[Horizons] List of all neighbouring surface ports and outposts.

On my hunt for neighbouring planetary bases I have explored every planet and moon with at least two planetary outposts/ports. Here are the results:

The distances between bases are the distances shown by the game and not the circumferential distances. I may have missed 0-9 pairs in the range of 400-700 km, but all pairs under 400 km should be on the list. I also kept an eye for settlements and recorded any relevant pairs I could find. While the lists for settlements are incomplete, I'm planning to eventually complete one involving planetary ports. I'm also planning to do a similar run for the Odyssey bases.

There are some simplified comments on scenery and terrain around some bases, and these will need to be revisited when Odyssey lands. Around most bases the terrain is rather bland and uneventful, hopefully that changes with Odyssey.

Some observations:

  • Max persistent surface objects per body is 9 (unless there is a body with 8+ settlements somewhere). There are only two such bodies, which can be found in systems HIP 2422 and 49 Arietis. Planets/moons with 8 objects are quite ubiquitous on the other hand.
  • Max dockable surface stations per body is 4. Also very common.
  • Max planetary ports per body is 1.
  • Max planetary ports per system is 1, except the following systems which have 2 surface ports:

Epsilon Scorpii
Gliese 1272
HIP 8396
HIP 10050
HIP 41308
HIP 115501
HR 827
HR 8526
LHS 274
LP 211-12
LP 863-19
LTT 11478
LTT 17817
MCC 460
NLTT 9949
OR Delphini
V902 Centauri
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