Newcomer / Intro Can you do the Guardian missions without corrosive resistant cargo racks?

People tell me to just go do the Guardian missions, but I don't have access to the racks.
Yeah, you can leave out the corrosion resistant racks...

If you’re going to do runs at guardian ruins for blueprints, materials...etc then the most important module that you can forget to bring is point defense!

Point defense will nullify missile attacks from any Sentinels you stir up so long as you park your ship close to the site. Turns them into y cats...

Consider watching a couple of video tutorials on guardian ruins before getting started, they can be frustrating places on your first run or two. 👍
If you’re going to do runs at guardian ruins for blueprints, materials...etc then the most important module that you can forget to bring is point defense!
Point defense will nullify missile attacks from any Sentinels you stir up so long as you park your ship close to the site. Turns them into ****y cats...
DBX is good for this as the Util mounts are on top where they can hit the guardian missiles nicely.
Agreed, the DBX is my designated guardian raider...

It’s also small enough to land neatly in the ruins.
Yeah, I remember trying it in a krait, and apart from giving the other players a good laugh, I accomplished precisely nothing... I had to jump all the way back to Shinrarta for my DBX. Oh well, one lives and learns... or not.
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