Construction Item Stats

I'd love to see some indication about what stats items affect. Two Point Hospital does a great job of this. For example, on a bench, there's a little tooltip that says "Adds to guest energy when used". Some items are obvious, like those benches, but others are more obscure. Does the coffee shop only satisfy the "drink" need, or does it also contribute to the "energy" need? I would guess that it does, but I don't actually KNOW. It's hard to make informed management decisions without knowledge of the systems of the game.
This game definitely needs tootips. There is no way for you to find out how many staff members can use a small or large staff building at the same time if you haven't placed one. So you have to remember it. And the things you mentioned. And what does adding cheese to a burger actually affect? And which drinks/items satisfy which guest need? And what is the target audience of what shop? There are so many things the game just doesn't tell you.
Another example: Did you know the "please don't disturb the animals" and "don't feed the animals" signs are not purely decorative, but actually have an effect on the animals? A lot of players don't seem to know that until someone writes it here. (The don't disturb sign reduces stress from visitors and noise and the don't feed sign reduces how often visitors feed the animals and thereby make them sick.)
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