
  1. Timpraetor

    Ships A discussion segment for ship designs?

    I've now reached the point in-game where I have a stable of various ships and one this I've noticed is the compartment capacity inequalities. For instance, a Beluga and an Orca BOTH require a large pad, but the Orca is hamstrung in available Optional compartments. As I look through many of my...
  2. hs0003

    High Capacity Railguns?

    Has anyone experimented with high capacity rails yet? Does it grant double the amount of shots per reload like it hints at? What about with plasma slug (which now gets a heat reduction on railguns), does it drain twice the fuel on reload? Or does it double up on fuel consumption?
  3. M

    Mats not respecting the 300-->250-->200-->150-->100 rule?

    Just do a selection filter based on grade and you will see that some of the materials have a "wrong" max capacity. Is it "normal" or is it a bug? I also saw a thread just after 3.0 dropped in which some players complained that their over 100 capacity was lost after performing rolls at an...
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