add SLF pilot to ship couch

It is a very popular idea.
Many players would love to see it, and on this matter even the most hardcore Solo-only and Open-only suppoters, as well as white knights and doomsayers tend to agree!

Also, congratulations for being the first to open this thread this week! 😁
(Please don't take it in the wrong way, it's all good fun!)
I explore alone, well me and my thousands of tons of fleet carrier, huge market, repair shop, equipment shop, refueling stations and etc......but apart from that, I explore alone :ROFLMAO:
So much yes! There are three slots currently. Either FDev should remove the slots or implement something with sense! Currently I have two elite NPCs and one is ranking up. If there are four seats in the cockpit in the near future they could inhabit them.
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