Celebration of Early Astronomy 2 - June 9, 2020 -> 8/4/2020
Going to and returning from Messier 67/Cancri Cluster as part of the expedition!
UPDATES POST: https://expedition.page.link/Updates
"The early 2000s, they were often the speculative setting of early science fiction works. Early imaginings of interstellar travel, first contact with aliens, apocalypses, pandemics, you name it, there was probably a movie or book set in the early 21st century of it. While humanity may not have invented interstellar travel by 2020 as many novels and films purported, they still discovered plenty of germs of our galaxy by then.
Lucky for us in 3306 we do have interstellar travel and can visit these gems that humans on Earth in the early 21st century could only dream of visiting. So that is just what we will be setting out to do. This expedition will visit many of the noteworthy celestial objects discovered by the early 21st century, some of which even still are considered noteworthy even today in 3306.
We will be setting of from our faction's home system Keltim, also known as Gliese 149 to the humans of 2020. From there we will be travelling to the Messier 67 (aka: NGC 2682) cluster, and utilizing the jump range of Fleet Carriers to allow us to safely return. After that we shall proceed southward to 3 Geminorum, and then take a scenic route back home through the southeastern sections of the galaxy.
-- Client Kezika T. Wylair
Please fill out a sign-up form if you're coming along!
Note: even if you're not sure yet all your details, the form will give you an edit link once you submit so that you can come back and edit your submission in the future with any changes you make. Just make sure to save your link!
Sign-up form: https://expedition.page.link/Register
Roster: https://expedition.page.link/Roster
EDSM Page: https://expedition.page.link/EDSM
Summary and Information
Dates: TBD, will be starting in June with the launch of Fleet Carriers
Waypoint Count: (We are currently targeting to hit about 80,000 Ly total distance for the round trip from and back to the bubble)
Expedition Discord: https://expedition.page.link/Discord
Notes: Some of the systems may be difficult to reach on shorter jump range ships, as well as shorter jump range ships potentially having difficulty in navigating the region in and around Barnard's Loop. It is recommended to bring a ship with at least 30Ly of jump range. The first two weeks will be shorter distances, however as we start getting further away from Earth, the amount of distance covered per week will increase greatly as the number of waypoints on the leg decrease. For specifics on that the longest single week leg is on the return trip, and is 22k Ly. Besides that one I have kept the rest of the legs to less than 15k Ly per weeks (some are longer, but two week length.) The specific distances will be listed below.
Start: Keltim
Scouting Goal: Messier 67 cluster
Midway: 3 Geminorum
End: LBN 623 Sector PD-S b4-5
Current Waypoint List
These are listed by celestial object. If followed by parenthesis that is the name the in-game galaxy map uses or the specific system the waypoint will use in the case of star cluster and nebula waypoints.
Leg 1 - 6/9/2020 - 6/16/2020
This post will be edited and replied to in the upcoming weeks with more substantial information regarding the waypoints as well as any tertiary information that would be useful for the expedition, such as navigation tips around permit locked sectors for example in the Barnard's Loop area.
Sign-up form: https://expedition.page.link/Register
Going to and returning from Messier 67/Cancri Cluster as part of the expedition!
UPDATES POST: https://expedition.page.link/Updates

"The early 2000s, they were often the speculative setting of early science fiction works. Early imaginings of interstellar travel, first contact with aliens, apocalypses, pandemics, you name it, there was probably a movie or book set in the early 21st century of it. While humanity may not have invented interstellar travel by 2020 as many novels and films purported, they still discovered plenty of germs of our galaxy by then.
Lucky for us in 3306 we do have interstellar travel and can visit these gems that humans on Earth in the early 21st century could only dream of visiting. So that is just what we will be setting out to do. This expedition will visit many of the noteworthy celestial objects discovered by the early 21st century, some of which even still are considered noteworthy even today in 3306.
We will be setting of from our faction's home system Keltim, also known as Gliese 149 to the humans of 2020. From there we will be travelling to the Messier 67 (aka: NGC 2682) cluster, and utilizing the jump range of Fleet Carriers to allow us to safely return. After that we shall proceed southward to 3 Geminorum, and then take a scenic route back home through the southeastern sections of the galaxy.
-- Client Kezika T. Wylair
Please fill out a sign-up form if you're coming along!
Note: even if you're not sure yet all your details, the form will give you an edit link once you submit so that you can come back and edit your submission in the future with any changes you make. Just make sure to save your link!
