Good morning, first of all congratulate you on the incredible job you did with this game, it is something fascinating.
Well, I am writing to give you an idea that would make all the users of this game happy, I suppose you will have received many messages asking for this, but I will give you an alternative, I propose that you include the mosasaurus in the game, this animal would be a revolution for the game since it could include a field separate to the game that would be the aquatic animals.
Well, my alternative so that you guys don't waste your time including this in your game would be to include the mosasaurus along with an extra dlc in the game, either in Dr. Wu's dlc or in an exclusive dlc for the mosasaurus, I think it would be a very good way to take the game a little further and all users would be 100% happy with the game.
This same dlc could be put for 5, 10 or even 15 dollars (if it includes more things apart from the mosasaurus since otherwise it seems a bit excessive 15 dollars) users would pay it SURE since it is something that everyone has left with the desire that the mosasaurus comes out in the game.
Thank you for having read my message and if you decide to carry out this project you know that it will make the entire community happy, I would be happy to help you by giving you ideas if this were to happen, thank you very much.
Would need to be it's own DLC and either a change to an existing island or a new one with the lagoon prebuilt with the stands to house them as currently it wouldn't fit the existing buildings and most islands.
An attraction similar to the aviary would be cool. Something that brings in $ and visitors and really ups your Island rating. Also, during a breakout, any dinosaurs or roaming guests will get eaten by the Mosa if they get too close.
if this happens then we should be allowed to make deeper water dinosaurs should be allowed to swim in deep water. compies and humans literally run under water and thats weird even pz animals go and swim in water...
An attraction similar to the aviary would be cool. Something that brings in $ and visitors and really ups your Island rating. Also, during a breakout, any dinosaurs or roaming guests will get eaten by the Mosa if they get too close.
and dinosaurs should actively avoid the mosasaur lagoon
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