Conspiracy theory: Long travel times were secretly designed for longer player retention

This too I cannot vouch for. As the saying goes, in this world it’s not what you know but who you know. To my credit, I don’t know either one of them, which leaves me in this blissful position that I plan to maintain.
That is of course a misquote it should be.

In this world it’s not what you know or who you know, but what you know about who you know.
You've misquoted me, but you haven't done a good enough job of it.

Maybe instead say,
"Long travel times in part will inflate development times, as part of a nefarious scheme by the developers."


"The nefarious scheme by developers to inflate development time includes adding long travel times."


"The inflation of development time is a nefarious scheme by developers, of which long travel times are a part."

I'm just saying...

Six of one, a half-dozen of another...

You're still making the same point about long travel times.
What we need is the ability to launch a Dolphin from a Beluga, and a SK designed luxury, SRV for swanky surface tours

It would make more sense if you had a ship-launched Beluga in your Dolphin, and your Dolphin was deployable from within your SRV.

All of this would be made possible with Capsule Corp Tech. Elite Dangerous Vs DragonBall Z would be a great game btw. Anyone want to join me on a trip to Namek?
As many people have remarked, Elite is a mile-wide inch-deep sandbox, and there's no end game, and there's not a lot to do, and blah blah blah. You can argue otherwise to a degree, but let's just generally accept it because there's enough truth to it to go off.

More importantly though, it can take a long time to do a lot of things in the game, if only because of how much time you spend travelling (including looking up routes, plotting, scooping, and dealing with interdictions).

Many players don't have more than a couple of hours a day, or a few hours a week to invest in the game, so they don't usually get anything major achieved in a single session, or in a week's worth of play for them (mining for a couple of hours to buy an Anaconda notwithstanding).

This leaves many players feeling that there's a lot in the game that they haven't experienced or achieved, and so they remain fairly regular players for a length of time inordinately disproportionate to the time it should have taken to make the progress they have, thereby resulting in a good section of the player base remaining active for longer, giving developers time to come up with new content to stretch that out even further.

Well played FDev. Well played...

(Disclaimer: Obviously I'm not seriously accusing FDev of building in long travel times for this reason. That was clearly the work of the lizard people).

I've seen this type of comment so many times, I sometimes wonder if we're playing the same game.

Actually, I'm pretty sure we're not:

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