
erm... the link posted by Factabulous in post #12 hardly makes this a secret... unless my sarcasm detector went nuts again.
No argument, I didn't actually see that, too be fair, it's neither a secret nor apparently common knowledge, yet. Factabulous is of course, ahead of the curve. I did include a lot of extra info though! :)
You still didn't read that thread :giggle:

Arsenic and Tin and some other goodies can be found in the bio sites on the moon orbited by the Prospect - the destination system for the Zende Ferry
Arsenic has always been in a odd place...

Pre traders, the rare raw materials were often harder to find than very rare, usually because you could find a clutch of metallic meteorites to top you up.

Now that mat traders are a thing I just go after mercury or polonium and trade down for any arsenic I want.
In my experience there was (and still is) a fair-to-good chance that they crop up in threes.
Yeah, I used to hunt arsenic in Deciat on one of the better planets (the crater on planet F I think). Often encountered a trio of metallic meteorites before my first unit of arsenic had even dropped...
You still didn't read that thread :giggle:

Arsenic and Tin and some other goodies can be found in the bio sites on the moon orbited by the Prospect - the destination system for the Zende Ferry
No I don't currently have time to read anything! But I will later. Without having read it though, if it advises farming anything except the materials I mentioned in my guide and Selenium, then it's not giving very good advice. There;s no reason to go farm specifically a g2 or g3 raw mat in small (or large) quantities when one can farm the base material (g4) in STUPID quantities. It's one trip, two hours tops to fill up on EVERYTHING!! Anything else is simply suboptimal advice unless someone really feels like 1600ly is outside their comfort zone. Even the missing one Selenium can be filled quickly and easily as it is still bugged to drop from G2 sources (crystalline shards, the volcanic style ones), so almost any low reserve voclanism should yield plenty.

The whole point of my advice is for trading down the fastest mats to collect in the most efficient way possible, as such it's hard to beat. :)
I spend a lot of time in the SRV and my raw materials are almost constantly completely maxed out, purely from surface minerals.

If I'm missing something specific, sure I can trade down, but I cannot think of anything I can't pull out of the ground at 30-60 an hour within 100ly of anywhere. The time it takes for my longest jump range ship to traverse 1600ly is invariably longer than it takes me to track down most anything specific.

Yeah, I used to hunt arsenic in Deciat on one of the better planets (the crater on planet F I think). Often encountered a trio of metallic meteorites before my first unit of arsenic had even dropped...

Metal rich and high metal worlds aren't better for arsenic, probably because arsenic is not a metal.
I spend a lot of time in the SRV and my raw materials are almost constantly completely maxed out, purely from surface minerals.

If I'm missing something specific, sure I can trade down, but I cannot think of anything I can't pull out of the ground at 30-60 an hour within 100ly of anywhere. The time it takes for my longest jump range ship to traverse 1600ly is invariably longer than it takes me to track down most anything specific.

Metal rich and high metal worlds aren't better for arsenic, probably because arsenic is not a metal.
That's because you spend a lot of time in the SRV. I don't. :p It;s only 18 jumps in a 55ly DBX

I've only done this circuit once about a month ago and I don't foresee needing to do it again for some time. I still have over 60 all G4 and full all the rest. For me there is little gameplay I find less interesting than driving the SRV around volcanic sites looking for needle crystals.
Yea, if you are close to max out on raws, the trip there is not worth it.
But in my case, i had to do 2 trips to max out everything since i was almost dried out on many G4 and some of G3 raws.
For me there is little gameplay I find less interesting than driving the SRV around volcanic sites looking for needle crystals.

I don't go to geological sites very often and almost never carry a DSS.

I do like driving the SRV though and if I'm low on something I drive on a planet that has it.

I don’t remember stating otherwise...

I was just pointing out that if you were running across that many metallic meteorites relative to other mineral sources, you were probably on the wrong sort of planet for arsenic, no matter what the % stated.
Post #28 sums it up, same as most of us have been saying.

Trade down, don't farm for g2/3 mats specifically

Plenty of tips here in where to go too, even though I prefer sourcing my own a big thumbs up to all that shared
...if it advises farming anything except the materials I mentioned in my guide and Selenium, then it's not giving very good advice.

I guess it depends.

If somebody just wants the mat's to carry out a specific mod', going to a planet where they can get that mat' (possibly via trading down) is probably the quickest/easiest way to achieve that.

If, OTOH, somebody's willing to take the time and effort to go and collect a whole heap of mat's, that's probably a better long-term prospect.
I guess it depends.

If somebody just wants the mat's to carry out a specific mod', going to a planet where they can get that mat' (possibly via trading down) is probably the quickest/easiest way to achieve that.

If, OTOH, somebody's willing to take the time and effort to go and collect a whole heap of mat's, that's probably a better long-term prospect.
Yeh, like you say it's a different philosophy, one is going and getting what you want when you need it, the other is getting 3 months worth at once. Totally down to the individual, but if you added up the time spent farming, my way would be faster by a factor of 10, so if farming is not something you like doing, I strongly recommend this method.
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