Dear Griefers. Why you get mad when you don’t get an easy kill/murder?

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AP Birdman

i have to admit when getting interdicted by FAS and FDL players I do get a bit scared. Cause you have much more firepower and speed. In fact I actually think you might be faster than me... So I will not have much time react. And usually I high wake at once. I’m not gonna try and "fight" I know my limits. Has kept me alive so far. But I better be careful if I encounter you if that is what you are flying;) o7

I do fly a FAS with all PA's. I hope we cross paths someday : ) I just want to make sure your insurance policy covers you properly.

BTW, I never get mad but the only thing that works me up is when I get mean and nasty messages after I've sent someone to a rebuy screen. There's no reason to take the game so seriously.

Also BTW, if you ever want a fair 1v1 let me know. I'm a dirty rotten griefer and proud of it but I will always honor a 1v1. Even if its not to the death either.

You know, I'm part of a squadron of about 50+ "griefers" and I'm friends with almost every "griefer" squadron on Xbox and most of them are not like the one you encountered in your story. Most of them are just looking for pews and have no rules of engagement. Not all griefers are the same and some griefers (like myself) will actually even hunt seal clubbers that hang out in Eravate killing newbs. Most of us are good guys that just enjoy playing games as a bad guy.
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AP Birdman

I didn’t bother to read your wall of text but my answer is- there is something so empowering and joyful about destroying someone’s ship that is undefended and it brings a sense of accomplishment to my heart.

Lol. Are you with DRTY Co or NFS by chance?
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Oh trust me I only play open and always have, and I never Combat log. Griefers do make open exciting and dangerous. But I just shake my head sometimes when they get annoyed for not killing a non PvP player who survives the encounter. Plus I probably gave in to the trolling after I do admit. I was drunk flying lol. But I still survived though;) did I mention I was drunk lol

Kudos for You mate!

Niels83 is an example of PvE player to which i have a full respect.
No CL. Only in Open, and he is playing a game in his own way.

Your behaviour and example have an respect even in closest ganker/griefer and troll circle. Because you are here, you're still doing your own. You are just not giving a salt to salt miners :)
Walk the line mate!
Not usually my style, but in the rare event of murder I’m glad when the guy I’m after is competent enough to get away. That’s what I like to see, man.

No sense in contacting players for the sole purpose of harassing them post-attack. No need to entertain any saltiness in your inbox when you do manage to kill them, either. Keep it professional lol.

Edit to add: I had a Master-Ranked Corvette pull me in Shinrarta some time ago. My T6 was too fast for him to catch, so he called me a coward via messaging lmao. Said something along the lines of “You probably got to Shinrarta the easy way.” — Despite this being the case for himself.

Why would a T6 stick around to fight a Corvette? Why even bother being a weeeener? Boggles the mind.
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Well played Commander! Never go for the "You are playing it wrong" bait when you are actually winning, he/she just asked you to "oooh please let me kill you prettyplease because I can't if you fight not according to my very personal rules" in a provocative manner :D

I'd just save me the thoughts and enjoy to have enraged such a person ...
... apart from that, I like how you actually worked out a proper fighting strategy and even adjusted to your opponent's loadout. That's the spirit.
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