Modes And this is why the modes have to go away?

I hear it time and time again... the player named or just chosen NPC faction that some chose to support is struggling and they blame all modes but their own and the modes have to die because they can't play the BGS..


We lost... From Power Players to BGS, to who knows what the Bacon Cats are no longer control anything and are near the bottom of the run in the system we asked for the faction to be created in.

People didn't cheat to drive us to extinction, they played the game, interacting with the BGS and PP and we lost, we are not gankers, or really combat pilots and not involved heavily in PP anyways, but our system was enveloped into one. We trade and explore mostly, delivering the goodness of Cubeo Razorback Bacon from our distribution center.

Is it PP's fault? No

Is it the BGS's? No

Who's fault is it? Well no one's. People played the game and while we worked happily in our little system others saw it as a PP battleground *shrug*. Why blame them. We tried to counter but were overwhelmed.

We may no longer control a system, but we live on... hey maybe we will get another system someday.. or maybe the NPC faction we got named will vanish from the game who knows.

Yet this is why some say the modes need to go away... that we should (even with how few of us there were) see all who come and go.

No we shouldn't have and no the modes don't need to go away.
And even if you all had been in open, as the defenders your hands would've been tied PvP wise. "Defending" your faction via PvP is functionally identical to attacking your faction via PvP. Furthermore, time spent "patroling" the system in the vague hopes of encountering an actually hostile player is time spent not actually defending your faction via PvE. Finally, if the attacking group were actually competent at BGS manipulation, you killing a hostile player would benefit them more than simply allowing them to complete their incoming missions in the first place.

A BGS contest is purely a matter of the amount of PvE activity. A group with a lot of time on its hands will generally overcome a group with little time on its hands. There are things a time poor group can do to even the odds a bit, but that requires the time rich group to be fairly ignorant of how the BGS works. You shouldn't rely on that as a BGS strategy.
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If CMDRs wanted to help the Bacon cats out, what should they do?

Head over to Priva (Bcats original home system) and do some of their missions. :)

I have been a very bad Bcat, and haven't been that way in a while, but might head over there next week and see what's going on. (I'm assuming that is the system they are still in. For a time they expanded to two or three other systems, and that was simply too much for the few CMDRs trying to support them to deal with.)

And Mouse is spot on. Frustrating as it was to see Bcats influence impacted by what we believed was simply PP influencing attempts and nothing at all to do with the local BGS, frankly I doubt that those doing it even realized they were affecting a small player supported faction. Certainly no reason to suggest they were doing anything underhand, and as Darkfyre99 rightly says, and what we all knew and know, it's PvE that moves the BGS, not PvP. :)
Like I said in those threads before.

TL;DR git gud scrub and lern 2 PvE proper instead of trying to kill another player just because they simply exist. This isn't DayZ in space.
I hear it time and time again... the player named or just chosen NPC faction that some chose to support is struggling and they blame all modes but their own and the modes have to die because they can't play the BGS..


We lost... From Power Players to BGS, to who knows what the Bacon Cats are no longer control anything and are near the bottom of the run in the system we asked for the faction to be created in.

People didn't cheat to drive us to extinction, they played the game, interacting with the BGS and PP and we lost, we are not gankers, or really combat pilots and not involved heavily in PP anyways, but our system was enveloped into one. We trade and explore mostly, delivering the goodness of Cubeo Razorback Bacon from our distribution center.

Is it PP's fault? No

Is it the BGS's? No

Who's fault is it? Well no one's. People played the game and while we worked happily in our little system others saw it as a PP battleground *shrug*. Why blame them. We tried to counter but were overwhelmed.

We may no longer control a system, but we live on... hey maybe we will get another system someday.. or maybe the NPC faction we got named will vanish from the game who knows.

Yet this is why some say the modes need to go away... that we should (even with how few of us there were) see all who come and go.

No we shouldn't have and no the modes don't need to go away.

And even if you all had been in open; Ja, all had to matter in Open.

Nein, to take sense away from you. Nein. No matter which mode your on. Nein, to not matter anyway, any way modes matter.

Get yourself serious

Mouse. Frontier is not up to its own creation.

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Frontier failed.

Failed to get PVP into and out of modes.

You love this. A Galaxy, a play ground. Liberty and opportunities.

Choices. Made.

Why is PVP meaningless?
Like I said in those threads before.

TL;DR git gud scrub and lern 2 PvE proper instead of trying to kill another player just because they simply exist. This isn't DayZ in space.

Um... I don't pvp and if you had read you'd understand that your statement makes no sense. And we did PVE properly.. but things happen and someone has to be the losers... which was us. Yet some will try to take things like what happened to us and use it as an excuse to advocate the modes go away... which is wrong.
And even if you all had been in open; Ja, all had to matter in Open.

Nein, to take sense away from you. Nein. No matter which mode your on. Nein, to not matter anyway, any way modes matter.

Get yourself serious

Mouse. Frontier is not up to its own creation.

I apologise, I'm not following what you are trying to say.
Um... I don't pvp and if you had read you'd understand that your statement makes no sense. And we did PVE properly.. but things happen and someone has to be the losers... which was us. Yet some will try to take things like what happened to us and use it as an excuse to advocate the modes go away... which is wrong.
I wasn't talking about you when making my comment, it was referring to the ones who moan and cry about PP and BGS being meddled with from solo and PG when these types of players don't like playing in any mode but open.
I wasn't talking about you when making my comment, it was referring to the ones who moan and cry about PP and BGS being meddled with from solo and PG when these types of players don't like playing in any mode but open.

Ahh ok.. well going back to bed *waves*
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