Combat on the Event Horizon at the centre of the Galaxy.. :)

Near Sag1, at the Explorer's Anchorage system, is the current position of the infamous Event Horizon. Since i was at the system before continuing towards Beagle Point, i decided to pay them a visit.

Upon closing in, and doing some flying and scanning around and inside the installation, a bunch of pirates jumped in, followed by the police. Makes sense, since the Event Horizon installation was full of narcotics and other illegal cargo! A battle incurred, with missions offered on the spot by both sides. I didn't take any of the missions, since i wasn't in a combat ship. After a while, a new wave of attack happened, in the same pattern as combat zones..

Had this happen near the Bubble, but i didn't expect it so far out. It is a nice way to build rep with the systems factions since they don't normally offer many missions.. Also was great fun and a good incentive to have a combat able ship when exploring (which i often do)!

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