Alone in the Dark

This is the start of an autobigraphical, rambling thread, describing what I'm doing, how I got here and anything of general interest I discover on my travels.
If you're not interested, please ignore it.

It is written as 'in game' as possible, and the only moans are of a 'Janitorial mumblings about "the $%^&& Government"' nature - no Dev/Bug/Game moaning from me.
I've been piggybacking on other, similar threads, but I'd like to branch out on my own in the Forum too.

I've been around since the beginning of this adventure and, like most of you, I started in a Sidewinder.
Life moved on, and I first grew my ships and then I grew a small fleet.
I was ticking along nicely - nearly a Billion in the bank, various ships both small and large - but I didn't really have a lot to enthuse me. I did my exploring early on, and mining was tedious.
Then the FC's were announced! I immediately saw an opportunity - but I had no means to take it (5 Billion?). I realised that, if I wanted to have an FC (and I DID!), I was going to have to earn it ...
I started with Painite, moved on to VO's and then we opened up Borann. LTD's. That was both fun and fast-moving - and very lucrative. I got to 6 Billion between the initial announcement and their first delivery. During this phase I discovered SSDM's and I now carry them everywhere - I had used SCL's before, but I quickly got better. And a 4-mining laser Corvette (with all the other kit) makes a GREAT strip-miner if you've got the power (and the limpets).

I was going to cash in my unwanted assets, buy an FC and tootle off into the darkness. I had a theory that I could FC-jump, discover (and earn) and then mine for fuel and funds (collectable later, when my hold's full), and gainfully exist in the process.

To test this theory, I took a full tank of fuel (and the same again in the hold), a UC service (non-negotiable requirement for this approach) and my fleet, with spare modules for flexibility. I had already filled up on materials of all sorts, and I knew I could get raw ones out there ...

3 jumps later (a jump being from arrival in a new sector, c500Ly away, to having earned enough to cover my rent and gas (with more if desired) and being ready to jump again.

1 or 2 exploring sessions of 1-2 hrs has been sufficient to get enough UC credits to pay the rent, even without many first-discovery's as I'm close to the bubble. Tritium mining using single HS's (all I found in the first 2 jumps) took a little while (I used my Python as yields were smaller and I don't like schlepping to fill a giant hold!) My third jump however ...

Because I was testing, I deliberately started from my first jump out, so that I was in a position to high-tail it back for neccessary fine-tuning.

I'm pleased to say that the overall approach is entirely viable. I hear that Tritium distribution may be variable in different regions, and I haven't been far enough to confirm that, but I think that I can carry enough to carry me over a 'bad' patch if necc.

I'll start with my 3rd Jump in the next post - got some tasty HS's to show :)

I hope you'll enjoy sharing my journey. However you travel through your life.

I was just finishing off for the day, tired of exploring and scanning and mapping and ... when I found a goody!
On an icy ring of an icy planet, tucked far from the sun ... Sifi AY-J c9-8 5 B Ring : Hotspots! Example (too many to show all)
Tritium is blue, VO's are red and LTD's are green. (I'm not an artist and this is my first screenshot). There's a Double HS of each, with a decent Tritium overlap on the double VOs.
I decided to call it a day here, and called in my carrier.
I am pretty certain I can do well here, and it's a sensible nursery, so I'm going to evaluate the effects of the different overlaps whilst gaining high-value cargo and fuel in the process.

I had to check the Double Tritium first, and was pleased to find the same sort of makeup as the one I'd been mining in before leaving ... most rocks have Tritium, and 30+% is not exceptional. My Corvette filled up in the double Tritium before I finally finished for the evening, so rent and gas are paid-for now. Everything else is a bonus.
A shame there's no double LTD with a Tritium overlap as LTD's and Trit seem to play well together.
I'll try the VOx2+Tri later, with my python as I expect this to be more scrappy than strippy. I'm hoping that the Trit will show up as SSDs but we'll see ...
I'll have to do the double LTD to check out whether Trit appears there too.

I've been meaning to start FA-Off mining - my Corvette is a little sluggish for the frantic SSD/Core mining (although it works), and I'd like to see what a difference can be made.
I'll use my time here to practice as it's a perfect nursery for the different types (and there's plenty of other stuff for comparison).

I'll be busy here for a few days I think - but I'm ready to go at any time.

