Black Omega are recruiting!


After a much-publicised conflict with the Galactic Railroad, our wing has undergone some changes of late. We have shifted our focus from being a paramilitary unit towards focusing on our own concerns at the greatest club in the galaxy! Rumours of it being a front for smuggling, drug trading, and other illicit activities have yet to be proved in any court of law. Our distribution of Kamorin Hisotircal Weapons is entirely above board, and we keep fastidious records of whom we sell our stock to. Some stock inevitably goes missing during stock takes, and we can not be held responsible for people restoring flawed merchandise they find floating in our galactic waste recycling facilities.

We are a PvE wing focusing on BGS, having a laugh together and allowing people to get involved in our RP if they fancy it. We pride ourselves on roleplaying a wretched hive of scum and villainy whilst being friendly people to actually talk to, and use discord and INARA to co-ordinate our efforts. We are also part of the Pegasi Sector Commonwealth, and are helping to plan a large group event in the near future with them so we can all enjoy a bit of racing, space rugby, smuggling races, and varied shenanigans together. We're etching out our living on the fringes of the bubble, so things are pretty relaxed around here most of the time. It gives us the option to get on with our own pursuits or engage in playing with our systems as we see fit.

Any interested parties should apply via our wing page at and enjoy being part of Black Omega, because we believe that freedom sells itself.
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Black Omega are still recruiting!

After the changes in 3.0, we've noticed a lot more people have come round to our neck of the woods. We have always said that "Freedom Sells Itself", and with the recent changes to the criminal system by The Pilot's Federation we have again been proven right in this regard. We have decided that rather than petition people when they dock, which is a rather intrusive way to do business, that we would instead put out a post to let everyone know we are still open for applications if anyone is interested in setting up in an Anarchy system.

We do have our own discord server, which we will link to people once they finish their initial application and enter their probationary period so they can settle in. A microphone is preferred, but not essential.

Any interested parties should apply via our wing page at

EDIT: I have noted that an old thread Marra made from 2016 was still active. She has since left Black Omega in an amicable split to blaze her own trail, and we wish her all the best.

Conversely, a CMDR "WaKKO SicK" once tried to join BO but we rejected him due to his bad attitude and stated desire to "watch the galaxy burn" or words to that effect. Yesterday he posted in Marra's now defunct BO recruitment thread that "You know its sad cause I been helping whether you liked it or not for about a year now and I never see you guys."

I should state that we always fly in Open, and this CMDR is on our KOS list due to his mentioning when we didn't let him in originally that he was planning to make life hard for us. At the time, he was setting up his own wing who were going to support the Mafia of Dread (a player faction, but I am not aware if it was specifically his player faction) in the Dread system. Seeing as the Dread Emperor's Grace faction hold the system now at 50% influence, and the Mafia of Dread sit at around 11% as of the time of writing, I can only assume that he has left that idea behind and now is looking to attach himself to us. He is NOT a member or associate of Black Omega, and we do not wish him to be.
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Edit after a week of no reply.

I live at Clair.
I pump like crazy.
I fight in the wars.
I have literally been helping you guys since you took over Clair.

I really never understood the hate.
I am gonna be pumping Black Omega till I die whether you guys like it or not.
I never said I was going to make it hard on you. Complete lie. I talked to one person, marra, and she was rude. So I told her I am here to stay. I have been here so long you guys have me in your recruitment thread as "Don't be that guy". Never even spoken to me.

Literally half your recruitment post is you telling everyone about me.

The minute you decided to support Anarchy we became friends. What you do with that friendship is your choice. Only I decide when we aren't friends anymore. Cya guys around =D
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