
  1. I

    General Odyssey Suggestion, SRV options

    On Maslow's famous hierarchy of needs, there is one that must be addressed. Above the need to evade taxes, is the need for any form of speeder/hover bike to use while on a planet. I am aware that this idea is ripped straight from star wars, and frankly I dont care. I just wanna blaze through a...
  2. mewapewa

    can i be teleported to HIP 13044?

    i just want to know what there is and just being teleported sometime frontier wants, i mean i won't record any video or anything if you guys don't like i do it, seems to be epic.
  3. S

    Add Comets, Oort clouds, and other new shiny stellar phenomenon?

    I love the galaxy in Elite, but I always wished there was just a little more to the asteroid belts, planet rings and other non-planetary bodies out in the black. I think it would be fun to add comets that travel from system to system, maybe even some large enough for small ships to land on, or...
  4. CaptainCaboose

    Mining SLF(Pretty please FDEV)

    Here's the ask: Mining SLF's, multi-crew capable, to assist with utilizing the new mining features. Each SLF should have limited combat capability(using a mining lazer), or simply no offensive capabilities at all and simply chaff for escaping. The SLF would be able to scan the rocks and...
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