A possible way to inspire people to play in Open

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I really don't think that "idea" is going to go down very well. That's a play mode more or less like a private group that agrees not to kill each other. I 'kin hate the pointless murderhobos who attempt to gun you down without so much as a "howdy neighbour" but I think they were always intended to be part of the game.
The key word was unarmed ship...

PvP is still very much a thing, but you can't kill an unarmed cmdr.
There should be a chivalry meter,the attacking player should be informed they are engaging in an unfair fight and such behaviour is frowned upon by the local authorities,failure to comply results in death.
Why inspire people to play in Open? I mean, Open can be great, but those modes in the games are just part of the game.
Open is no holy grail or better than the other modes. It's just one of the choices when logging in.
Also: I see a mega-thread coming. :D
Honestly, this thread was a bit of a troll. There are some who think Powerplay should only be in Open. That's because they want easy targets with no consequences. So this idea was to enable their goal of getting people into open, but to attach massive consequences to their desired gameplay.
Oh, we're here now. I hereby bestow the Golden Deja-Vu Award.

my idea how to deal with ganker threath in open and motivate people to play in open is:
killing rogue commanders should be VERY profitable/motivating. this would form some protector groups and gankers would double think about it. motivate/reward also escort ships (or give an option to hire NPC wings in non-SLF ships for credits (or credit share from a mission/s)). there should be some way how to track and hunt down rogue commanders. also dont lose cargo if destroyed and rebought.
on the other hand, rewards for going rogue should also be tempting.

this would make the whole concept of player crime and punishment more interesting tho.
my idea how to deal with ganker threath in open and motivate people to play in open is:
killing rogue commanders should be VERY profitable/motivating. this would form some protector groups and gankers would double think about it. motivate/reward also escort ships (or give an option to hire NPC wings in non-SLF ships for credits (or credit share from a mission/s)). there should be some way how to track and hunt down rogue commanders. also dont lose cargo if destroyed and rebought.
on the other hand, rewards for going rogue should also be tempting.

this would make the whole concept of player crime and punishment more interesting tho.
yes, i agree. good C&P system would be cool and engaging for both sides,
But there is nothing to expect from who has no idea what gameplay to add to, for example - ship interiors, or not brainless looking at plants while exploring
No-one. I unilaterally and intrinsically award this award whenever I fully recognise the thread content correspondence with the multiverse of other threads. I hold off if I see anything original of course.

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