Anybody looking for Raxxla? Guess what I found?!

Another frigging icy planet.

Come on FD/Drew Wagner. Throw us a bone! Give us some kind of hint. Let's get those NPC's and USS's talking!

It's hard to find something when there are no clues to it.
DW made it quite clear he doesn't have any definite info' in a recent live-stream (a terrifically interesting discussion of Elite lore BTW) where he laid out everything he does know.

He also made it quite clear that there's one "clue" he seems to have overlooked (or, at least, failed to see the significance of), which I will be investigating when I get my primary account back to the bubble. ;)
Wait, hasn't a semi-regular poster here already stated that he found Raxxla but decided not to tell anyone ;)
I watched Drew's Raxxla video and enjoyed it, but there was nothing really new, if you already know your lore. I also disagreed with his conclusions about likely locations.

That said, following it, I did go back to my own notes and have three locations I wish to visit. But I am on DW2 and all three are behind me (and one is an area that could still contain hundreds of systems), so this will become the thing I do after DW2.
There was a CMDR on Facebook the other day who was absolutely positive he had discovered the location. He and his mate were going to livestream their last three jumps into the Raxxla system but the galmap wouldn't let them plot the last jump. It was enough to make him just give up, not ragequit but enough to deflate him totally after months of searching and analysing "clues". His starship pilot days are over. Raxxla claims another CMDR.
Holy Grails are not meant to be found maybe.
There was a CMDR on Facebook the other day who was absolutely positive he had discovered the location. He and his mate were going to livestream their last three jumps into the Raxxla system but the galmap wouldn't let them plot the last jump. It was enough to make him just give up, not ragequit but enough to deflate him totally after months of searching and analysing "clues". His starship pilot days are over. Raxxla claims another CMDR.
Holy Grails are not meant to be found maybe.
In the last two attempts I witnessed, the first team got arrested, and the second lost it down a pit.
There was a CMDR on Facebook the other day who was absolutely positive he had discovered the location. He and his mate were going to livestream their last three jumps into the Raxxla system but the galmap wouldn't let them plot the last jump. It was enough to make him just give up, not ragequit but enough to deflate him totally after months of searching and analysing "clues". His starship pilot days are over. Raxxla claims another CMDR.
Holy Grails are not meant to be found maybe.
So he found it then. Galmap is notorious for blocking key sectors...
I found a biscuit with an image of the dark wheel on it. I was going to call it Raxxla, but I ate it instead.
It was quite tasty.
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