Ships building some ferdie goodness

Greetings commanders! I've almost completed my first trip to Sag A, and am on my way back to buy a new ship! I have done plenty of reading about the differences inbetween the python and ferdelance, and have decided to buy this sexy ship. My question is to all of you ferdie owners out there. Mind lending your expertise?

H: 4B/G Cannon
M: 2F/G Pulse Laser
M: 2F/G Pulse Laser
M: 2F/G Pulse Laser
M: 2F/G Pulse Laser
U: 0A Shield Booster
U: 0A Shield Booster
U: 0A Shield Booster
U: 0A Shield Booster
U: 0A Shield Booster
U: 0A Shield Booster

BH: 1I Lightweight Alloy
RB: 5A Power Plant
TM: 4D Thrusters
FH: 4A Frame Shift Drive
EC: 4E Life Support
PC: 6A Power Distributor
SS: 4D Sensors
FS: 3C Fuel Tank (Capacity: 8)

5: 5A Shield Generator
4: 4A Fuel Scoop
4: 4C Fuel Tank (Capacity: 16)
2: 2A Shield Cell Bank
1: 1D Hull Reinforcement Package

That's what I've put together so far. Thoughts? Comments? Areas of improvement? All advice and criticism is welcome!

Thanks in advance!
It has somewhat limited maneuverability even with 5A thrusters, and you sacrifice a lot of it additionaly using underclassed D-grade thrusters, and exceeding thrusters optimal mass. It will handle similar to laiden T9 and will be unusable in combat.
And you are still exceeding available power even with all non-combat modules disabled.
I don't PvP, so mine is wholly built for the sole purpose of CZ's, RES and Nav Beacons, and of course the interdiction here and there for assassination missions. Hence, no SCBs, and only 1 Chaff. However, if you are building one to suit the same purpose, you can run with something like this, which is close to yours but a I also kept weight in mind for speed. BTW, with the 4 A Boosters, I am pushing 855+ (approximate) shields, which nothing really puts a dent in them, even in CZs, unless a ton of ships get the bug to attack me at once and chase me down without distraction... 1
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