Buckyball Racing Club presents: Questing on Qixi (Triple Eight Championship, Race 4)

Questing on Qixi - Buckyball 101st Race

“We’ve had a tradition of opening a pathway across the vast stars, for a Earth folk tale of a Cowherd and a Weaver Girl who can only meet at Qixi every year. Sounds cliche, doesn’t it? Yet, We Starfinders do this every year, to make us have something to bond over to not get space madness and to show the people planetlocked that we will bridge the void to explore, report and cooperate. We’re going back to the beautiful Seven Sisters this year - Asterope, Maia, Sterope II. Now, we invite you, the Buckyballers, to partake in this tradition. Hop on your ship, blast thru the Seven Sisters, inspect some infrastructure and come back.”

Hello, this is Venture-Captain agent Chika here, or as you may know me, Clarissa - I hail from the home system of Meliae. Pretty planet, pretty star, nice people - Meliae was a nice place to be in the Galaxy. But, there are better place to be at, than Meliae. At the helm of your own Phantom, flying thru the stars.

I’ll be waiting for you at Sterope II, aboard Tsat Tsz Mui (TBB-0TJ). Hope I see you there.

Starfinder Society, 3310 - Explore, Report, Cooperate!

The Race: 26th July 3310 - 5th August 3310

The Race is split into two classes; Regulation Class and Unlimited Class.

For Regulation Class, take off at Ohm Horizons at HIP 29312, the furthest we can supply you at the border of the Bubble, go thru and land at infrastructures at 4 or more of the Seven SIsters, return and report at Ohm Horizons at HIP 29312.

For Unlimited Class, take off at Solo Orbiter at Altair, go thru and land at infrastructures at 4 or more of the Seven SIsters, return and report at Taylor CIty at Vega OR Dezhurov Terminal at LHS 6282 if you don’t have Vega permit; or in reverse.

The Seven Sisters and their Infrastructure inspections required are:

  • Asterope - dock at Copernicus Observatory (83 ls)
  • Atlas - dock at Cyllene Orbital (11k ls)
  • Celaeno - dock at Artemis Lodge (46 ls)
  • Maia - dock at Obsidian Orbital (634 ls)
  • Merope - land next to Thunderhead Garrison (3k ls), anywhere within 500m is fine - your In-flight Computer can scan the Installation.
  • Pleione - dock at Stargazer (1k ls)
  • Sterope II - dock at Tsat Tsz Mui (TBB-0TJ) (star)


There are no Buckyball race without some fat bonus. For this Race, the bonus are:

  1. Starlit Span Starfinder - Drop off to 5 of the 7 sisters, complete the inspection by docking at the named infrastructure for a -150s bonus; 6 of the 7 sisters for a -330s bonus, all sisters for a -720s bonus.
  2. Explore, Report, Cooperate! - take a screenshot of the Pleiades Nebula and report it for a -15 sec bonus; or mark a timestamp where the Pleiades Nebula is clearly visible thru the cockpit center, if submitting video evidence.
  3. Buckyball Tourist - go to any Listening Post or Tourist Beacon, except the one near Obsidian Orbital and scan it for a -75s bonus.
  4. Operation Ida Hauler - Buy up to 8 tons of cargo at the start, and sell them at Artemis Lodge @ Celaeno for -60s if all 8 arrive, and -15s if at least 1 arrive.
  5. Anti Xeno Initiative Scout - Target any Thargoid for a -300s bonus!
  6. Buckyball Racing Club Racer - At Obsidian Orbital @ Maia, get docking permission, enter the slot, then exit again and fly all the way around the back of the station, passing through the habitation rings and directly around the reactor at the back of the station, then through the habitation rings again, back in through the slot and finally land on the pad for a -120s bonus!
  7. New Pilots Initiative Pilot - In Unlimited Class; use a ship that has no engineering (no mod, no experimental) for a -240 sec bonus. In addition, use a ship that has no Guardian modules and SCO for a -540 sec bonus instead.
  8. Ehh, are you really that far away? - Dare the Heavens, we're at 3310, the Milky Way isn't that far across! After docking at Altair or Vega in the Unlimited Class, fly back to Vega or Altair for a -100s bonus - it's a shame the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl doesn't have a Frameshift Drive on their hands. - It looks like it is not possible to achieve without losing time, tho it will still be open if you somehow found a method or exploited something to make it work!
  9. Do you want to be a Thargoid? - Turn off your Life Support from start to finish to get a -180s bonus
  10. Core Dynamic Composites Crasher: Remove or power down your shields to test out cutting edge hull composites for a -30s bonus.