All going well

Investigated the Double LTD HS today.

Took my Python (194t cargo) and had a snake of a time! There and back twice with a full hold (and no limpets) each return - 90% LTD and 10% Trit both times.
I find the Python to be extremely agile (now I've got used to it), and I enjoy throwing it around a spinning 'roid to get the angles. I'm now a dab hand at using vert/lat thrusters rather than just the main engine. [MUST DO FA OFF]
I tend to mainly prospect the bright ones when LTDing (tho' sometimes a grey one catches my eye), and I'll always stop and mine whatever is minable.
Each trip, I found about 10 LTD cores (2 I found at once which made reading the Contacts tab a bit difficult - all those fissures!).
Multiple SSDs of both LTD and Trit.
Tip: Keep checking the contacts - I've often found that, even tho' the Prospector report doesn't look exciting, it catches Surface and SSD's in the contacts.
A decent amount of LTD and Trit to be had via lasers as well, but the yields weren't great - I do find it hard to ignore anything above 10%. I'll concentrate on the target material more I think. I enjoy laser mining too, but the Python is not quite right for a full-on general mining rig.
I had to eject 50 limpets (from the 150 I had taken), which is high - means a good cargo/limpet ratio, and hence fairly dense returns.

Verdict (based on a sample of one!) :
Double LTD HS's give a decent return, and provide access to all 3 types of mining in a single trip.
I'd recommend a dedicated Core/SSD miner for these, although lasers can be used to pick up a bit, they're probably not necc for good returns.

I'm going to try the 2xVO+Trit next - want to see whether :
a) VO's are as frequent as LTDs in their respective HS's
b) whether the Trit content is higher with the Trit overlap
I hope they're both true - the former especially.

I tend to do a 'trip' in 1-2 hours - decent window for playtime.
There're no NPC's out here, so I can just check out and come back anytime. No problem having a few cargo in the hold.

I think I might have a problem with my reticule! The targetting brackets for the fissure/deposit sometimes disappears, and doesn't re-appear, at least for that 'roid, even when switching target. Not sure if it can be repaired, so I'll have to live with it I suppose. Makes it interesting when you have to guess ...

I also realised yesterday that I had been completely ignoring the advanced aspect of the FSS! I had looked at it when it first came out, found it confusing, and not relevant at the time, and then forgotten it. I had been wondering why I didn't get the 'system completely mapped' message evrery time I finished scanning all the bodies I could see in the System Map! This is something I NEED to use better.

I now have 2 major projects ahead to allow me to live in this way more effectively - work out the FSS and use FA off - my days ahead are filled with joy.

Moved on now.
Turns out the VOx2+Trit was a complete bust. Swanning around tagging everything that glowed netted me 2 Cores - which only gave about 3 a-piece.
Shame, because the HS's are pretty much concentric - the centres are only 4Mm apart - so I'd hoped that that would up the yields. I dropped in between them, set my dest to the Trit HS (thought I'd check if I got some here as well). Nada (well, occasional single-digit yields of Trit).
I tried that only once, but I didn't feel it was even worth re-trying for consistency.

Verdict :
Double VO's (even with other 'salt' are not worth bothering with.

Overall from this Jump, I've learned that Double Trit/LTD are good.
LTD and Trit mix up nicely, so a good LTD double is worth looking for Trit too - multi-mode-mining.
Double Trit's are great for stripping.
I want to find Triples of either of the above (and VO's 'cos) - the rest I shan't worry about.

Moving on ...
Random jump done - nowhere particularly. Wanted to try out the FSS for this one - it's obviously crucial, and I've only just realised I don't know enough ...
Whole new world(s)!
When I first went exploring, many lives ago, I jumped and honked and looked about (if I wasn't in a rush). Later, I heard about the newer tech, but I hadn't twigged just what it meant ... and I was doing other stuff.
A whole new learning curve (I do like those :)
This jump is my FSS-learning bit.
This is crucial to 'doing' exploring of systems.

