CPC Co-Prosperity Coalition


We are a small deliberately unofficial player group on the outskirts of "Imperial space," and directly in harm's way. We need pilots to conduct all sorts of activities in the name of Independent Democracy. Real Independent, not those Power tyrannies calling themselves "Independent." Our work is on the faction (BGS) level and in direct opposition to the Empire, and especially the Emperor herself. Despite these long odds, we've had remarkable success so far, and have recently been pestering an Imperial control bubble.

The secret to our success has been acting on behalf of more than just one faction. If it is an Independent Democracy or a faction that conducts elections with Independent Democracies, we consider it part of the fold. There are many factions under our wing, interlaced among almost 45 systems, almost any of which you could adopt as yours and including two PMFs that have seemingly been abandoned and could use a warm, loving player or group of players. Build a faction up within the region, or plunge out into the hostile Imperial waters. Everyone is a free agent here. Everyone is Independent. And anyone who thinks that should be the same for everyone is welcome.

Please contact Raeat via PM if interested. I
have a terrible Imp past to atone for. The people have had a taste of freedom. I want to give them more.
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