Parks Bryde's Harbour

Hi guys! [praise]

Glad to be here to share my first park with you! I have made a few things, but my park is nowhere near complete. If you'd like to follow me as I progress, you can do so on Youtube, Twitter and Steam. I will be sharing most of my creations on Steam, so please feel free to subscribe. If you happen to like my style and creations, please hit the thumbs up, it will be much appreciated! :) Have a great day! -Bryde

First is a video of modular pack, which you can find here.





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Some serious, great pictures! It feels like a bit too much repeated at some corners but the atmosphere is great!
Nice video! Subscribed.
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Looks absolutely great. A lot of detail in the wooden work and plant balconies that makes it look amazing.

Also, not about your park, but you vehetations looks much better than mine, and I have everything on high and above. I was planting today those cypresses and they look really bad as soon as I went a little back with the camera, yours look fine.
Thanks guys [up] - I'm aware that it is a very cluttered style, and I might sweep through everything and clean up areas that are too messy a bit. That said, this theme is meant to be a tad overly-detailed. Started working on the surrounding environment now.

OMG this is absolutely stunning! Simply beautiful, and I love the video showing how to utilize your various pieces! Excellent work!!
I dont think is overly detailed, I think thats actually what makes is special. I also see it very clean, theres some mathematical thought put to the pieces it seems, not something randomly cluttered.
Thanks again! Eye of the beholder I reckon. Will be sharing my first iteration of this harbour pole-grill as soon as it's done :)



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