advance to Salome's death or was this the day he wanted to post due to the date of importance? 4 May 3303 was the day Salome was killed from what Galnet is saying.
If we're supposed to remember, what's the last thing we got from the Salomé storyline? The Teorge listening posts?

I believe it was her final speech - the requiem. For reference:

That said, the old woman Rebecca had a real hard time remembering thanks to hexedit. Spent a lot of time leaving herself clues Memento style so she could remember what she was doing against the Club. Feels like there's something there to me, but I'm not a code breaker.

I found this when looking up rot13 cypther.

What if you combne ceaser with fibonacci sequance somehow. Maybe it's a combo of value shifts.


Or use rot13 on the characters in the fibonacci sequence.

I think there were 328 characters. If you take out the 0 there are only 13 fibonacci numbers before 328. It's a little coincidental.

Or use RotFib and use Fib as the value and rotate on a 26 character map somehow. It's a lot of character but... Or only for each word as it simplifies this. Only problem is do you start at 0 or 1 or 1?

You could also just directly number shift the numbers.

Rotating with fibonacci.


eyketsoa: 0 = ezlgwxwn; 1 = fzmhyabu; 1 = fanjbfdi
icineccans: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
rhT7aamtC7: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
oloRqExal: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
aAnonVt: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
1ieso: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
iypuloe: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
tnlhboRClar: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
H17nE: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
anlI7CDsD: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
typrrhSu: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
utlnsi: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
RcemoiecL8H: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
iein i: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 = ; 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
seedteMA: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
rleEes: 0 = rmfGhx; 1 = smgHja; 1 = snhJmf
aR2rCeha: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
CiieMls: 0 = CjjgPqa; 1 = DjkhRtf; 1 = DkljUyn
eAti: 0 = eBuk; 1 = fBvl; 1 = fCwn
xstfGu: 0 = xtuhJz; 1 = ytviLc; 1 = yuwkOh
a 9: 0 = a 10; 1 = b 10; 1 = b 11; 0 = a 9; 1 = b 10 ; 1 = b 10
u dAcH1: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
9baEaaata: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
WltQui: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
IrFseRa: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
irFna: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
0rrnoLT: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
iRtealaae: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
ohrierH4isi: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
Ctord: 0 = Cuptg; 1 = Duqui; 1 = Dvrwl
Vmiema: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
oaEufnxZrP: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
4h6iim: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
w 1un: 0 = w 2vp; 1 = ; 1 = ; 0 = w 1vo; 1 = ; 1 =
yGwTsD: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
ea: 0 = eb; 1 = fb; 1 = fc
Mbsuoib: 0 = Mctwrnj; 1 = Ncuxtqo; 1 = Ndvzwvw
alt: 0 = amu; 1 = bmv; 1 = bnw
PmeiT4: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
oPoiO0nar: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
iuui: 0 = ivvk; 1 = jvwl; 1 = jwxn
itScatsai6: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
Sumsnkpe: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
minVitiDo: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
diou: 0 = djpw; 1 = ejqx; 1 = ekrz
paI6K4r: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =
nua: 0 = nvb; 1 = ovc; 1 = owd
P5lytPe: 0 = ; 1 = ; 1 =

I get the feeling that the vowel count and iterations mean we are not shifting letters but may be scrambled with fibonacci or something. It seems to straight forward.

There is something interesting about the number or characters in each word. They have a very limited set of of totals. 6,7,9,11 etc.

Got me. I suck at this.

ea: fb, gc,hd,ie(4),jf,kg,lh,mi,nj,ok(10),pl,qm,rn,so(14),tp,uq,vr,ws,xt,yu,zv,aw(22),bx,cy,dz,ea
iein i: 4 = mimr m; 10 = sosx s; 14 = wswb w; 22 = dadj d
diou: 4 = hmsy; 10 = nsye; 14 = rwxi; 22 = zefq

rn: 0 = ro; 1 = so; 1 = sp
Run through 13 then fibonacci?
diou: qvbh: 0 = qwcj; 1 = rwdk; 1 = rxem

Doesn't look like it.

Still looks like scrambled player names to me. I think it's a tribute to those who took part.

This4 tapestry8 holds5 a1 secret6.1
Palimpsests11 and3 blueprints10
While5 a1 universe8 unfolds7.1
An2 axis4 of2 dying5 light5
That4 spins5 in2 the3 black5.1
But3 alas4 I1 can3 see3
(*It's?)Its3 stars5 are3 locked6.1
For3 me2,1
I1 fear4 my2 script6 is2 lost4.1
“1In2 quoting7 others6,1 we2 cite4 ourselves9.1”1 —1 Julio5 Cortázar8

261 character.
clue is 328 or 332.

