An honest question about the two most popular space flight sims

What do ED and SC have to do with most popular?

Well, they're certainly the two most popular for the integrist fan base that still believes there are no other space games for some reason. It's obviously horse manure, and it's even debatable if either ED/SC even qualify as a space simulation considering the fundamental gameplay decision to go with speed limits and ww2 combat, but go figure...
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Dont know how old that saying is but even our ancestors knew that something real was better than something not real. Who first wrote about the dog with a bone seeing his reflection in the river?

Thats getting a bit old now, about 5 years too old, wait until it comes out and then say it is going to kill ED, not sure why both cant coexist but hey ho.

A Ponzi Scheme uses new funds from investors to pay out 'interest' to old investors. Eventually it runs out of new investors. Some can go for months, some for years and some for decades even, depends how much money and greed the investors have.
A Fraud is a scheme designed to defraud, thats its intent.
A car crash is when someone thinks they can drive or tries to show off by doing too much and it all goes wrong. Once they lose control its almost impossible to regain it until its all over and the debris is everywhere. Then its about picking up the pieces. Letting the same driver back behind the wheel after they prang 4 parked cars probably means theres going to be a major crash down the line.

Apples and Lemons.

What of that description do you think doesn't apply to SC? The interest is the partial game and new investors keep buying thousand dollar concept are hoping it will be a ship someday.
Well, they're certainly the two most popular for the integrist fan base that still believes there are no other space games for some reason. It's obviously horse manure, and it's even debatable if either ED/SC even qualify as a space simulation considering the fundamental gameplay decision to go with speed limits and ww2 combat, but go figure...

Arcade sims, although not as arcadey as NMS, but hey ho. How much sim do you want in your sim?
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