Obsidian Ant video - ARX: Thoughts On The New Currency And What It Means

My response to the video...

Not just, "break immersion... yeah," but to an extent undermine existing game-play and established game design philosophy. This includes things like fleet roster pics, and compelling encouragement to come back from the black to switch out cosmetics, part of the reward for the undertaking – things like the DW2 decal come to mind. You know, actually play a game instead of everything being frivolous or part of a meta grind. Not the end of the world of course, but I do take issue with it for these reasons.

Naturally, your outlook may vary.

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To be fair, there are more than just the two Elite Dangerous communities you mention. The Forums and Reddit are certainly two very big ones (I think in terms of active numbers, Reddit is actually the largest Elite Dangerous community by quite a large margin).

But there are many more Elite communities. My YouTube channel has a very active community, many of which never visit either the forums or Reddit.

The Elite Dangerous Discord is also very active

Lave Radio have a large audience and I believe their Discord server is pretty busy.

A number of the largest player groups have their own self contained communities numbering in the hundreds of players per group.

Some of the other Twitch and YouTube content creators also have their own communities which are largely seperate from both the forums and Reddit.

Then there is also the Elite Dangerous Facebook.

Elite Dangerous, like many games, has a massive thriving community that lives across many different platforms, and generally speaking, each of those communities are very different, but all equally valid.

I enjoy parts of all of them, but personally, whilst I try to check in on most of them - these forums included - most of my time is spent on my own platform. :)

Hey your perspective is appreciated, like everyones is.

So guess you got lost today and ended up talking with us riff raff then? :)
My response to the video...

Naturally, your outlook may vary.


It's like many things in Elite as the game continues to grow, develop and improve. Some of the "old ways" get left behind.

Personally, I feel some of the older elements of the game mechanics have been holding the game back. So I'm all for these changes. I can understand that not everyone will be happy about such change though.
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Important issues get traction on Reddit. "Bring back ADS" and "change paintjob breaks immersion" don't, such is life 🤷‍♂️

Wow, you're really of a different mindset. There's very few people on the forum would would consider an issue invalid because you dont want to hear it. Having said, if you 6 people didn't exist, the rest of us wouldn't have anyone to discuss the case to, so for that im grateful.

Generally providing alternatives or education is the constructive way to change course, not post animated pictures, write antagonising sarcastic responses, or complain about why you have to read every single page of a thread thats obviously making you mad.
It appears you misunderstand.

The Reddit community of 165k CMDRs - and 30k daily actives - upvote what is important to them. Minor issues don't get traction simply because the vast majority don't upvote (i.e. care) about said issues.

I'm not sure of this "6 people" you speak of (there are 15 CMDRs on the /r/EliteDangerous modteam).

The only posts that are removed are ones that break the subreddit's (or Reddit sitewide) rules, and transparency is a core feature of the Reddit platform - removed posts are visible to everyone through a variety of tools.

CMDRs are always welcome to post their constructive opinions on Elite Dangerous :)
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Any time I look at the Elite Reddit page which isnt much all I see is screenshot posts. It's Lavecon stickied post only has 99 comments while this forum has over 500 comments.

Not exactly buzzing which might explain his continued presence :D

To be fair, the forums tend to have 10 people posting 50 times each in a thread of 500 posts. Whilst Reddit has 60 unique posters in a thred of 99 posts.

That's not exact figures, but it's a genuine point. I'm sure someone could get the acctual figures.
Any time I look at the Elite Reddit page which isnt much all I see is screenshot posts.
I'll be happy to help you :)

Currently on /r/EliteDangerous' frontpage we can see:

In order we have:
  1. Social media chat
  2. Elite-related artistic work using Kerbal Space Program
  3. Advert
  4. Screenshot
  5. Roleplay discussion
  6. Screenshot (with roleplay discussion)
  7. Elite-related artistic work using paint on canvas
  8. Video review of the Vulture ship
In my experience Reddit is a total echo chamber and nothing I've seen on the Elite sub makes me think any different about that.

I quickly skimmed the sticked lave con post and somewhat surprisingly there is no negative comments regarding Arxe that I could see.

That could mean everyone loves its implications or that those against it (I happen not to give a toss either way) are downvoted to oblivion or just dont bother with reddit given its upvote/downvote system is a popularity contest.

There acctually is very little criticism against ARX. There's been a few concerns expressed in the hundreds of unique comments on my videos, but overall it isn't many, and extremely few serious concerns. Same deal elsewhere on the Internet.
To be fair, the forums tend to have 10 people posting 50 times each in a thread of 500 posts. Whilst Reddit has 60 unique posters in a thred of 99 posts.

