
  1. SovereignWinter

    Vulture to Beagle Point

    TL;DR – I took a Vulture to Beagle Point, Sagittarius A*, Colonia, and Hutton Orbital as a tribute to those still on patrol in their Vultures. Ship Type: Core Dynamics Vulture ID: DSV-73 Name: Scorpius Build: From 2020.03.21 to 2020.04.23 I took a Vulture on a journey...
  2. SovereignWinter

    Viper MkIV to Beagle Point

    TL;DR – I took a Viper MkIV to Beagle Point, Sagittarius A*, Colonia, and Hutton Orbital as a tribute to those still on patrol in their Viper MkIVs. Ship Type: Faulcon DeLacy Viper MkIV ID: DSV-46 Name: Leo (SRV: Callsign Regulus) Build: From 2020.02.09 to 2020.03.20 I...
  3. G-Dubya

    Come Here 4 3 Anaconda at Proxima Centauri

    There is a carrier that is exchanging hutton mugs for free Anaconda. Its called ‘Come Here 4 3 Anaconda L34-VBL’ I was just there a minute ago and got mine ! I have attached a photo to prove this is the real deal ! Get going Commanders ! o7.
  4. SovereignWinter

    Viper MkIII to Beagle Point

    TL;DR – I took a Viper MkIII to Beagle Point, Sagittarius A*, Colonia, and Hutton Orbital as a tribute to those still on patrol in their Viper MkIIIs. Ship Type: Faulcon deLacy Viper MkIII ID: DSV-51 Name: Lynx Build: From 2019.12.31 to 2020.02.08 I took a Viper MkIII...
  5. SovereignWinter

    Imperial Courier to Beagle Point

    TL;DR – I took an Imperial Courier to Beagle Point, Sagittarius A*, Colonia, and Hutton Orbital as a tribute to those still on patrol in their Imperial Couriers. Ship Type: Gutamaya Imperial Courier ID: DSV-30 Name: Crux (SRV: Callsign Acrux) Build: From 2019.11.30 to...
  6. SovereignWinter

    Imperial Eagle to Beagle Point

    TL;DR – I took an Imperial Eagle to Beagle Point, Sagittarius A*, Colonia, and Hutton Orbital as a tribute to those still on patrol in their Imperial Eagles. Ship Type: Gutamaya Imperial Eagle ID: DSV-06 Name: Ara Build: From 2019.10.25 to 2019.11.29 I took an...
  7. SovereignWinter

    Hauler to Beagle Point

    TL;DR – I took a Hauler to Beagle Point, Sagittarius A*, Colonia, and Hutton Orbital as a tribute to those still on patrol in their Haulers. Ship Type: Zorgon Peterson Hauler ID: DSV-66 Name: Pisces Build: From 2019.09.24 to 2019.10.19 I took a Hauler on a journey to...
  8. SovereignWinter

    Eagle MkII to Beagle Point

    TL;DR – I took an Eagle MkII to Beagle Point, Sagittarius A*, Colonia, and Hutton Orbital as a tribute to those still on patrol in their Eagle MkIIs. Ship Type: Core Dynamics Eagle MkII ID: DSV-88 Name: Vulpecula Build: From 2019.07.11 to 2019.08.05 I took an Eagle...
  9. SovereignWinter

    Adder to Beagle Point

    TL;DR – I took a Adder to Beagle Point, Sagittarius A*, Colonia, and Hutton Orbital as a tribute to those still on patrol in their Adders. Ship Type: Zorgon Peterson Adder ID: DSV-87 Name: Volans Build: From 2019.05.27 to 2019.06.26 I took an Adder on a journey to...
  10. SovereignWinter

    Sidewinder MkI to Beagle Point

    TL;DR – I took a Sidewinder MkI to Beagle Point, Sagittarius A*, Colonia, and Hutton Orbital as a tribute to those still on patrol in their Sidewinder MkIs. Ship Type: Faulcon DeLacy Sidewinder MkI ID: DSV-86 Name: Virgo Build: From 2019.03.29 to 2019.05.22 I took a...
  11. Aasgard

    For the Mug!

    Just been on a 2.4m mission to Hutton Orbital and picked up my free Anaconda. Where's a good place to sell my mug?
  12. F

    Elite Dangerous Friend List - Brasileiros e Portugueses

    Olá pessoal, Por mais que eu queira usar o jogo como ferramenta para melhorar o meu inglês, nada melhor do que conversar livremente na língua nativa. Agora com a possibilidade de criar Listas de amigos dentro do jogo estou fazendo este Post para encontrarmos o maior número de pessoas que...
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