Community Event / Creation Buckyball Racing Club presents: Warm Up Race 01 'The Pleiades Hip Hop'. 1st-9th August 15.

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Here's the board update for Day 2.
3 new racers took up the challenge in open to take 1st, 3nd and 4th place on the board.
CMDR Raiko in his Asp 'The Nomad' shoots into the lead with a great time of 21 minutes and CMDR Thethingis Hauler 'Kazooie',
narrowly scrapes past 'Thaw-bringer', Stern winters Asp by 7 seconds, so a couple of Haidne black brews and a lavian brandy coming up!
you'll be pleased to hear I managed to take a minute off my sidey time, buts its still looking like me and Orange sheets are buying.

its CMDR Goemans Cobra boosting out of ohms behind the board but no pics received yet.
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Just made my first couple of runs this morning. Nice race, really like the concept!

Of course got back after my first run to discover I only had 7 screenshots so I'd recommend people mash F10 a few times at each stop just to be sure.

I'll be running a few more times over the next couple of days to shave some seconds off. It's good to be back :).
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Hello Mates,

I submit to thee my participation.

Here are True Facts about the run :
It started at exactly 20:45:00 (even though the screenshot says 18:45:00 for some reason) and ended at 21:10:11 (because the racer pressed the screenshot button one second late). Which makes it a 25:11 long run. It could have been a shorter run, had the pilot not confused PLEIONE with the fantasmagorical MEIONE system and panicked when not finding it. It could have also been made shorter if said pilot had not overshot when going back to the Coriolis. A bunch of Screenshots can be seen HERE.
It was run by CMDR Kerenn piloting the Mercenary Edition Asp Explorer "Bundle o' Joy".
buts its still looking like me and Orange sheets are buying.

Well, some people spend like eternity recceing the route, while *others* just get on with it and hit the bar!

(And since my time is up on the boards already, I better go stock some rare goods...)
Hello! I can't believe I nearly missed this. I never come to the community events forum; you need to advertise more widely.

I've just done a time of 20:24 in my Anaconda. I left a few seconds out there, particularly when I tried to boost out of the station and failed to clear the bottom of the letterbox, stopping me dead. It's a good job I had some shields. :)

Thanks for organizing.

CMDR Turambar.
Every time I see "Buckyball" I think "Buc'ees. If you travel a lot in Texas you know what I mean.




Maybe it's because I'm a fuel rat.
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Heres the Board update for Day 3.

4 new racers streaking by the sisters today, CMDR 'Lucky' jack tripper makes it under 30 minutes and orders a pint of evil juice.
CMDRS Alec Turner and Kerenn duke it out for Kongga Ale with a DBX/type 6 face off.
and CMDR Turambar saunters up to the bar and orders a Lavian brandy and takes the top slot in open in his unnamed Conda.
theres some sort of new fad for not naming condas that im not sure i agree with, but hey im old. what do I know maybe its cool.
no ones ordering the Gueuze beer, I hear its an acquired taste,
I had to do real life stuff today which was a bit of a shock but it prevented me having a race, ill try and squeeze one in tomorrow.
hope to see you out there.

Every time I see "Buckyball" I think "Buc'ees. If you travel a lot in Texas you know what I mean
Hi Grey Steel, I think of Bert Reynolds moustache being shrunk to an atomic level by laser pulses. maybe that's cause im a Buckyballer! ;)

Hello! I can't believe I nearly missed this. I never come to the community events forum; you need to advertise more widely
Yeah im terrible at advertising. I haven't got the knack for it so I just leave it, I hope the main events get some PR though.
the turn out is higher than I thought it would be which was just me, Raiko and Drakhyr so that's nice. ;)
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Ooooooh, I wish I could see the look on your face when the score board gets it's next update ... Mwahahaha!

I was unimpressed. I didn't do it for the speed (otherwise I'd have done another attempt with correct names and no overshooting) but because I could and I wanted to. Just seein' "Bundle o' Joy" up there is satisfaction enough. It was a fun experience, 9/10, will do again. Maybe this time I'll run an empty Courier !

I bet if we pretend there was a fuel rat rescue at each stop, you'd be faster. ;)

Or if you bought me that Horus Paint Pack so I could have a RED Asp. ;)
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I was unimpressed. I didn't do it for the speed

Come on (goad goad), it's only 10 seconds ;) [or is it now?]