Can any cyphers increase the character count by adding over 26 and splitting into multiple characters?

This has exactly 48 words. But no double words. So, unless spaces count as a character... which they could. If so the spaces might help figure out the cypher. Odd if it's just this poem scrambled...

Maybe by the word and character count we could identify it.
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eyketsoa icineccans rhT7aamtC7 oloRqExal aAnonVt 1ieso iypuloe tnlhboRClar H17nE anlI7CDsD typrrhSu utlnsi RcemoiecL8H iein i seedteMA rleEes aR2rCeha CiieMls eAti xstfGu a 9 u dAcH1 9baEaaata WltQui IrFseRa irFna 0rrnoLT iRtealaae ohrierH4isi Ctord Vmiema oaEufnxZrP 4h6iim w 1un yGwTsD ea Mbsuoib alt PmeiT4 oPoiO0nar iuui itScatsai6 Sumsnkpe minVitiDo diou paI6K4r nua P5lytPe

13 fence cipher:

e y k e t s o a i c i n e
c c a n s r h T 7 a a m t
C 7 o l o R q E x a l a A
n o n V t 1 i e s o i y p
u l o e t n l h b o R C l
a r H 1 7 n E a n l I 7 C
D s D t y p r r h S u u t
l n s i R c e m o i e c L
8 H i e i n i s e e d t e
M A r l e E e s a R 2 r C
e h a C i i e M l s e A t
i x s t f G u a 9 u d A c
H 1 9 b a E a a a t a W l
t Q u i I r F s e R a i r
F n a 0 r r n o L T i R t
e a l a a e o h r i e r H
4 i s i C t o r d V m i e
m a o a E u f n x Z r P 4
h 6 i i m w 1 u n y G w T
s D e a M b s u o i b a l
t P m e i T 4 o P o i O 0
n a r i u u i i t S c a t
a i 6 S u m s n k p e m i
n V i t i D o d i o u p a
I 6 K 4 r n u a P 5 l y t
P e

26 lines ending in PE.. Same number of lines as letters of the alphabet... Maybe shift them according to their lines number?!

e y k e t s o a i c i n e
f z l f u t p b j d j o f

13 shift:
An Bo Cp Dq Er Fs Gt Hu Iv Jw Kx Ly Mz


With spaces: (. = space)

eyketsoa icin
eccans rhT7aa
mtC7 oloRqExa
l aAnonVt 1ie
so iypuloe tn
lhboRClar H17
nE anlI7CDsD.
typrrhSu utln
si RcemoiecL8
H iein i seed
teMA rleEes a
R2rCeha CiieM
ls eAti xstfG
u a 9 u dAcH1
.9baEaaata Wl
tQui IrFseRa.
irFna 0rrnoLT
.iRtealaae oh
rierH4isi Cto
rd Vmiema oaE
ufnxZrP 4h6ii
m w 1un yGwTs
D ea Mbsuoib.
alt PmeiT4 oP
oiO0nar iuui.
itScatsai6 Su
msnkpe minVit
iDo diou paI6
K4r nua P5lyt

30 lines ending in Pe?

13 shift:
An Bo Cp Dq Er Fs Gt Hu Iv Jw Kx Ly Mz

eemlslntlHtRlu ti rrumDaoimiKP
rrzyfyagyUgEyh gv eehzQnbvzvXC

I and I are very annoying. What idiot decided that was a good thing in character sets?! Apparently courier new font and ciphers are best friends. It should be every forums new default text!!!

Might need a different number to run it through.

Also, there are exactly 4 lines of spaces for 52 spaces in the text. This on top of 328 characters is 380 characters. That is a very round number. Too round!

Maybe if you reverse the cipher and just encrypt it... Oddly enough it's 13/26 which is perfect for shifting..

e y k e t s o a i c i n e c c a n s r h T 7 a a m t
C 7 o l o R q E x a l a A n o n V t 1 i e s o i y p
u l o e t n l h b o R C l a r H 1 7 n E a n l I 7 C
D s D t y p r r h S u u t l n s i R c e m o i e c L
8 H i e i n i s e e d t e M A r l e E e s a R 2 r C
e h a C i i e M l s e A t i x s t f G u a 9 u d A c
H 1 9 b a E a a a t a W l t Q u i I r F s e R a i r
F n a 0 r r n o L T i R t e a l a a e o h r i e r H
4 i s i C t o r d V m i e m a o a E u f n x Z r P 4
h 6 i i m w 1 u n y G w T s D e a M b s u o i b a l
t P m e i T 4 o P o i O 0 n a r i u u i i t S c a t
a i 6 S u m s n k p e m i n V i t i D o d i o u p a
I 6 K 4 r n u a P 5 l y t P e