Submission Requirements

You may choose to submit a timestamped video with timestamps for the following moments, or screenshots of the following moments.

At the beginning of the race:
  • Your Ship modules; if you are running on Regulation Class, or attempting New Pilots Initiative Pilot, or Core Dynamic Composites Crasher if on Unlimited Class.
  • Your Cockpit Screen; if you are attempting Do you want to be a Thargoid, or Core Dynamics Composites Crasher on Regulation Class.
  • Your Cargo Hold; if you are attempting Operation Ida Hauler.

On the way to the Seven Sisters:
  • A screenshot of the Seven Sisters, if you are attempting Explore, Report, Cooperate and submitted screenshots as evidence, otherwise a timestamp where the Seven Sisters are clearly visible thru the cockpit if you are submitting video evidence.

At each stop of the race:
  • A landing view of the stop. 5 - 7 are needed if you attempt Starlit Span Starfinder, 4 are necessary; if you are attempting Ehh, are you really that far away on Unlimited Class; you need to provide 2 pictures of the beginning stop which also serves as your end time for the race.

During the Race:
  • A cockpit view where you scanned a Listening Post or Tourist Beacon for Buckyball Tourist.
  • A cockpit view where a Thargoid is targeted for Anti Xeno Initiative Scout.
  • A cockpit view where you are passing the habitation ring with docking permission at Obsidian Orbital, a view where you can see the reactor and a view where you pass the habitation ring again for Buckyball Racing Club Racer. The docking times on each successive screen must be visible and smaller than the previous one.

Race Submission Form​


Build Rules & Ships​


The regulation build for this race will continue to be the stock Cobra. While it is possible that future races will include the now available SCO Frame Shift Drives, this race was originally intended to be appropriate for ships limited to traditional FSD technology.

The regulation build is linked here: https://s.orbis.zone/m1g-

Detailed Surface Scanner is not included in the Regulation build (if you forget and didn't actually use it, that's okay).


Any ship type is eligible for the Unlimited class, with the exception of the next gen ships built to accommodate the Supercruise Overcharge Frame Shift Drives (for now, just the Python Mk2).

SCO Frame Shift Drives are allowed (and encouraged).
No Autopilot
No Docking Computer
No rebuys, but repairs are permitted.
No changing of modules or your ship once begun.
No FSD Synthesis may be used.

NOTE: According to a new rule introduced for the 888 Championship, any racer who places in the top 5 in unlimited will have that ship "locked" and will no longer receive more than 15 points (6th place) in any following race that season during which they enter the same ship type. This should encourage the top racers (last season this would only affect 10 racers) to spread their wings more and explore a variety of vehicles for mayhem. If you do not place in the top 5 this does not affect you. If you do, don't use that ship type again in unlimited for the season.


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Race News, and Clarifications

29 July 3310, 2125 -
Rules Clarification:​
  • Yes, the "Do you want to be a Thargoid" bonus is a mistake.
  • For Operation Ida Hauler; you may purchase the cargo before the timer starts.
  • For Ehh, are you really that far away; the timer stops when you land at the original start again.
  • For Core Dynamics Composite Crasher; you must power down or remove the shield for the entireity of the race.

31 July 3310, 0424
If you are on Console; TBB-0TJ doesn't exist on Legacy; so at the Sterope II stop you may instead opt to dock at any carrier.

This only applies if you are on Legacy, not on Live!

