A rennaisance for the DBX?

Giving the DBX a C5 slot would probably render the AspX almost completely redundant as an exploration ship.
That's a very good point. But, once we get space legs of any description, there may be another reason to buy an Asp.

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The DBX is slower at scooping, true. I usually have to spend a little more time circling the sun.

It's being trapped in a washing machine that is my problem with it. The Asp Explorer is a much happier ship for me to fly, personally. I just lose ten light years of range. Also, the Asp Explorer is a much more flexible ship.

Now, if I could just get my Cobra 4 past a forty light year jump...without Guardian grind.
I had a DBX and swapped to an AspX.. Made a dud upgrade to a FDS and realised I was stuck a long way from anywhere with no jump range and the wrong blueprints pinned. So I foolishly stripped it down to maximise jump range and headed for an FSD engineer.. Found myself stuck in the middle of nowhere with severe module damage including a non-functional FSD. So I self destructed and took a starter Sidewinder, which lead me back to my DBX..

It's partially engineered with a 40ly range loaded, I still need to do some shield work and balance out the weapons load. I like to explore, but I also like to be able to defend myself - I'd like to get a lick or 2 in should I ever meet a non NPC ganker..
Don’t have much time - so:
Love the DBX
think refueling of the FCs will be more effective in a medium sized ship - all is better in a medium sized ship akkording to FDev (it seems)
I like the DBX - VW Bus comparison, part of the reason why I like the DBX
C5 scoop would be nice, and I know how to scoop with a DBX
if done right there is no need to stop for refueling
If DbX got a C5 slot, I'd probably end up just putting a C5 guardian FSD booster there. Other than that, I'm happy with the DbX as it currently is.
think refueling of the FCs will be more effective in a medium sized ship - all is better in a medium sized ship akkording to FDev (it seems)

Just to be clear, I'm not suggesting a DBX would be useful for refuelling a Carrier - just that it'd make a good scout-ship, for flying ahead to locate a good system/planet for refuelling/restocking the Carrier - without taking up a medium/large pad.

I guess a Hauler/Adder might also work but the DBX is king of the small jumpy ships.
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I used a DBX in the past as an exploration ship and as an illegal mission courier. It jumps far, with an srv, and can stay in silent running for quite some time.

I agree, it takes a lot to scoop fuel. But it's part of her character for me. Without that she would be perfect.

Every ship must have it's downsides i guess
Come on mate, fair suck of the sav :D Even you, a diehard DBX fan has to agree that scooping fuel is like trying to scull a beer by drinking it through a straw. Yeah you will eventually finish but you will be so peed off at the end it won't matter lol
Not as good as the beluga with a 6a scoop and 128 ton fuel tank
But it can do 10 jumps on that tank. If you downgrade it to 64 tonnes you'll get a similar maximum range to the smaller ships and increase the unladen jump range.

And it will refuel faster than the DBX.
Im saying its good that the tank is that big, like everything else on the beluga, i love it
I still think the DBX could turn out to be a popular ship for people to station on their Carriers, though, cos it's usable for scouting out jump destinations without taking up a large/medium pad.

I think the DBX may already be a rather popular ship overall. I for sure wouldn't take a carrier anywhere without it (*).

I myself love it, it's my goto ship for travelling, scouting for new locations to set my new home base (then transfer the other ships), I love it for farming materials on planets, for guardian ruins and doing the 1700ly hop to the crystalline farming sites. And it's also one of my favorite small ships to fly regardless, which make sit not only extremely convenient for all I just described, but also makes it a joy as well.

(*) We still don't know if the number of ships we can take on a carrier is tied to the number of pads, for all we know the ships may "disappear" into the infinite storage once docked and left behind allowing for any number of ships to be taken aboard (*2). The number of pads may be about just having other people docking in the carrier in mind, not so much as a hard limit of parked ships.

(*2) We still don't know for sure if we can take more than one ship to a carrier, even though it would be daft not to (*3)

(*3) On the other hand, it's FD, they have a tendency to always find a way to create weird inconveniences on something that could be awesome (*4).

(*4) But for some reason I am strangely cautiously optimistic.
as an explorer who hated the asp I really wanted a c5 slot, and I do know how to scoop with it, it runs so cold it's easy to max your scoop rate extremely fast...but it still takes too long. As opposed to the other "premium" explorers who can basically scoop for the duration of fsd cooldown and be good to go.

I actually like the phantom enough that it doesn't bother me anymore, but it'd still be nice. :)
as an explorer who hated the asp I really wanted a c5 slot, and I do know how to scoop with it, it runs so cold it's easy to max your scoop rate extremely fast...but it still takes too long. As opposed to the other "premium" explorers who can basically scoop for the duration of fsd cooldown and be good to go.

I actually like the phantom enough that it doesn't bother me anymore, but it'd still be nice. :)

The DBX has been pretty-much my "daily driver" ship for the last couple of years.
It's not especially useful for the easily-defined gameplay such as trading, mining or combat but for simply getting around and seeing what's out there it's brillient.
It's also a tough little ship, which comes in handy if you screw up on a high-g planet or attract trouble in the course of anything you're doing.

I say that to provide a bit of perspective cos, as an exploration ship I think it currently holds 4th position, behind the Annie, Phantom and AspX.

It's kind of banging the same old drum but there's currently not a lot of use for small ships.
We're told there's 8x large pads, 4x medium and 4x small on a Carrier.
Seems like there's a lot of different roles for large and medium pad ships but what small-pad ships are people going to dock at a Carrier?
Maybe an iEagle or Viper racer or, possibly, an iCourier for CG lulz?

Seems like the DBX could become a common fixture on Carriers for use as a Scout vessel when navigating the Carrier, in preference to the AspX/Phantom, which'll take up a medium pad or an Annie which'll use a large pad.
In the same way there's been a LOT of interest in T9/T10 mining builds this year, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a renewed interest in the DBX next year, as people start to understand how to operate a Carrier.
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