Sign-up form: https://expedition.page.link/Register
Roster: https://expedition.page.link/Roster
EDSM Page: https://expedition.page.link/EDSM
Summary and Information
Dates: TBD, will be starting in June with the launch of Fleet Carriers
Waypoint Count: (We are currently targeting to hit about 80,000 Ly total distance for the round trip from and back to the bubble)
Expedition Discord: https://expedition.page.link/Discord
Notes: Some of the systems may be difficult to reach on shorter jump range ships, as well as shorter jump range ships potentially having difficulty in navigating the region in and around Barnard's Loop. It is recommended to bring a ship with at least 30Ly of jump range. The first two weeks will be shorter distances, however as we start getting further away from Earth, the amount of distance covered per week will increase greatly as the number of waypoints on the leg decrease. For specifics on that the longest single week leg is on the return trip, and is 22k Ly. Besides that one I have kept the rest of the legs to less than 15k Ly per weeks (some are longer, but two week length.) The specific distances will be listed below.
Start: Keltim
Scouting Goal: Messier 67 cluster
Midway: 3 Geminorum
End: LBN 623 Sector PD-S b4-5
Current Waypoint List
These are listed by celestial object. If followed by parenthesis that is the name the in-game galaxy map uses or the specific system the waypoint will use in the case of star cluster and nebula waypoints.
Leg 1 - 6/9/2020 - 6/16/2020
- Gliese 149 - (Keltim)
- Lambda-2 Fornacis
- Zeta-2 Reticuli - (Zeta-1 Reticuli)
- Polaris Australis
- NGC 1333 - (NGC 1333 IRS 2)
- Geminga Pulsar - (PSR J0633+1746)
- NGC 2632 - (NGC 2632 HSHJ 50)
- Outotch SA-U d4-0 - Note: not a real celestial object, but a system that we will have to pass through.
- 2MASS J08515020+1146069
This leg only has that one system which acts as basecamp, the intent is to branch out and explore the Messier 67 cluster and fully explore and map all of the systems for anything potentially interesting up there.
Leg 3 - 6/30/2020 - 7/14/2020- Outotch SA-U d4-0 - Note: not a real celestial object, but this is the system the fleet carriers will be jumping back to from Messier 67.
- PMD2009 48
- Alnilam - (Epsilon Orionis)
- Jellyfish Nebula - (Jellyfish Sector BA-A e3)
- NGC 1931 - NGC 1931 Sector PD-S b4-0
- BD+46 1067
- NGC 1491 - (BD+50 886)
- NGC 1893 - (NGC 1893 CF 43)
- 3 Geminorum
- Crab Pulsar
- NGC 2244 - (NGC 2244 CDZ 157)
- Rosette Nebula - (Rosette Sector CQ-Y d59)
- Seagull Nebula - (Seagull Sector DL-Y d3)
- Thor's Helmet Nebula - (ALS 299)
- NGC 2374 - (HD 55854)
- NGC 2818 - (HEN 2-23)
- NGC 2792 - (CD-41 4893)
- NGC 3211 - (GCRV 6493)
- Eta Carinae Nebula - (2MASS J10442897-5942343)
- Trumpler 16 - (Trumpler 16 HG 1462)
- Eta Carinae
- V405 Carinae - (NGC 3293)
- x Carinae
- HD 97557
- Statue of Liberty Nebula - (Statue of Liberty Sector LC-V C2-12)
- IC 2944 - (IC 2944 HG 10004)
- NGC 3590 - (NGC 3590 CLA 25)
- The Southerner Nebula - (GCRV 715)
- NGC 3699 - (HEN 2-65)
- Retina Nebula - (CD-43 9005)
- Messier 6 - (HD 160167)
- V970 Scorpii
- Spiral Planetary Nebula - (KN Muscae)
- NGC 3532 - HD 94144
- HIP 69445
- Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex - IC 4604 Sector FB-X c1-17
- Theta Carinae
- Beta Hydrae
- Pleiades - (Alcyone)
- Celaeno
- Electra
- Merope
- Taygeta
- Asterope
- Maia
- LBN 623 - (HIP 3289)
This post will be edited and replied to in the upcoming weeks with more substantial information regarding the waypoints as well as any tertiary information that would be useful for the expedition, such as navigation tips around permit locked sectors for example in the Barnard's Loop area.
Sign-up form: https://expedition.page.link/Register
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