Body repatriation missions

It occurred to me, while carrying out a "fetch something from a wrecked SRV" mission and stumbling across the corpse of the SRV's last occupant, that there might be a market for missions to find and repatriate dead bodies so their loved ones can find out what happened to them and/or give them a proper funeral.

Might seem a bit macabre, but no less macabre than finding a dead body while on a fetch quest and just shrugging it off as mundane and routine.
That very thought ran through my mind as well as I was gathering rescue pods for unlocking Engineer Etienne Dorn.
Why is it that we cannot take those poor lost souls who met with a terrible fate, back to their loved ones?
All the “gameplay“ let’s us do is rob them blind and leave them where they are.
There should be missions available where they are asking us to retrieve their bodies.
Something less pew-pew and more humane.
How about selling them as a new commodity..... used body parts.

Maybe a meat substitute for Kumo Burgers?

Maybe compost the bodies down into fertilizer and sell it to agricultural systems?

Hand them in to 'lost and found' ?
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