A few glitches I've run into

Hi! I just wanted to post some problems I've encountered, I know the devs are working their booties off on things.

Refund Glitch - Already posted about by another person

Keepers not feeding animals - Already posted about by another person

Animals climbing things are said to have "escaped"-
My Siberian Tigers, Snow Leopards, and Red Pandas (I don't have any apes yet but I wondered if it'd happen to them too)
all trigger alarms whenever they climb on trees/climbing racks. Even though they are completely within their habitat.
What I've tried to do to fix it, is just rebuilding or replacing the climbing racks, moving trees around, re-building habitat boundaries.
It does not show up with the habitat heat map, shows there are no escape points.
Once they come down from their climbing place, they aren't considered escaped anymore.

Keepers getting stuck in pathways-
This happens both underground and above ground. Keepers get stuck on a piece of path and I have to manually move them. Usually its on junctions with small exhibits. I've redone pathways, made more room in the caves, and tried giving them a raised platform to walk on, and I still struggle with them getting stuck and not feeding the animals.

Litter everywhere- I don't think this is a glitch but even with 12 caretakers and a trash can every 6 meters I still get lots of litter. I've hired a few extra security but it doesn't seem to do much unfortunately. It's just a small quality of life complaint.

I think the game is wonderful and is everything I ever really wanted from a zoo game, I can't wait to see more stuff and possibly aquarium exhibits some day. Thank you Frontier!
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