13 shift:
An Bo Cp Dq Er Fs Gt Hu Iv Jw Kx Ly Mz


1 shift:

With spaces: (. = space)

eyketsoa icineccans rhT7aamtC7
.oloRqExal aAnonVt 1ieso iypul
oe tnlhboRClar H17nE anlI7CDsD
.typrrhSu utlnsi RcemoiecL8H i
ein i seedteMA rleEes aR2rCeha
.CiieMls eAti xstfGu a 9 u dAc
H1 9baEaaata WltQui IrFseRa ir
Fna 0rrnoLT iRtealaae ohrierH4
isi Ctord Vmiema oaEufnxZrP 4h
6iim w 1un yGwTsD ea Mbsuoib a
lt PmeiT4 oPoiO0nar iuui itSca
tsai6 Sumsnkpe minVitiDo diou.
paI6K4r nua P5lytPe

13 shift:
An Bo Cp Dq Er Fs Gt Hu Iv Jw Kx Ly Mz

e o e HFi6ltp
r b r USv6ygc
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This guy pointed out that the numbers were related to fibonacci like was hinted towards this. They had a sequence of numbers and replaced the fibonacci values and added them up to get 46...

7 7, 1, 1 7, 8, 2, 9, 1, 9, 0, 4, 4 6, 1, 4, 0, 6, 6 4, 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

13 13 1 1 13 21 1 34 0 34 3 3 6 0 3 34 8 8 3 5 = 204
8 8 0 0 8 13 1 21 0 21 34 2 2 5 0 2 34 5 5 2 3 = 174

Also, what if each number is a key using fibonacci numbers to figure out a cypher for the corresponding chunk of text?
This guy pointed out that the numbers were related to fibonacci like was hinted towards this. They had a sequence of numbers and replaced the fibonacci values and added them up to get 46...

7 7, 1, 1 7, 8, 2, 9, 1, 9, 0, 4, 4 6, 1, 4, 0, 6, 6 4, 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

13 13 1 1 13 21 1 34 0 34 3 3 6 0 3 34 8 8 3 5 = 204
8 8 0 0 8 13 1 21 0 21 34 2 2 5 0 2 34 5 5 2 3 = 174

Also, what if each number is a key using fibonacci numbers to figure out a cypher for the corresponding chunk of text?
Last time the clue was "Fi(0) SUM(10,7,5,3)" though, so the idea to use the fibonacci sequence was more or less obvious. I feel like if this is a mathematical cypher, they would hint us somehow (maybe via mythology) which is the correct formula to use.
I made a bad start here by posting on the Raxxla thread instead of here (blame Google and a similar well intentioned but misdirected post...)

I was interested by the distribution of the letters. There were 245 a-z lower case, 61 A-Z upper case, 22 digits 0-9, and 4 spaces.

There are a lot of 'words' and characters overall in the list. It was suggested this could just be player names or system names, but seems unlikely given the history. This will likely translate to a message. The word length is 6.9, much longer than the English average of about 4.5, and there are not many short three letter words. Hence the "words" to me seem unlikely to be words and we can group the strings together. Question if the carriage return is also a character to be counted or not. As there are 4 spaces within the words, do we assume that there is never a space at the end of a word (as an encrypted character) as we couldn't find it ; so perhaps the 4 spaces are a delimiter rather than a coded character.

For a text cypher that is using upper case letters and numbers, would we normally expect a more even distribution? The ratio of upper to lower case might indicate that the upper case letter is the start of a word (~4 letters per word?) Maybe the digits don't translate. A message we're likely to receive might contain a system name and planetary coordinates, although this might be messy without a way to determine minus sign or a decimal point.

It was also interesting that with lower and upper case letters, digits, spaces and carriage returns, we have 64 characters. So like a lot of other people I'm trying a lot of translation and rotation of characters. Reading backwards, or vertically. No joy yet.... From the 'Remember', and 'Hexedit', are we being pushed towards a maths cypher?
I made a bad start here by posting on the Raxxla thread instead of here (blame Google and a similar well intentioned but misdirected post...)

I was interested by the distribution of the letters. There were 245 a-z lower case, 61 A-Z upper case, 22 digits 0-9, and 4 spaces.

