The Star Citizen Thread V10

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Indeed...if I had persistence with in game credits, I'd be flying an Idris by now...
I did test the 3.7.1 and there is persistence of the in game credits. The problems i mention in my post (that the previous poster didnt read, obviously) are there still.

Persistence is not related to new patches database wipes: these are normal process for a pre-alpha. Persistence a game mechanics, and it's in there, if i relog now i'll find my credits that i had when i logged off.

Good stuff. Once those pipelines are finished i'm pretty sure they will be adding new systems at a rate of 1 per week!
Quick napkin calculation gives me 2 full years to reach their initial but revised multiple times goal of 100 systems at launch, IF they can sustain that insane rate. Given they are doing a kind of procedural generation that consists of fully creating 3D assets and placing them manually i highly doubt it's any close to reality.
I did test the 3.7.1 and there is persistence of the in game credits. The problems i mention in my post (that the previous poster didnt read, obviously) are there still.

Persistence is not related to new patches database wipes: these are normal process for a pre-alpha. Persistence a game mechanics, and it's in there, if i relog now i'll find my credits that i had when i logged off.

Quick napkin calculation gives me 2 full years to reach their initial but revised multiple times goal of 100 systems at launch, IF they can sustain that insane rate. Given they are doing a kind of procedural generation that consists of fully creating 3D assets and placing them manually i highly doubt it's any close to reality.

Indeed, even if they could pump them out at a rate of 1 a week it would be 2 years. Let's assume instead a less optimistic but slightly more realistic 1 per month, and its 8 years! And even that is unlikely considering CR will want fidelity.

But try having that discussion with one of the faithful...
Delayed, delayed, delayed.
The only things not delayed are the pointless scope-creep “seemed like a fun idea at 3am after binge drinking” ideas.

Given their ability to accurately predict when things will be ready, all that SQ54 stuff now slated for Q2+ 2020 is unlikely to come out in 2020 at all, so there goes the come-hell-or-high-water beta release for that year. I guess it's time to update the development time chart to suggest SQ54 might come out in 2022 instead. :D
Pff. So many false claims. Like “it looks great, and there's a whole bunch of content” — obviously the whole thing is untrustworthy. :p

/r/sc is in full defense mode over the article.

The poster has been dismissed as a troll, declarations that the whole site is not worthy because of their ads and layout, and of course dismissial of claims made.

Comments section hasn't really got into full swing yet, but i expect an appearance from Blobbers to tell everyone why SC is good.
SaltEMike (Twerk) is doing an interesting series (and apparently Bored Gamer is doing the same). Starting from a basic package and seeing how it goes from there, so no using any purchased ships or anything else like that, only what they can earn in game.

I true SaltEMike to provide a more balanced view than BG, so i'll keep an eye on this series.

The big question is, can he earn a decent ship and outfit it before the next wipe!
I watched SaltEMike on Twitch this morning and he wasn't doing any more earning of credits in his org because of the wipe. Perhaps he'll start again with 3.8.
Two anecdotes from this evening at the funny farm and experiences with two different types of free fly/new backers. The first is probably the most on with it.

Random newbie 1 entered the chat by asking how he killed ppl ( I hate text speak), he was in a big station thing with a gun and he could't pull it out and randomly shoot passers by. I offered "Hold backspace mate."...a few seconds. "Hey butthead, I died.." I replied.."Well, you're ppl aren't you?" That kinda ended the deep and meaningful part of conversation right there.

Random newbie 2 asked relatively sensible questions, tried a couple of missions, lost all his in game cash. When I asked if I could help out by replacing it he said he didn't mind working for it by learning from his mistakes and he was good. I found out later he's a long time Elite player so not that new to grinding a bit from a Sidey...if any of us can pull from our often jaded memories what that was actually like the first time.

Being mightily impressed by his cheery determination to grind it out, and since I skipped that experience in SC by buying in with larger ships... I spent the rest of the evening kinda like Mike did in his video, riding as a passenger on his Aurora MR just tagging along pointing out a few hints and tips along the way. A most enjoyable evening all in all.

I should add that he's well aware of SC's pitfalls and negatives having followed it's dubious progression for quite a while... he's also aware that any and all progress may well be wiped with a major or point patch. He even refused trial runs in some of my smaller ships, like the Cutlass, to look at possible upgrade options in the future. "Nope." he said, "I'm doing this from scratch come what may. I love what's there but I'm not paying or freeloading for the privilege."

Admirable...but a bit too late for me I fear ;)
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That's all very nice and all - but when can we expect handbags?

Bah, handbags. Where's the soap? Is there going to be fidelity? Has the (in)famous "drop-the-soap" scene been mocaped, with all kinds of potential players? THAT is what the average SC player should be all fired up about. ;)o_O

Edit: Sigh. "fidelity" appears to be a tough word in the morning, at least for me. I managed to foul up its spelling completely. Nice job there. :D
Bah, handbags. Where's the soap? Is there going to be fidelity? Has the (in)famous "drop-the-soap" scene been mocaped, with all kinds of potential players? THAT is what the average SC player should be all fired up about. ;)o_O

Now now, we cannot have soap until the following systems are online:

  • Melee system (being worked on)
  • Bounty hunting (being worked on)
  • Law enforcement system (tier 1 implemention active)
  • Incarceration system
  • Soap interaction system
  • Shower system
  • Prison gang system
  • Prison fight system
  • Fetal position crying in a corner mocap

When all those are applied we can have full fidelity drop-the-soap action with shower combat action and post shower dramatic scenes.
The poster has been dismissed as a troll, declarations that the whole site is not worthy because of their ads and layout, and of course dismissial of claims made.
Comments section hasn't really got into full swing yet, but i expect an appearance from Blobbers to tell everyone why SC is good.

While i think certain things in the article are not straight up comparable most is factually correct.

A lot of hyperbole and speculations mixed in but overall he is not wrong.

10. Cannot really be disputed.
09. Cannot really be disputed
08. Is completely wrong since the most expensive ship they sold was the limited ship that cost 2500 USD (not sure that makes it BETTER...)
07. Cannot really be disputed
06. Cannot say i remember this one but im sure there was an outcry about it.
05. Whales spends money, who would have thunk it (also, i seriously believe that CIG did believe that no-one would spend insane amount of money on game packages)
04. Well, this is not even a maybe, it's pretty much confirmed and it's not merely voice acting, it's full performance capture a'la Avatar.
03. Also already confirmed since everything is done from the first person view and they even made specific animations for it to make it work
02. Yea, correct, anyone who buys in on a kickstarter and high-risk project should not believe they get their money back. It's like giving money to gas prospectors and be surprised they spent the money when they did not find anything (the very thing the money was needed for)
01. Yea, good question. Still waiting for that hail mary patch or two that shows off all the work 500 people are doing but there IS progress, visible snail pace but still progress.
Now now, we cannot have soap until the following systems are online:

  • Melee system (being worked on)
  • Bounty hunting (being worked on)
  • Law enforcement system (tier 1 implemention active)
  • Incarceration system
  • Soap interaction system
  • Shower system
  • Prison gang system
  • Prison fight system
  • Fetal position crying in a corner mocap
When all those are applied we can have full fidelity drop-the-soap action with shower combat action and post shower dramatic scenes.
I'll buy soap to feed it to the Infidels that spread Untruth about Star Citisnt
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