Patch Notes Update 2.4 The Return - Update 2.4.03

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Brett C

Greetings commanders,

At 11AM BST (30 minutes from this posting!), we will be taking the Elite Galaxy servers offline for 30 minutes for update 2.4.03!

Below are the changes and fixes for this update.

Companion API

  • Fixed ship prices sometimes not being returned from /shipyard


  • Implemented a fix to stop factions trying to invade during an expansion when they already had a conflict pending


  • Fixed the "Switch" button on the fighter orders menu not disabling when the cockpit canopy is breached

General Fixes & Tweaks

  • Updated some translations

Holo-Me Creator

  • Removed the ability to Undo / Redo while a player is not on the top level of a tab in the Holo-Me creator to prevent a store exploit


  • Fixed an issue whereby all Barnacles in a system would appear in the Navigation Panel after scanning just one


  • Fixed the Vent button for the refinery failing to do anything with the hopper


  • Fixed Engineer invite missions not spawning in certain systems
  • Fixed some incorrect text strings that appeared in certain Assassination mission inbox messages
  • Fixed an issue where only massacre missions were spawning instead of rank missions
  • Ensured that Salvage missions contribute to the Exploration career


  • Fixed an issue that led to Thargoids flagging up as allied in certain cases


  • Fixed an issue where previewed decals could remain on the ship after exiting the livery section

Player Journal

  • Fixed an issue with control characters remaining in the ReceiveText of a journal message


  • Fixed the motion effects appearing fainter than they should be when flying through space


  • Fixed Thargoid encounter UI statistics
  • Fixed some stored ships being unavailable through shipyard

Imperial Clipper

  • Fixed an issue with the Docking Computer being unable to dock

Stability Fixes

  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when at Resource Extraction Sites
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur if the player disconnected while loading in to a Multi-Crew session


  • We now update a Commander's subscribed to community goal data in the Transactions tab every ten minutes, allowing players to keep track of the results on the fly


  • Fixed the missing lens flares on plasma accelerator shots
Thanks but can these notes be posted BEFORE the servers go down telling us to check the forums for details.

They were. 28 mins notice on the forums and it was posted at 10:37BST on Twitter. Not much I agree but in most cases it's enough to plan around it if you are currently in-game EDIT: and of course if you are in-game you should get the warning in-game.
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