Practiced with an apparently empty (apart from 3 BIG stars) system, when I jumped in. Initial honk said lotsa bodies, and I couldn't see them on the system map. Hunt on!
Probably the oddest interface I've ever seen! I successfully found all the bodies - went from 5% to 100% - but I don't think I've got the hang of it yet.I wish they'd asked me first - but, anyway, getting the hang of it...
Bagged my first system!
Totally pristine. Totally rubbish TBH, but a few HMC's and an IcyRinger - all unclaimed. Had to be done. I saved the IcyRinger to last - just in case it had some whacky HS's (none!)
Contented dreams of 'my' system with all the resources I need.

NM. I've only just started, and have no intention of settling down.
I've bookmarked that one as the first I've got first-discovered and first-mapped on every body! Probably shan't do that again (bit weird really), but it's made me smile :)

Jumped back to carrier in 1 (just HAD to UC that system) - I forget how easy it is to 'pop back to the carrier' when you're using eco-jumps - even when you've done 20+ systems on the way. I'll jump back there to re-start my exploration stage (lots of biological signals that I'd like to work out) ... and be happy that 'this one's mine!'.

Pre-discovered systems are becoming fewer now (c2000Ly out), and I've taken M-class stars off my route filter (too boring). Star-types seem to go in phases, so I think the filter is one to tweak depending on where I am?

Now I know I need to use the FSS properly, I'll play with that for this jump - looking for IcyRingers for gas/LTD's and anything else of interest. After the Bio signals.
I have/will, indeed keep going, thanks.
I've been praticing with the FSS. Another deep-level thing. I hadn't realised the depth and complexity. Last time I went exploring, it was jump, honk and scoop - because nothing else was interesting.
I've been travelling away from the bubble, and it took me a while to understand the 'system scan complete' concept. Spent a lovely time, slow hopping, and fully scanning each system I found. Then mapping the interesting ones in the system - especially if they hadn't been discovered (getting more of those now)
Just past the rent-day, and I've earned more than enough to pay it already ... and I haven't found any Trit yet for my next jump - 150 is all I need to 'pay back'.
15-odd systems (cherry picked from 20-odd travelled), 14M credits. I Trit HS. 5 WW and 2 Terraformables.
Unsurprisingly, undiscovered systems are profitable.
Even more happily, for me, is the pleasure of seeking out the deepest parts of the system in detail and then checking the good bits out.
Rent paid and no pressure anyway.
Happy travellin'
Have a fun and safe journey. I've gone to the bottom of the galaxy and found some interesting and not so interesting places out in the cold dark night.

FSS rocks! I believe I am now qualified to call myself an aware grasshopper! I know I don't quite know enough ... but I know enough to learn more :)

Last trip was good, but disappointing. Again, 20-odd systems with an agenda - discovery, HS's, is it useful/profitable?
I still think there's something about the 'last object on the right', cos the ones with rings seem to have icy ones :)
20-odd systems, mostly undiscovered (and I followed the above mantra to 'see' them all). Got equivalent 'well done's' - but only 3mill Cr.
I'm happy with the experience, but I realise it's not all 'credits on trees'.
HS : 8 with Trit, a good few LTD's and VO's - but nothing special.

I'm going to have to change tack now - I haven't earned enough fuel to leave yet ... but I think I'll just take a dip into a Trit HS to reload (and see what the dists are like in random singles - I try not to stoop so low) ... and move on.
I'm gradually adapting my ruleset for this lifestyle. Basics are 'rent/gas'. I now know that I am able to generate enough of these to keep me in business - I have the knowledge/credits/oomph!
To move on, I've set myself a target - cover costs before leaving ... but I've got loads of buffer there after a prosperous life :)
If that doesn't do it, I'll just take another step or 2 out and try again - I now know that this lifestyle is sustainable!

I'm going in a gentle spiral inwards - enjoying the change in star-types and distribution. It's going to start getting denser soon ...
... might switch lines and go around ,,,