So this morning I stripped down the old Bananery Fandango even more, took off, hopelessly overcompensated for the downgraded thrusters and ... TWANG! ... straight into the wall, back to the start.

Took off again, flew all the way there and back in an absolutely bilstering run that left every inch of paint bubbling ... only to get interdicted by some stupid fricking NPC who wanted my cargo ... even tho' I DON'T HAVE A CARGO HOLD DUMBASS!

Decided to put my 4D Power Distributor back on (because I need MORE BOOST), took off, hopelessly undercompensated for the thrusters and ... KRUMP! ... straight into the wall, back to the start.

Took off again, flew all the way there and back in a moderately blistering run that definitely warmed the paint ... didn't get interdicted, didn't TWANG or KRUMP the landing, and got a time of ... well you'll have to wait and see won't you! (n.b. it's actually not that exciting).
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so I could have a RED Asp. ;)

With white stripes. Don't forget the importance of white stripes for speed. ;)

And I am now only 13K out, may be back tomorrow or Thursday - sooner the better as I am unavailable for racing all weekend...
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I hope you and Rusti make it back in time Cheetah. closing date is Sunday midnight.

Here's the Board update for the end of Day 4.

CMDR Alec Turner and CMDR Stern Winter both improved there time today, with Stern moving up to 3rd place in open,
the Bananery fandango maintains its 6th place position.
Im getting closer to 30 minutes having shaved off 1.30 from my time but 30 minutes seems like a way off.
im pushing my poor little sidey to the limits. if only I could get 12 jumps back from the sisters , I might make it.
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Right, well I made one more run this morning and almost perfect it was too (aside from two jump failures due to obscured target which cost me maybe 10secs). Short of going to get my Asp I think I'm done here. The Kongga Ale is mine!
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Evening, Cobbers!

Through my ultra-long-baseline interferometer-gin-bottle-o-scope I can just make out the gamma-ray flashes from racers impacting the station dock shields at Ohm Horizon.

Quite how those gamma-ray flashes traveled nearly 2kLY in only a few hours is CMDR Alot's guess.

Speaking of gin, I have heard rumor over the sub-etha that there is a contraband race being planned soon.

Mwaaahhhh, the game's a foot! Possibly even a leg.... got that CMDR Throat? right! yes! yng-tong-yddle-i-po!

I'd better be getting out of this bath and getting 'The Spanish Inquisition' home then if I am going to be ready by the 15th. I am somewhere nearly 18kLY from Sol after all. Pretty though. Lot of neutron stars & black holes, as evidenced by the little dents all down the side of my ship.

Oh, I don't know, there's always time for another bath, especially with a co-pilot like mine and a bottle of Bast Snake Gin!

Run a little more hot water will you, Eccentrica, and give yourself a top-up of helium, there's a dear...
Quiet today on the board with only 2 changes to times.

CMDR Alec Turner takes the Bananery Fandango to his limits and calls time at 24:17 I think the Kongga ales on me!
because Im still having trouble getting under 30 mins .. by getting exactly 30 mins.
I lost a second freaking out when I saw another player at asterope.... dunno who it was, but definitely their fault ;)
Ive told orange sheets he should change his ship as the vipers got worse range than the sidey and that's terrible...
and thinking about it.. if he does.. I may end up last lol. I must get under 30 minutes in Boost fail!

Evening, Cobbers! I'd better be getting out of this bath and getting 'The Spanish Inquisition' home then if I am going to be ready by the 15th.
I am somewhere nearly 18kLY from Sol after all. Pretty though. Lot of neutron stars & black holes, as evidenced by the little dents all down the side of my ship.
sorry you missed this one HP and if you miss the bootlegger one, MW_aurora should have one after that. so plenty more coming and more frequently, fingers crossed.
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Ive told orange sheets he should change his ship as the vipers got worse range than the sidey and that's terrible...

I'm not saying that this comps been rigged, but something fishy is going on because I've been interdicted by an anonymous Eagle each and every time I've been on the final inter-planetary stretch of the race! Inconceivable!

This calls for drastic measures...
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