Carrier Cost

I don't even see how saying "20 billions credit will be more than enough to buy a fleet carrier" is a big deal. It's obvious hyperbole. A co-worker the other day asked me how much I spent on my new car. I didn't want to give him and exact figure so I said "less than a million". Does he actually think I may have spent close to that? of course not and I hope he doesn't go around telling every one that I may have spent a million dollars on a car that is obviously not worth that much. Taking a comment like that and calling it reliable intel from a reliable source it just silly. And, unfortunately, I could see this tech getting in trouble for this now it is out in the open when there is literally no reason for it to be that way. Lets just wait for carriers to be released and then start talking about them. At least we'll have all the real information then.
Considering the state of the game I would be amazed if FD made carriers destructible. Except they just bought a salt company.
Considering the state of the game I am surprised they still gonna implement fleet carriers in the first place after a full year of delay instead of just silencing it to death like the other promised things.
What makes you so sure about it?

I could be wrong buddy. From what I have seen and heard, they are giving us access to ships similar to the Gnosis, these arent ships that can be directly ganked, the upkeep and initial cost will be quite high. It also seems that these ships are supposed to be shared and maintained amongst groups of cmdrs (obviously with a chain of command)

To have the above involve ships that can be outright lost, seems like a bad idea to me. This isn't Eve.

I can imagine these ships being crippled defensively, ability to hack them, force a jump away to safety for repairs. We'll see :)
Assuming the info is legit, you just might got that tech support in trouble

If this is genuine then interesting.. That would make carriers cheaper than I'd have expected (though still out of reach for me). This doesn't say anything about upgrade/outfitting costs, supply costs or how else they might be restricted of course though.
Be interesting to see how this plays out.
20 billion credits is expensive for a ship that runs on Bald Eagle heads and Faburge Eggs.

I was under the impression Bald Eagles are quite pricey. Anyway, 20 billion or less for the stock ship, doesn't seem like the tech support person is giving away much, am sure they also checked with their supervisor first.

Deleted member 38366

Whatever those Fleet Carriers will offer - it'll sure be a "want to test & assess before I buy" thing :D
I have redacted names and identifing numbers. This is all i can give you.


that's how fake news happens.

all they really said was 20 billion credits is "more than enough" to buy one. that means the price may be anywhere betweek free and 20 billion credits.

that's like if they told you Raxxla was "somewhere in the game you haven't looked yet".

they didn't really tell you anything.
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I could be wrong buddy. From what I have seen and heard, they are giving us access to ships similar to the Gnosis, these arent ships that can be directly ganked, the upkeep and initial cost will be quite high. It also seems that these ships are supposed to be shared and maintained amongst groups of cmdrs (obviously with a chain of command)

To have the above involve ships that can be outright lost, seems like a bad idea to me. This isn't Eve.

I can imagine these ships being crippled defensively, ability to hack them, force a jump away to safety for repairs. We'll see :)
I'd find it a good idea, would finalyy add some much needed risk.
Stations cannot be destroyed, only damaged. Same deal with Carriers, what we don't know is how badly they can be damaged. More than likely the damage model will be like bulk freighters and other mega ships, taking out turrets etc.

Do you think Carriers will be able to be raided, like the freighters? Would bring a new interesting element to PvP.
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