Carrier Ideas

Hoping the alleged Fleet Carrier will be available in an affordable "base version" for those players that have less than Billions of credits to throw away on a (so far) incomplete concept for a carrier to further the expansion of the Human Galactic Bubble, ---

I would suggest the following idea:

An alternate way of upgrading the Fleet Carrier would be to have an "NPC Delivery Service" grouping of ships with item(s from any of the 3 SuperPowers or Factions, (Aegis ?) -- Delivering the parts you order, forcing the Carrier to occupy that system until at least the delivery(s arrive. This allows more time for exploring that area and surrounding systems, -- mining resources for the Carriers' engineer with the excess of materials etc. to trade, -- prospecting for future landfall bases and facilities, --- mapping neutron stars for access between points, etc. -- The Service Group would consist of multiple units working in unison at the axis points to control the cargo. They would call to dock and place the ordered module(s in the predesignated spot(s. -- The hired Engineer will take over (for the appropriate fee), using varied time limits (depending on the complexity of the module), in order to put the module in general service to the squadron.
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