Big galaxy

Very relaxed period this, Found SIFI (still do) boring. Decided (again) to remove M's from my wish list (earners, but not interesting). Got a LTDx2 early, but nothing else of interest. Did a coupla runs (I said relaxed) on the LTDx2 w my Python - might tweak it more for Laser/SSD (Cores less so, but ...) Got a fair amount of Trit while grazing. Happy to see my LTD-count rising.
Corvette into single Trit - slowish, but nimble for SSD's. I've chosen wrong mountings for the precision hardpoints ... SSDM needs to be in the right place||
Rent n Gas sorted (Trit reserves rising, and treasury filling - albeit slowly).
Jump On!
After another laid-back time, I got notified that my ship's software had been updated ... and that all my observations on HS's were history! I did my usual jump;explore routine (getting further out now and more virgins on the block). Spotted a TRIx2 and thought I'd micro-jump and try there for a while - check out the SW ... and FA-Off. I needed the gas to replenish from my last jump anyway.
Almost concentric double Trit HS. Sifi JU-N b49-2.
Rubbish! If I'd worked this particular HS before, I'd be able to compare properly but with experience of a number of these :
Tritium is very sparse among the rocks - 220 limpets used, with a fair few of them of shiny rocks. 10 rocks with Trit : 5-8%, and 8 with S/SDs. 2 hours for 69T of Trit. Vast majority of rocks had no Tri at all.
Now I'm a bit concerned as my model for survival is under threat - I'm not sure I'll be able to earn my keep, and it's not fun when I do. :-(
I'm not going back to check the other doubles I've seen, but I need to find a LTDx2 before I give up.

Does anyone know a way to revert my scanner software update? The dratted thing has been life-changing ... for the worse.
Sad now.

I've just come back from a pleasant morning's work. TritX2 HS. Almost 0 laserable Trit in grey or shiny roids. Shiny roids have (S)SDs a-plenty tho'. I'm glad I went back in my python - she's designed for skipping around the roids. Filled up in a couple of hours (not rushing ... I don't). Mainly SSD's.
FA-off is coming on - almost balletic now!
I'm re-tooling for the new software - drop the mining lasers, double up the SSDMs (I can reload on-the-fly, but I prefer to save my Tungsten) and the Abrasion blaster. I regret not having a spare 3A collector - I'd like to use a 5A Prospector and 2x3A collectors as the yields aren't as frantic as lasering. Have to stick with 3A Propector and 5A collector for now.
This one session refueled me, with a bit extra, and I've already paid the rent this week, so I now have the choice of leaving or mining a bit more. If I do the latter, I think I'll skip a few stops (just move on) to get further out, so it seems sensible to top up in preparation.
More mining is in order I think (I have a full tank and 1500 in the hold - started with 1000 in the hold, so my earlier worries are now allayed ... I will survive!

Thought I'd let the dust settle a bit on the fuel front, and see what transpires.I don't need to go anywhere 'now', or need more creds.
I can earn my rent (and more) looking around, and I don't need fuel to do that (although I've got plenty anyway). All good.
I decided to make a few skips further out and explore from there.
I've taken it easy the past few days, noseyed out a bit (actually not very interesting round here), found a few good earners ... and not a lot of materials.
I was happy with a 24M payout for a bit of casual sightseeing.
Will top up the tank next - found a ring w Trit, LTD and VO hotspots ... next to a ring with Benitoite (crystallised tuna?). I'll go fishing.
It'll be a nice change of pace, although I do like the new FSS software : last time I went exploring, it was 'head-down to the next star til you get there and don't forget the neutron fields'.
I'm looking forward to dipping in to all 4 of the above hotspots tomorrow.
Brilliant succinctly written thus far. Of the learning curve most of us are amidst or look towards..whichever this post is just fab.
I think alot of cmdrs will relate to you @Nightjar
I tip my hat.
And please'll make noob mandatory reading.
Long day! I started hopefully with my strip-miner in the Tritium HS. Got 1 LTD core and 2 VO cores ... and about 50 Trit. Used 400 limpets.
Decided to try the same approach with the LTD HS. This time I took my core-miner (with auxilliary lasers). 2 LTD cores ... and about 50 Trit. 150 limpets. Much nicer for dancing with the roids tho'.
Benitoite wasn't any better - 1 core with 4 tons.
Finally the VO's. Pretty much the same as the LTD HS.
Single HS's aren't much use really - or my software is missing stuff that's there. It's still possible to survive, but it's not as much fun.
Scatter-gun approach for prospecting nets the Tritium almost everywhere.
I think I'm going to use my core-miner for now.
I've parked up next to an LTD/Trit HS.
Enough for today - I've done enough to make it feel successful, so I'm happy to chill.
Spoiler : I know. (and thanks peeps).
This is a RL/in game monologue.
I'm just reporting how I'm going with my approach to 'all of that'.
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