Chairlift Supports on Paths!

I just want to say, that this is a beautiful thing! I am so glad the supports are able to spawn on paths. All I have to do is put down a couple red barriers and the people navigate around them. This makes for some extra realism!

It would be even better if the supports automatically became barriers on the paths so we wouldn't have to put down the barriers manually. Also, it would be awesome if this was an option for other rides (like steel coasters!)

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You can lower the barriers underground... They still work. It looks great!

Yup, that's exactly what I do...lower then slightly like a dream. All the effort that went into delivering the beautiful chairlift is much appreciated Frontier!
WOW, this is COOL! Unlike every other ride in the game, chairlift supports NEVER disappear no matter where you put them. At first glance, this might appear to be a bug because it allows some of the silliness shown in the pics below. BUT, also unlike all other rides, you have COMPLETE CONTROL over where the supports are, because the supports are ONLY at the ends of track sections, not at some weird spot derived by some arcane algorithm based on the phase of the moon. Thus, if you create any of the situations shown below, it's your own fault. If you don't like where a support is, change where the end of its associated track section is. But OTOH, if used responsibly, this is a cool feature (I was NOT being responsible when I made these pics. The blame is all mine, not Frontier's).

So, for instance, chairlift supports can be placed on paths.

Chairlift supports can also be placed in the middle of flat rides (anyone for a game of tetherball?):


AND in the middle of coaster tracks (I suspect the safety inspector might suggest an alternative arrangement):


Despite their own supports being completely oblivious to what lies below, chairlifts have the usual effects on the supports of other coasters. Interestingly, each cable carves a separate hole through this wooden coaster, leaving a few supports in between. However, chairlifts do NOT make gaps in the railings along the track itself (that's a real head-chopper).

Oh, I didn´t even notice this! That´s pretty awesome and gives hope that there could be some change coming to coaster supports!
Although I have the sneeking feeling that this thread might remind Frontier that the chairlift supports are buggy and they are working on "fixing" them.
DON´T! [mouth shut]
These look great spawning on paths, and I hope the supports remain this way... But it maybe seen as a bug if they will spawn on another ride!

If anything is a plus for keeping this in game, it's jpennin's screenshot... It looks like a great park. [happy]
Although I have the sneeking feeling that this thread might remind Frontier that the chairlift supports are buggy and they are working on "fixing" them. DON´T! [mouth shut]

Yeah, Frontier, PLEASE don't change how chairlift supports work :) But I'm not worried--the behavior shown in this pics is not a bug. It's actually an example of smart coding.

With coasters and paths, you have no control over where the game puts supports. The game apparently tries to keep the supports fairly evenly spaced but this means their spacing changes every time you add or change a piece of track. Thus, there's no telling where supports will end up so they have to have rules preventing their placement where they would collide with other things (rides, paths, tracks). So, there's a lot of coding to see to both the spacing and the potential collisions, and it never stops running because once you build Coaster A, some of its supports can still disappear if you build Coaster B too close to it, even though you're not editing Coaster A. So then you have to go build custom supports to fill any gaps created.

But with chairlifts, it's the exact opposite. Users have complete control over where the supports appear because supports only appear at the ends of track segments. Thus, collisions only happen if the user wants them to, so Frontier could skip both the spacing and the collision-checking for chairlifts supports, which puts less load on your computer.

Of course, the lack of collision-checking means that if you deliberately put a chairlift support on a path, peeps will walk through it. But that's no different from peeps walking through any other piece of scenery. And the solution for that is simple: bury barriers or barrel planters under the supports. Thus, there's only collision-checking where it needs to be, instead of wasting computer energy checking all the legs out in the bushes where collisions are impossible.
WOW, this is COOL! Unlike every other ride in the game, chairlift supports NEVER disappear no matter where you put them. At first glance, this might appear to be a bug because it allows some of the silliness shown in the pics below. BUT, also unlike all other rides, you have COMPLETE CONTROL over where the supports are, because the supports are ONLY at the ends of track sections, not at some weird spot derived by some arcane algorithm based on the phase of the moon. Thus, if you create any of the situations shown below, it's your own fault. If you don't like where a support is, change where the end of its associated track section is. But OTOH, if used responsibly, this is a cool feature (I was NOT being responsible when I made these pics. The blame is all mine, not Frontier's).

So, for instance, chairlift supports can be placed on paths.


If you place the chairlift low over a path as in your picture above, do the people go flying if they come into contact with the chairlift seats (similar to getting hit by a unfinished coaster)? That would be fun.
*phew* I like them that way.

Of course evil guests could spit or drop things, but that problem we have coaster and rides as well!
Of course evil guests could spit or drop things, but that problem we have coaster and rides as well!

Ha! I was actually going for a ride on the chairlift in first person and was looking down at the guests and wondering where the "spit" button was on the keyboard. [haha]
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