Apex Long Haul Taxi to/from Colonia.

Possibly something we could help them setup through a CG i think Apex would be smart to invest in a long haul service that goes from the core of the bubble to colonia and back. Perhaps on a megaship that moves back and forth on a regular schedule.They could also offer more expensive longer range shuttles in ships with farther max jump ranges for single passengers.

Ideally it would be a megaship with a nice cozy interior for players to hang out in while in transit, and charge passengers who board the megaship based on how long they plan to stay aboard. This way people could also disembark midway through the journey, as a way to easily get out into deep space, or even meet up with it and ride it back into the bubble. Think a cruise ship but in space.

As i know things are busy right now if it is easier just adding other ship types to Apex's Fleet with longer max ranges would be a great addition. If taxi's between colonia, and the bubble do become a thing i think it's also important that people can log out of the game in the taxi and log back in later. AKA taking a nap during their flight.

Also important to note: Adding a megaship in particular that regularly made the rounds between colonia, and the bubble would make having missions, and/or trading between the 2 human inhabited portions of space would become much more viable. For example a courier mission that involved escorting sensitive information to colonia from the one of the superpowers capitals. It would obviously need to pay well for the time spent, and to cover transport costs, but with a megaship taxi a mission like this would be something a newer player could accomplish on their own. It would also allow for people to unlock the Colonia engineers without needing to purchase and outfit an exploration vessel.

It is obvious to me that the demand for this service exists as commanders with fleet carriers already provide rides between the 2 areas. Apex would be smart to get in on the business as im sure people would be willing to pay for the service, especially if it ran more often than the commander run ones, and perhaps had quicker travel times in a specially outfitted megaship than in a regular fleet carrier?
Given that there's supposed to be gameplay options to play the entire game without a ship. How would you get to colonia if you want to?
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