31 July 3310, 0508
The Racing Banner has now updated!

This is the Forumsig, if anyone wants it:

[CENTER][URL='https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/buckyball-racing-club-presents-questing-on-qixi-triple-eight-championship-race-4.626880/'][img width=650px]https://i.imgur.com/NuaQlt1.png[/img][/URL][/CENTER]

31 July 3310, 0842

No Synthesis in any kind is allowed.

Good luck, and have fun!


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Yay! Probably won't participate (still have to reconfigure my physical cockpit due the arrival of a new sofa, which doesn't leave space for the old cockpit chair in front of the screen), but will follow the race thread with interest.

After reading the rules - is the "Buckyball Tourist" bonus cumulative, i.e. -75 seconds for each beacon, or a one-off?
Yay! Probably won't participate (still have to reconfigure my physical cockpit due the arrival of a new sofa, which doesn't leave space for the old cockpit chair in front of the screen), but will follow the race thread with interest.

After reading the rules - is the "Buckyball Tourist" bonus cumulative, i.e. -75 seconds for each beacon, or a one-off?
It is one off - either Listening Post, or Tourist Beacon; and once per run!
Oh this is gonna be fun :)

2 short questions :D

Explore, Report, Cooperate! - take a screenshot of the Pleiades Nebula and report it for a -15 sec bonus.
if I take a video of the race - I need to make a screenshot within the video or parallel upload? don't have a keybind mapped other then the "print"-key :ROFLMAO:

Ehh, are you really that far away? - Dare the Heavens, we're at 3310, the Milky Way isn't that far across! After docking at Altair or Vega in the Unlimited Class, fly back to Vega or Altair for a -100s bonus - it's a shame the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl doesn't have a Frameshift Drive on their hands.
that one only applies for the unlimited run?

See ya in the black cmdrs o7
Oh this is gonna be fun :)

2 short questions :D

if I take a video of the race - I need to make a screenshot within the video or parallel upload? don't have a keybind mapped other then the "print"-key :ROFLMAO:

that one only applies for the unlimited run?

See ya in the black cmdrs o7
1) "A screenshot of the Seven Sisters, if you are attempting Explore, Report, Cooperate and submitted screenshots as evidence, otherwise a timestamp where the Seven Sisters are clearly visible thru the cockpit if you are submitting video evidence." - you can mark a timestamp and it would suffice!
2) Yep - only unlimited; regulation runs start and end at Ohm Horizons instead of Altair.
Intent to race, in both classes.

Not sure which ship to use in unlimited yet - I'll probably need to read the rules properly before deciding that.
My first run will be in The Nomad (Asp-X) though, for old times' sake.

This is a little too short notice for me to really get things set up, but I'll do my best to at least get a time on the Regulation board. No promises, though. Next week is threatening to be rather busy at work. :(
Hope you make it.
I'm not gonna lie, I've been out of the cockpit for a while. A combination of space weariness, a nasty bout of Earth lurgy, and a side project going undercover in the dystopian metropolis of Night City, California to uncover depravities beyond belief (a project which may have permanently corrupted my very soul) have left me feeling strangely disconnected from the wider galaxy and the activities of its racing community. That said, I have also been working with the organisers of the upcoming Elite pilots community convention (happening on the 10th August) on a secret project codenamed "SubtleMob 3310" and it's frankly high time I got my ass back in the pilot's seat and reminded myself of who I am and why this community is so dear to my heart.

Stating my intent to clean myself up, put my undercover activities on hold for a while, and come race with all you fine folks again.
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Somebody up there is having far too much fun at my expense. I have a moment of inspiration this morning, after reading the bonuses yesterday, and over breakfast decide to make an Apex taxi ride over to Deciat for a New Pilots Initiative-capable ship. No Engineering, but I definitely wanted those stock enhanced performance thrusters.

When I got there, I figured that a brief run though the proverbial gauntlet before work would allow me to get set up for an unlimited run should time allow. Instead, my Warthog HOTAS setup was dead. Only the rudder pedals were working.

Here’s hoping that whatever’s wrong will be an easy fix. :(

Fun fact, when you’re in the Galaxy Map screen setting up bookmarks, the Apex pilot politely waits for you to finish before starting their jump. :)
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