Colonia On The Brink of War

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Over the course of the conflict so far, the advantage has been with SECD's coalition, who have pushed the Nameless out of control of Earth Expeditionary Fleet and No Look Here Gang out of control of Pennsylvania, without losing control of any of their own assets.

At the moment it's looking fairly even in the obvious conflicts - SECD haven't yet been able to push the Nameless out of Union ... while in Hephaestus while the Nameless were able to start a proxy conflict, SECD have won the first day.
Fake news.
I mean, anarchy is being promoted by us in Colonia. You're not wrong there.

The tired little gotcha that you're trying to use is cute though.

I‘m not trying to use anything.
I just thought it was funny to read anarchist complaining about encountering anarchy/lawless behavior. I might be missing the finer details of the situation in Colonia and a lot of RP that is probably going on there.
Looks like everybody there has fun. That‘s good.

(I think it‘s cute that you think it‘s cute that I pointed out the thing about anarchy ;)
Believe me when I say no one in our group is surprised to see SPEAR being hypocrites. We're just pointing it out to illustrate that they are a.) not lawful and b.) petty enough to travel 22,000 ly out of their way just to sit in supercruise and wait for one guy.
To be fair, they don't wait for one guy, they simply blow up everyone with his squadron tags, even people like yianniv who are as much a noncombatant as you can be in Elite.
High value assets from Unit One are on our way out to help the Reapers and the Nameless, please pm if you know of any ferries. See you shortly chaps. o7

All help is welcome! I've been blown up a couple of times and it really hurts!

I have flown a Corvette to Colonia before. It was a mission and by the end I was wishing I had just paid the transfer costs!

Getting a ride on a Fleet Carrier is definitely the best way to get any combat ships here!
Yeh gonna try to find a fleet carrier that's leaving soon, it's half an excuse to go to Colonia, and also to do some pvp. I do like to fight for the underdog and I want to preserve Colonia's identity, the Reapers have earned the right not to be steamrollered by a bunch of bgsers.

Might even take my own carrier. I know it's weight dependent but is there a rough number of tons that has come out as being what you need to get to colonia? And it's about 50 jumps, right?

edit: I heard it's about 18k...that's a lot of tritium given the current state of the game, maybe I'll wait for a lift :D
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Yeh gonna try to find a fleet carrier that's leaving soon, it's half an excuse to go to Colonia, and also to do some pvp. I do like to fight for the underdog and I want to preserve Colonia's identity, the Reapers have earned the right not to be steamrollered by a bunch of bears.

Might even take my own carrier. I know it's fuel dependent but is there a rough number of tons that has come out as being what you need to get to colonia? And it's about 50 jumps, right?
From the bubble 45 jumps I had to pick up a fighter from the Crystal Shards about 10500T trit but if you load your biggest hauler with trit and if you have shipyard any one travelling with you does the same it doesnt count as cargo weight and is more economical

Google spansh for route planner it will give you all the stats you need
I just thought it was funny to read anarchist complaining about encountering anarchy/lawless behavior.

One of the core philosophies of anarchism is the idea that I rule no one and no one rules me. Part of criticizing SPEAR comes from that.

High value assets from Unit One are on our way out to help the Reapers and the Nameless, please pm if you know of any ferries. See you shortly chaps. o7

Whoa! Good to see you again, dude. Things are getting pretty wild up here. More the merrier. :)
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