Buildings & Attractions Damaging buildings

This may sound crazy but I'm hoping for a way to boost how often I get hurricane/twisters.
I'm making an abandoned park and I have been waiting for storms to pretty much destroy my park so I can fix certain places so dino access will only let them roam certain areas. After waiting afk for 2 days in n a row on Xbox one I have literally only had two storms that damaged the same exact place.
If I was playing normally it would be a blessing but considering what I'm attempting it is driving me crazy waiting. Is there a possibility of toggling the buildings to damaged or a sandbox setting to set how often storms come? Or even a higher setting to allow maybe three twisters at once? I know it's an odd request but I know I'm not the only person who has attempted this and having a higher storm difficultly might be a fun addition to sandbox mode. Really hope it could be an option one day. Thank you for your time.
I have it on heavy storms but that seems to be the only setting related to weather. I agree a tool to break objects would be the best way to go about it.
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