There are a lot of 'words' and characters overall in the list. It was suggested this could just be player names or system names, but seems unlikely given the history. This will likely translate to a message. The word length is 6.9, much longer than the English average of about 4.5, and there are not many short three letter words. Hence the "words" to me seem unlikely to be words and we can group the strings together. Question if the carriage return is also a character to be counted or not. As there are 4 spaces within the words, do we assume that there is never a space at the end of a word (as an encrypted character) as we couldn't find it ; so perhaps the 4 spaces are a delimiter rather than a coded character.

For a text cypher that is using upper case letters and numbers, would we normally expect a more even distribution? The ratio of upper to lower case might indicate that the upper case letter is the start of a word (~4 letters per word?) Maybe the digits don't translate. A message we're likely to receive might contain a system name and planetary coordinates, although this might be messy without a way to determine minus sign or a decimal point.

It was also interesting that with lower and upper case letters, digits, spaces and carriage returns, we have 64 characters. So like a lot of other people I'm trying a lot of translation and rotation of characters. Reading backwards, or vertically. No joy yet.... From the 'Remember', and 'Hexedit', are we being pushed towards a maths cypher?
I made the same bad start, when you google for a forum to discuss the Salomé picture, you find the Raxxla thread. Happens.

After trying lots of Vigenere keys and rotating letters not only ROT13 but the whole alphabet I've found nothing. I'm gonna try only the capital letters and see if that can be uncyphered with Vigenere. Probably not though.
Edit: Capital letters didn't help. Only capital letters that are NOT in the cypher are BJNUXY but that doesn't help either.
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I think I've discovered how Drew obfuscated the text to be resistant to brute forcing and also related in design to the Salome route puzzle. Its a puzzle in a puzzle, I just have to iterate over the permutations to find the correct one.
Has anyone tried a ROT -13 using the alphabet + 01234567890 backwards starting at the bottom which does start with a capital letter?

There are lower case letters, upper case, and numbers in the text, so it would have to be a..zA..Z0..9. Or could be aAbBcC...zZ0..9. In any case, I can't find an easy online tool, most of the ROT or Caesarian shift tools use just a lower case alphabet. Trying to use Excel with the hlookup function to develop a ROT script, but it's taking a bit of time.

My own attempts have been along the lines of trying to use a Fibonacci series to "pick" the letters out of the text. Unfortunately, the problem with the Fibonacci series is that the numbers get big very fast, so if the message is long, it becomes very difficult to track, for example, the 144th letter etc.

Anyway, I first tried to arrange the letters in a grid, to make it easier to count. The first few letters, 1 1 2 3 5 8 13, seem to be "eye on hq" but it becomes gibberish after that.

Then it occurred to me (while using Excel above) that T7 C7 H17 could be cell designations, and the highest number I saw was H19 (row 19) and T2 (column T), so I re-arranged the text in a block of 20 rows, see if I could apply cell references to it. In this case, all the numbers are associated with the letter immediately preceding them, to form "cell references". This "gets rid" of all the numbers in the text.

I was going to replace the cell references (T7 for example) with links ( =T7), which would make Excel put the character S in cell B1, which would change the decoded message a bit. Unfortunately A0 and O0 are invalid cell references, so that kinda invalidated the whole idea.

Anyway, posted here, perhaps it gives someone an idea.
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I do not think Drew would want it to be that complicated. He is a writer. I live with a writer and they do sort of like these things solved. FD do like tough puzzles. I feel that Drew wants his alternate mystery solved in game or out. Writers are... complicated.
Well, following the progression of the Fibonacci sequence through a block of text to pick out letters is not complicated. I was just using Excel to make it easier to count, I can go sideways one column and that's an increment of 10, see. But yeah, you're probably right.
Add the text as it is to a graph chart, then break it out the way to solve it is in the text itself. I'm rather sure I'm on the right path so I'm being a bit vague.
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Well, following the progression of the Fibonacci sequence through a block of text to pick out letters is not complicated. I was just using Excel to make it easier to count, I can go sideways one column and that's an increment of 10, see. But yeah, you're probably right.
Hey, I might not be and good work there. I feel a bit like a stamp on an idea so apologies Ko Shiji. I have no idea on the coding and I was part and parcel of the previous fun stuff in Elite. Keep looking. However, it is not Commander names. You just need to look at the numbers. They are... odd.
If I expect what things 'could' transpire then it is a message that Salome sent to herself before her mind was wiped from the Hexedit drug. Or ( if FD get's involved and umm, phoned Mr W ) a continuation of the story ingame. Unfortunately it would seem that Drew has retired from Elite. Salome is dead.
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