Anti-Xeno Technology

Speaking on behalf of the Xeno Hunting community....

"Intial testing of the AX Weaponry yielded varied results against the Thargoids. Though successful, preliminary tests show that as they observed our combat eventually they would overcome the weapons. Further development is necessary for the continuation of the AX Project however the experiment was a success and for the time being we can move what we have out of the experimental phase.

Guardian technology has aided in this war in a far greater way. From getting to the battle faster to surviving longer in it, the Guardian modules have served to aid us well in battle. The weaponry however has more than exceeded our initial expectations and has granted us a chance to tip this war in our favor. I move to end the experimental phase of these weapons immediately and begin mass production to distribute to the masses."

We just want to shed light on this matter, we don't think there's anything wrong with the weapons but theu are being ignored. Maybe raise the limit by 2 to accomadate the new small variants of them or maybe an engineer *Cough* Ram Tah *Cough* that specializes in Guardian technologies.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

I agree!!!!!

Especially with the introduction of the hydra, lets make it more do'able for the pilots looking to get into it who do not necessarily have the want/need/desire to play with several other players to achieve results.
Especially with the introduction of the hydra, lets make it more do'able for the pilots looking to get into it who do not necessarily have the want/need/desire to play with several other players to achieve results.

Thargoids be like: Hail Hydra!
But i agree if the bugs are just going to continue growing in size and strength then enough is enough, those limits gotta go.
The 4 weapon limit is pretty arbitrary anyways. They don't do much against humans, and most guardian weapons are high heat, high power draw. I say the limit should be removed all together.
Especially with the introduction of the hydra, lets make it more do'able for the pilots looking to get into it who do not necessarily have the want/need/desire to play with several other players to achieve results.

The 4 weapon limit is pretty arbitrary anyways. They don't do much against humans, and most guardian weapons are high heat, high power draw. I say the limit should be removed all together.

I honestly hadn't even considered the human to human damage in this. But yeah that is a good point, the limit is to protect the bugs and nothing else it seems.
I say remove the "human weapons don't damage Interceptors" limit. Sure let them do maybe 50-75% of the damage that guardian weapons do, but let them do something. Having to swap all your weapons and make yourself vulnerable to gankers is no fun, and frankly doesn't make logical sense. These weapon loadouts have power output measured in the hundreds and even thousands of MJs. That's a significant fraction of the energy in a small tactical nuke.

Double shot screening shell shard cannons
Efficient Hammer burst guass cannons
Autoloading ax multi cannons
Reverb cascade ax missiles
Dispersal field plasma chargers
The possibilities are endless, and opening up experimental technology to engineering would allow more cmdrs to tailor their dps to their builds leading to more rewarding gameplay. One size does not fit all, and I have a hard time believing in all the time these weapons have been out, some shmuck hasn’t cracked one open to try and modify one of them. If you’re concerned about balance, alter the Thargoids weapons too (think lightning that can hit and latch onto multiple ships)
Thargoid intereptor hunting is the closest PvE can get to PvP in terms of thouroughly building a ship and execution in the engagement, so give us the same liberties in modification pretty please.
I’d probably spend more on ship kits if I got what I wanted out of this game, so what is there to fear, outside of players actually making headway in this “war” that developers seemingly do not want us making headway into, from the weapons limitations to the payouts.
Going to get some Goid Rinds tonight either way
Fully agree with the points made here. Ziljan, is correct and while I can understand Fdev's logical in trying to make something different and special for thargoids, the unintended consequence is you have painted a huge gank target on the few players who are embracing and carrying the thargoid storyline. Fdev, if you want the Thargoid story to get traction in the community, one of the things that must be done is eliminate the handicap all AX weapons suffer against human ships.

Masterhastur also makes a valid point about the limits placed on all AX weapons. None of these weapons are experimental anymore, they are all very well tested and no such experimental limit has ever been put on any other kind of weapon. Tell the PvP comminity that they are limited to 4 human weapons on their ships and see what reaction you get. The Anti-xeno community has been very patient with these absurd limits but enough is enough. Build limits for thargoid combat should not be more restrictive than build limits for PvP or PvE.
I was going to start a similar thread myself today. It's time to end the restriction on both AX and gaurdian weapons. People have already soloed cyclops with a sidewinder. What is the fear? That we might be able to kill aliens too well? The current thargoid scheme involves just adding more hearts and more swarm anyhow. If the pilots federation cares at all about actually winning, it's time to stop undermining its front line troops. I certainly haven't seen any system security forces fighting goids in a meaningful way.
I absolutely disagree. Keep all of the limitations that are currently in place for AX weapons except maybe making them larger.

