Dinosaurs Animation Variation by Opposite Outcomes [To induce unpredictability and Group Animation]

Scripted interaction animation has its flaws. One of them is it feels robotic as the entire sequence and outcome can be predicted right from the beginning.

Even with the current system of scripted interaction animation, I figure things can be made much more exciting, complicated, and unpredicted by cutting the existing animations midway and extending it with different outcomes.
This concept can be applied to all sets of interaction animation – from hunting to turn-based fighting, to guest killings and even to group interaction animations.

1) Let me first start with turn-based fighting. Currently, when a Trike fights a Rex, there are only two sets of animation involved – Rex biting the trike and the trike charging the Rex. Picking the Rex biting the trike as a specific example. What I’m suggesting is – what if we keep the exact initial phase of attacking sequences but somewhere at the middle, the outcomes are split into three possibilities:-

a) The exact ending sequences as the original – Rex successfully bites the trike.
b) The trike manages to perform a quick dodge and stay there for the next round.
c) The trike manages to perform a quick dodge in a way to position itself for a quick counter charge in succession.

The same and reciprocal applies to trike charging the Rex.​

The entire point of my idea is NOT ONLY to include 3 variations as in the concept of Rock, Paper, and Scissor as suggested months earlier by Deviljho but ALSO to add a layer of unpredictability to it. You can never judge the outcomes solely by the initial sequences as they are essentially the very same. I believe this also saves the Devs a lot of work as they can reuse the existing ones while adding additional sequences to it (which by itself can also reuse many parts of the existing sets).

2) For Dino hunting animations. When a carnivore goes for an herbivore, additional outcomes of herbivore successfully dodges or successfully shakes off a bite or even a counter ramming can be added. This essentially gives the running herbivores a chance to defend themselves. Specifically:-

i) A large carnivore hunting a large herbivore​

a) The exact ending sequences as the original – neck swing-slamming the herbi.
b) The Herbi dodges when the carnivore attempts for a bite and then ramming it off-course. The carnivore will be likely injured and gives up its hunting.
c) The carnivore’s bite is successful but the Herbi manages to shake it off, likely injured but able to continue running.​

ii) A large carnivore hunting a small herbivore​

a) The exact ending sequences as the original – where the carnivore goes for a bite down, followed by a ragdoll-shaking to death.
b) The little herbi manages to endure the first bite, gets up quickly and escape. Seriously injured of course.​

iii) A small carnivore hunting a large herbivore​

a) The exact ending sequences as the original – A carnivore jump, lash on, and bites the large herbi’s throat to bring it down.
b) While the carnivore is in mid-air, the herbivore dodge in a way to position itself for a subsequent ramming some point during the mid-way landing. The carnivore will ended being completely knocked out to a mile away. This causes serious injury to it and forcing it to give up.
c) The Carnivore successfully land on the herbi, try to go for a throat bite (as the original sequence) but the herbi manages to shake it off just in time.​

iv) A small carnivore hunting a small herbivore​

a) The exact ending sequences as the original – carnivore jump and land on the herbi for a finishing touch.
b) The carnivore landing is imperfect and the little herbi manages to shake it off and keep running.​

3) Same for the guess killing animations, gives the guests a chance to escape and survive. Specifically:-

i) When a small carnivore goes for a guest​

a) The exact ending sequences as the original – the guest trip down, the carnivore jumps and lash on to him/her for a finishing bite.
b) The guest trip down but manages to stand back up at the last moment to which the carnivore misses its landing. The guest then do a quick turn and escape while the carnivore is on the floor – similar to the JP kitchen scene of little Timmy.​

ii) When a large carnivore goes for a guest​

a) The exact ending sequence as the original – the guest trip down, the carnivore roars at him/her before the finishing grabbing bite.
b) The guest trip down. The carnivore roars at him/her. At this time, another heroic guest step up, distract the carnivore to go for him/her instead. Similar to the announcement trailer. But please….that ended up sadly, this time, please make him/her outrun the carnivore, he/she deserves it!​

Having just mentioned the involvement of an additional participator in an interaction animation, this leads me to suggest a way to implement group interaction animation.

4) Group interaction is extremely difficult to implement within the realm of scripted animation. However, I figures this can be done by using the same concept of cutting and extending the existing animations with different outcomes.

For the case of heroic savior just mentioned, the second guest is NOT to be involved in the initial sequences. During that moment, he/she is just another guest running around. At real time, the animation in such cases are split into two parts:-

I) The guest trip down, the carnivore approaches and roars.

IIa) The killing of the guest.
Iib) The heroic savior sequences.

By the time Animation I kicks starts, an algorithm is ran to decide if the guest will die or not. If he/she is going to die, I is followed immediately by IIa. If otherwise, another algorithm is ran to search for nearby guests and makes he/she to walk into position, preparing to kick starts IIb.

This method can be applied to any hunting / fighting animations as well. The other Dino simply walk/run into position, if time is there to spare, it simply stares at the scene waiting to pounce in.​

To sum things up, adding a layer to scripted animation via splitting outcomes is way to go. By doing this, not only variations is increased, it is increased in such a way to give a sense of unpredictability. The next time you watch a raptor pouncing a Parasaurolophus, you better sit still as you may be fooled if you assume the jumping and lashing will always lead to death.

Thank You for reading and listening.
I particularly like how this affects behaviors and changes outcomes i have to say! Would not mind seeing this, although maybe with a bit more dodging for small herbivores rather than shaking things off or enduring bites from something like a T-Rex. You're not enduring a bite from that thing, nature specifically made it's jaws for that exact purpose.

So while i whole heartedly agree with this post i would change the following things:

- Small Herbivores dodge while being chased by predators, large or small.
- Heroic human animations may be a bit too complex for the AI, so either instead or in addition if it's not, i would just suggest the guest rolls to the side to avoid the attack of any attacker, large or small.

I would also like to add the extension or actual introduction of hunt chases rather than simple instant kill animations, which would sell the idea a herbivore has a chance of getting away and allow it to actually dodge an attack while running.
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Nice and detailed post and I agree with everything because more variety will make outcomes unpredictable making for a more enjoyable and thrilling watch.
the animation is good but just needs more variety

one thing that kinda bothers me is the way carnivores change direction while walking and running cause sometimes it looks bad like they're robots.. especially when running
wow , good idea , with the same idea we can add more movement animation , as it is only handle 2 sequence turning while standing and go in a straight way even if they manage to turn its look weird
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