That's not exact figures, but it's a genuine point. I'm sure someone could get the acctual figures.

If you look at the details its not how it appears on the surface.

The bloat only happens in response to a very specific response, being told your opinion should be dismissed or some similar rude overture. There are many cases where instead, people have started a discussion on the counter argument. These often get a gracious response agreeing to be different, or in the best a really good discussion on the details of the argument. The specific type of troll feedback, masquerading as some sort of frontier developments mouthpiece, which immediately brings the guns out and its on.

Also since upgrading the forums, that argument that some people have used in the past has pretty much fallen over. Every post now has a log of all the people who approve, and you can very quickly come to see if its just a few vocal people or if its getting broader agreement. These days, you have a greater proof of validity if you need that.
There acctually is very little criticism against ARX. There's been a few concerns expressed in the hundreds of unique comments on my videos, but overall it isn't many, and extremely few serious concerns. Same deal elsewhere on the Internet.

Just to Godwin the thread...

There aren't many negative comments about Hitler on neo-nazi websites, but that doesn't mean opinion is universally favorable.

People gravitate towards fora where they can interact with people they agree with. Echo chambers are a thing.
Not exactly a hotbed of discussion is it.
338 comments in just the top 7 different discussions of the past 22 hours is very nice to see.

The subreddit overall receives around 1000 comments per day across all posts.

Btw go check out the top posts for the past month and count how many screenchots and crap memes are there :D
Sure thing, here you go:

  1. Custom art for discussion of ship size
  2. Meme about Neutron and White Dwarves
  3. Screenshot meme about in-game chat
  4. Photo of a CMDR decal on car
  5. Advert
  6. Meme
  7. Co-pilot photo
  8. Co-pilot video
  9. Meme
  10. Screenshot
Not bad, only two out of the top ten are screenshots, and three are excellent memes ;)
Just to Godwin the thread...

There aren't many negative comments about Hitler on neo-nazi websites, but that doesn't mean opinion is universally favorable.

People gravitate towards fora where they can interact with people they agree with. Echo chambers are a thing.
Agreed. This is also perhaps why minor issues have much more prominence here on the forum - a minimal number of people is required to keep the same topics/opinions in focus whereas in larger, more active, more varied, Elite communities, said opinions quickly get drowned out.

As you correctly say: niche, sometimes controversial, opinions find appeal (echo chamber?) in the smaller communities where they can prosper.
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11. News Article
12/13/14 Screenshot
15. RL image
16. Sale
17. meme
18. screenshot
19. video
20. Rl image
21. lego
22/23/24/25 screenshot


Its the r/gaming of the Eliteverse.
It's awesome to see isn't it: CMDRs enjoying the game and its content, and wanting to post about their enjoyment of it :)

/r/Gaming has 23m subscribers and 8k comments per day, an excellent comparison :D
It's like many things in Elite as the game continues to grow, develop and improve. Some of the "old ways" get left behind.

Personally, I feel some of the older elements of the game mechanics have been holding the game back. So I'm all for these changes. I can understand that not everyone will be happy about such change though.

Trigger's Broom. It's had 17 heads and 14 handles, but it's still the same broom he's had for all these years.
If you keep changing the game it stops being the game you thought it was even though it still carries the same name.

Trigger's Broom. It's had 17 heads and 14 handles, but it's still the same broom he's had for all these years.
If you keep changing the game it stops being the game you thought it was even though it still carries the same name.

Very true, and this happens to a lot of media, including book series, TV shows and movies.

But sometimes this is a good thing. Keeping the same old broom just means it will eventually be worn out and useless.


It's like many things in Elite as the game continues to grow, develop and improve. Some of the "old ways" get left behind.

Personally, I feel some of the older elements of the game mechanics have been holding the game back. So I'm all for these changes. I can understand that not everyone will be happy about such change though.

ARX isn't one of them though.

We can already pay for stuff we need in direct and discrete amounts, especially for the little stuff. If I want a piece of kit worth 2.50, I just pay 2.50 through my credit card. Nothing less, nothing more.

Now we have to potentially buy ARX at fixed amounts that are larger than what we may need for little purchases, and then have excess ARX leftover which goes to waste.... or have to buy more, just to "finish it off". Just a deficit for us, really.

I don't care about the part for "earning" ARX, because we know it will be a trickle that most of us don't have the time to grind for if we want something now.

It would have been OK if this was the system from the start. But to implement it halfway in a game's life makes it seem like FD has decided to use a stored value card system to hold on to our money first.
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