Change the way Life Support is described to account for Odyssey

Life Support is a very strange module with odyssey in mind. You have suits fully capable of independently maintaining life support for dozens of minutes, and yet you can't use it while sitting in your pilot's chair!

So, what if you had a different justification for Life Support? Rather than 'life support', have it change to something like, "Emergency Canopy Shielding Activated." What it's protecting you from isn't a lack of oxygen, but rather, being irradiated by the environment of space(especially while in FSD), or from being on the front of a ship going through the atmosphere.

That way it makes it clear that you're not dying of oxygen loss, but of basically being vaporized, which would obviously take way more power than a suit could handle. Suits aren't designed to operate at over 1000c!

You'd need to change the synthesis title, too. Something like, Containment Gas, or something similar. The synth cost could stay the same.

It would make the whole thing make more sense.
100% agreed. With Odyssey this makes no sense now since we can wear our engineered with extra oxygen suits, but that doesn't affect the timer for life support on the ship.
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