A look back at last year

Just another critical post towards frontier (with the hope, or not ,that they can read it and reconsider their words), made from the respect and love / hate I feel for the game, name the sections in which you think the game has improved since September last year, and it has gotten worse.
Personally I stopped playing around those dates disappointed, and I picked it up again this year, first in June and then a month or 2 ago, and what I accuse the most, I flicker in supercruise, cz, fps drop, and log out every hour or so. Around this time last year, my game was much better.

This is what they said, do you think they have complied? https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/community-update-22-10.527123/
I can't see anything improved.

Please spare yourself your unconditional love for Frontier and be honest, I like the game too, but it could be so much better.
Maybe your issues are somehow related to your hardware?
Just a possibility because I haven't seen lots of complains about the issues you mentioned. It could always be Frontier's fault (or, more likely, T.j.'s)

Anyway, my issue is that there are still no news about cockpit cats (although we know they are secretly working on it since 2012).
Every game could be so much better, if the developers listen to me and only me and build the game exactly how I want it.

What?? I'm not talking about what I would or would not like, just what they said. Didn't you get to read the last part of my message? God,all you are incorrigible, as much as the last 5 or 6 patches, how lazy to enter a thread to always answer the same people with airs of moral superiority or useless answers and that have nothing to do with it.

Maybe your issues are somehow related to your hardware?
Just a possibility because I haven't seen lots of complains about the issues you mentioned. It could always be Frontier's fault (or, more likely, T.j.'s)

Anyway, my issue is that there are still no news about cockpit cats (although we know they are secretly working on it since 2012).

I dont think so
What i remember for last year:
  • breaking Megaships/Installation hacking when introduced ... starter zone in January (dafuq :ROFLMAO: )
  • breaking Research limpets on thargoids (the hitbox of samples are destroyed so easily when an interceptor turns to scan it)
  • radio silent for weeeeeks
  • unfinished FC release after 2 years and a half of "working on it"
  • mining destruction instead of just lower the prices of commodities...
  • stranded FC in the void for a month or two, "solved" by filling up FC tanks... but what if it was already full 🤦‍♂️
  • no tritium at all in Colonia for weeks
  • supply/demand economy
  • players hurring up to stations to get tritium at 4k/t
  • announcement of the announcement of Odyssey
  • announcement of Odyssey (logic, it has to came at a point)
  • no VR nor ship interior for Odyssey

Good point: Galnet and CGs are back.

What did i missed? :unsure:
What i remember for last year:
  • breaking Megaships/Installation hacking when introduced ... starter zone in January (dafuq :ROFLMAO: )
  • breaking Research limpets on thargoids (the hitbox of samples are destroyed so easily when an interceptor turns to scan it)
  • radio silent for weeeeeks
  • unfinished FC release after 2 years and a half of "working on it"
  • mining destruction instead of just lower the prices of commodities...
  • stranded FC in the void for a month or two, "solved" by filling up FC tanks... but what if it was already full 🤦‍♂️
  • no tritium at all in Colonia for weeks
  • supply/demand economy
  • players hurring up to stations to get tritium at 4k/t
  • announcement of the announcement of Odyssey
  • announcement of Odyssey (logic, it has to came at a point)
  • no VR nor ship interior for Odyssey

Good point: Galnet and CGs are back.

What did i missed? :unsure:

Thank you, this is what I mean.
A whole year of complaints with reason, but there are people who still do not see anything strange or that the game is in a worse state.
But they are not able to name an improvement, instead ...
apologies for going away from thread, but where is your avatar from?
looks so familiar, a garth ennis graphic novel?
Looks like Old Boy
apologies for going away from thread, but where is your avatar from?
looks so familiar, a garth ennis graphic novel?

It is a drawing of a fragment of the film Oldboy, the original from South Korea. (It is based on the manga of the same name) This in turn is part of three other films in a series called "revenge trilogy", the 3 films are different from each other and are about revenge stories, but none is what it seems. This seems to me the movie with the craziest ending you can imagine.
A very old boy too. Quite crusty and unpleasant, almost hobo in appearance.
the guy has been locked in a room for 15 years for no apparent reason .

Edit: but it is not only that ... while he is kidnapped, he watches on television how he is accused of the murder of his wife and daughter, and they prevent him from committing suicide, they only keep him locked up for 15 years ...but he learn to fight .
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Thank you, this is what I mean.
A whole year of complaints with reason, but there are people who still do not see anything strange or that the game is in a worse state.
But they are not able to name an improvement, instead ...

Well of course sometimes it's a case of two steps forward and one back, but here is a list of the improvements since Sept 2019.

Here is the link
because it's a massive amount of work and too long to copy directly into this post.

So yes, I think they have complied and have clearly fixed a few bugs and introduced the betas.
I don't pretend it's perfect, and could be picked apart, but it's certainly no worse for me than a year ago.

Nostalgia is not what it used to be.
Thank you, this is what I mean.
A whole year of complaints with reason, but there are people who still do not see anything strange or that the game is in a worse state.
But they are not able to name an improvement, instead ...
I don't know, some of these things are either incorrect, fixed or stupid. Why is the announcement of Odyssey negative?
the guy has been locked in a room for 15 years for no apparent reason .

Edit: but it is not only that ... while he is kidnapped, he watches on television how he is accused of the murder of his wife and daughter, and they prevent him from committing suicide, they only keep him locked up for 15 years ...but he learn to fight .
One of my favourite movies.
Well of course sometimes it's a case of two steps forward and one back, but here is a list of the improvements since Sept 2019.

Here is the link
because it's a massive amount of work and too long to copy directly into this post.

So yes, I think they have complied and have clearly fixed a few bugs and introduced the betas.
I don't pretend it's perfect, and could be picked apart, but it's certainly no worse for me than a year ago.

Nostalgia is not what it used to be.

no, but I have read all that and it is what they have published ... but do they really fulfill it? The most I remember is the arrangement of pieces of asteroid and limpets that disappear inside the rock, they published several times that it was fixed but it continues to happen. I mean things that you can experience that have been an improvement.
Personally I stopped playing around those dates disappointed, and I picked it up again this year, first in June and then a month or 2 ago, and what I accuse the most, I flicker in supercruise, cz, fps drop, and log out every hour or so. Around this time last year, my game was much better.
Maybe your issues are somehow related to your hardware?
I dont think so
Well, maybe you don't think so, but you don't know so
and I, for example, don't have those issues, so maybe that's something on your end?
Update your drivers, check your internet connection and maybe try port forwarding. I don't know, just do something to make sure the fault is not on your side.
I don't know, some of these things are either incorrect, fixed or stupid. Why is the announcement of Odyssey negative?
For me it has not been negative, but neither has it been positive, something that was expected for this year.

On the other hand, their sudden way of announcing it in the middle of a total chaos of updates and patches, if that seemed suspicious to me, a way to divert attention, and they have succeeded,call me what you want.
Well, maybe you don't think so, but you don't know so
and I, for example, don't have those issues, so maybe that's something on your end?
Update your drivers, check your internet connection and maybe try port forwarding. I don't know, just do something to make sure the fault is not on your side.
I'm pretty sure because I regularly play another games (lately CODwarzone with 150 other people) and not once has there been a crash.
Even my connection got better going from adsl to fiber optic since last year but I didn't even have a hang with adsl.

I keep getting errors from this or that ship in the disconnects, there are a lot of threads about it, at least on PC.
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