A Glimmer of Hope

Honestly, the game is working fine 'ish and I know others stick with horizons but personally I don't see the reason anymore. Odyssey has added so much more to the experience for myself but there is room for improvement which I totally agree on. I am not a fan of FPS but love being able to walk around stations. I just hope you can sit down at the bar and on the seats around the station at some point in the future.
I think that is a good summation of the situation. Today, I came across an article on some MMO site about the current state of Odyssey. In the article, the reviewer wrote that eight patches brought a modicum of improvement to the framerate (he admits to running an old rig) and while he did find some enjoyment in the on-foot aspects, he currently is sticking with Horizons because he finds that space-based gameplay superior to the FPS content. When I read that, I thought to myself: "Umm, you can enjoy the space content in Odyssey all you want. There is no requirement that you ever have to leave your ship!" I think the writer's PoV is typical of a lot of Horizon's players: they are so angry about the launch debacle and the fact that Odyssey didn't include the content they wanted (which almost always boils down to no VR support for on-foot gameplay, and the lack of ship interiors) that they are determined to hate Odyssey no matter what.

I completely agree about being able to sit down! :LOL: What is it about space games and being able to sit in a chair? NMS had the same problem for years until they finally added in that simple action!
When I read that, I thought to myself: "Umm, you can enjoy the space content in Odyssey all you want. There is no requirement that you ever have to leave your ship!" I think the writer's PoV is typical of a lot of Horizon's players: they are so angry about the launch debacle and the fact that Odyssey didn't include the content they wanted (which almost always boils down to no VR support for on-foot gameplay, and the lack of ship interiors) that they are determined to hate Odyssey no matter what.
And some are determined to hate any criticism of Odyssey no matter what. ;)

If you are only going to play the Horizons bits anyway, then there are currently still quite a few good reasons to start Horizons instead of Odyssey. Lighting being a big one, let's see how much Update 9 improves in that area.

Simply calling everyone haters is such a lazy dismissal.
And some are determined to hate any criticism of Odyssey no matter what. ;)

If you are only going to play the Horizons bits anyway, then there are currently still quite a few good reasons to start Horizons instead of Odyssey. Lighting being a big one, let's see how much Update 9 improves in that area.

Simply calling everyone haters is such a lazy dismissal.
"a lot" is obviously more than two but not neccesarily "everyone. "
But that is standard fare for this forum (no doubt others also) one person often emotes an opinion in a manner that it is representative of all 🤷‍♂️
I agree.

But Zoe decided to ignore my point and discuss semantics instead.

I think it was reasonable to assume that people would understand I was using a phrase and that I didn't mean to say somebody literally walks up to every single person on this planet to call them a hater to their face.
I agree.

But Zoe decided to ignore my point and discuss semantics instead.

I think it was reasonable to assume that people would understand I was using a phrase and that I didn't mean to say somebody literally walks up to every single person on this planet to call them a hater to their face.
These are still trying times in regard to the game in general, responses are occasionally (often? ;) ) not wel considered.

FWIW, I understood your comment properly (y)
I think that is a good summation of the situation. Today, I came across an article on some MMO site about the current state of Odyssey. In the article, the reviewer wrote that eight patches brought a modicum of improvement to the framerate (he admits to running an old rig) and while he did find some enjoyment in the on-foot aspects, he currently is sticking with Horizons because he finds that space-based gameplay superior to the FPS content. When I read that, I thought to myself: "Umm, you can enjoy the space content in Odyssey all you want. There is no requirement that you ever have to leave your ship!" I think the writer's PoV is typical of a lot of Horizon's players: they are so angry about the launch debacle and the fact that Odyssey didn't include the content they wanted (which almost always boils down to no VR support for on-foot gameplay, and the lack of ship interiors) that they are determined to hate Odyssey no matter what.

I completely agree about being able to sit down! :LOL: What is it about space games and being able to sit in a chair? NMS had the same problem for years until they finally added in that simple action!
If it seems to you that the majority of players have a viewpoint that you consider wrong, it is entirely possible that it's your viewpoint that is what you would call unreasonable. People aren't hating Odyssey because they think it's "cool" or something; it's because there's lots there that is justifiable to dislike.

If anything, it's concerning that you are still trying to argue against any criticism of Odyssey even 7 months later when there's more than sufficient evidence of the still-ongoing issues with it. Might be hard to believe, but most regular gamers don't really enjoy having to put up with 7 months of glacial "improvements and fixes" for what was advertised as a finished product, and blanket-labeling them as just "haters" is so short sighted.
Currently I have a huge Bounty on my head and due to a bug I am unable to pay my fine. Its a well known bug. Yet not fixed. I am unable to play nevertheless.
If one has a fine in EDO and some notoriety, it has been suggested that logging back into EDH will permit getting rid of the fine in an Interstellar Factors (without the fine issuer faction being present in the system, probably).

I've not tried it myself, Notoriety, bounties and fines are commonplace the way I play.
The only unclearable fines I have had were Interstellar ones - and they vanished when I went to EDH (didn't even pay them off). Some say you can clear them in EDO but life was too short.

The only reason people can't play due to C&P is because they don't know what they are doing, and refuse to take advice - pretty common around here :)
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