As for "gankers" or people who want to RP pro-Thargoid defenders, plenty of anti-xeno pilots do just fine against pro-Thargoid defenders as they have other hardpoints to equip human weapons. And don't forget that the typical anti-xeno ship is quite tough with strong armor and shields, and smart anti-xeno commanders put resistances on their armor and shields even though it is not needed to defend against Thargoids. And then there is always Solo to go hide in (if you must). And don't discount those experienced commanders who know how to escape interdiction... it is quite easy, especially if you have decent shields (which anti-xeno ships have).
Especially with the introduction of the hydra, lets make it more do'able for the pilots looking to get into it who do not necessarily have the want/need/desire to play with several other players to achieve results.

The 4 weapon limit is pretty arbitrary anyways. They don't do much against humans, and most guardian weapons are high heat, high power draw. I say the limit should be removed all together.

I absolutely disagree. Keep all of the limitations that are currently in place for AX weapons except maybe making them larger.

As for "gankers" or people who want to RP pro-Thargoid defenders, plenty of anti-xeno pilots do just fine against pro-Thargoid defenders as they have other hardpoints to equip human weapons. And don't forget that the typical anti-xeno ship is quite tough with strong armor and shields, and smart anti-xeno commanders put resistances on their armor and shields even though it is not needed to defend against Thargoids. And then there is always Solo to go hide in (if you must). And don't discount those experienced commanders who know how to escape interdiction... it is quite easy, especially if you have decent shields (which anti-xeno ships have).

This is not the case at all with a lot of Xeno Hunters. Go spread your propoganda else where Far God supporter. *Angrily Shakes Fist*
I absolutely disagree. Keep all of the limitations that are currently in place for AX weapons except maybe making them larger.

As for "gankers" or people who want to RP pro-Thargoid defenders, plenty of anti-xeno pilots do just fine against pro-Thargoid defenders as they have other hardpoints to equip human weapons. And don't forget that the typical anti-xeno ship is quite tough with strong armor and shields, and smart anti-xeno commanders put resistances on their armor and shields even though it is not needed to defend against Thargoids. And then there is always Solo to go hide in (if you must). And don't discount those experienced commanders who know how to escape interdiction... it is quite easy, especially if you have decent shields (which anti-xeno ships have).

You are a ganker, you have no credibility and don't know the first thing about fighting thargoids , as proven by your absurd post. No one puts resistances on an anti-thargoid ship. You people are easy enough to escape but I would rather fdev even the playing field so we can just send you to the rebuy screen instead. Swapping out for a PvP ship is a pain in the rear and we shouldn't have to ship two ships everywhere we go just in case the "short bus" of the PvP community shows up.
On the other hand the limit makes it so much easier for FD to balance their difficulty. If you remove the limit you could literally just bring a Corvette and oneshot them.
AX weapons are around for a week. Thargoids adapt to them. Guardian weapons are around for a million years, Thargoids can't adapt to them. Human weapons are no good against Thargoids, but waste Guardian tech.

What a stupid mess.
On the other hand the limit makes it so much easier for FD to balance their difficulty. If you remove the limit you could literally just bring a Corvette and oneshot them.

That's really no different from what me and most people are already doing. Most of us one shot hearts with ease already without synthed Ammo, raising the limit just makes the bigger variants possible for people who aren't soloing interceptors to do so. Most people are too afraid to lose a few rebuys to try which is upsetting cause i wouldn't mind passing tricks down to new hunters.
AX weapons are around for a week. Thargoids adapt to them. Guardian weapons are around for a million years, Thargoids can't adapt to them. Human weapons are no good against Thargoids, but waste Guardian tech.

What a stupid mess.

Frontier; going from extreme to extreme since 1984.
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