CMDRs now playing for ARX

Play for arx? I finally broke the duck and bought some. Everything i say about arx in the future has no credibility :)

Funny thing is.. as soon as i did, chance has it that im earning arx at a decent clip. If you want to make sure you get one just map an earth like world or two every session and turn in the data.

Also regarding the store.. the pricing seems okay (imo) apart from bobble heads, those are too expensive and generally crap for the arx cost alongside all the other offerings.

Its also funny how it works from the other side.. if you buy multiple cosmetics anyway arx probably saves you money compared to the past. Where you get screwed by arx is if you're for whatever reason just getting one purchase ever or rarely.

Yeah so we're back to frontier not deserving any money for not fixing bugs and creating things like the fss (arx has passed).
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