DLC18 discussion and predictions

I personally haven’t used them but every time they are brought up everyone talks about the problems with them like how the guests/staff move.
Yeah, you place them down and they may or may not work, but if you shut down / start up again then they again, may or may not work. By 'work' I mean guests and staff can access the modular shop - usually they get stuck on the path leading up to it, turn around and walk away again. Or staff that you place on it just stay there, stuck and alone. You can delete and replace the pathing and sometimes that fixes it, but as I said, you can then restart the game and it's broken again.

That's my experience anyway as of March/April this year.
I'm guessing we get 2-4 posts of people asking when the stream is (at least one of whom will be new to this thread and never heard from again), then a few people saying "no news" or that they confirmed what we already knew (usual suspects), and then a few hours later... "So, what did I miss?"

And the answer will be nothing. Then we can get back to talking about Latin American wishlists for the 11th time since October.
I keep logging into my zoos and see people hoping around saying their stuck
Speaking of which, an annoying bug has hit me again, I got it resolved a year ago and I forget how to resolve it now.
Educator gets stuck on talk point, quits and can’t get picked up even if rehired.
I’d like frontier to give us the option when we click on staff who quit or were fired to completely get rid of them so they disappear instead of sulk around while another educator gives talks.
Hope the stream drops a hint for a canada pack lol, it's so tiring making log cabins with individual pieces for the game to lag out with all the wooden poles connected.

Oceania Rainforest Birds (28).jpg

Then hoping for june or july news is more realistic for some release in the summer at some point. I'm still taking the "later this year" to be actually be later this year not a month and a bit away from the normal release.
Yeah we definitely won't get any PC DLC news this time around - on the flip side I would be suprised if they didn't talk about the next PZ bundle in June - or at least wouldn't it be June? If there's 14 DLCs and they release 2 at a time and theres 11 months for the pass, would that mean some months have only 1 releasing? Or are they incorporating the new barnyard and whatever the next DLC is in the pass too? So confusing lol
Hope the stream drops a hint for a canada pack lol, it's so tiring making log cabins with individual pieces for the game to lag out with all the wooden poles connected.

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Yup, that log cabin wall set would hit so nice! Haha. It's one of maybe like, three remaining wall sets I think we need. Clapboard and a shinier "painted brick" set would do us nice (or just update the other one so the grunge/grime is flexi).

Yeah we definitely won't get any PC DLC news this time around - on the flip side I would be suprised if they didn't talk about the next PZ bundle in June - or at least wouldn't it be June? If there's 14 DLCs and they release 2 at a time and theres 11 months for the pass, would that mean some months have only 1 releasing? Or are they incorporating the new barnyard and whatever the next DLC is in the pass too? So confusing lol
As far as PZ PC goes, at best we'll get them reiterating the same news as last time. For console, though, you raise a good point. At some point I think they'd have to explain that, right?

The PlayStation store data for the Season Pass still just lists 14 DLCs (and obviously, this doesn't include the Barnyard pack or any TBA). I wonder if they might just release the final ones as stand-alones at some point or as their own bundle? Actually, reflecting on the numbers... If the final DLC were to have 10 habitat animals and some scenery items (~100 items)? And they also release the three Deluxe/Pre-order animals with it? That would be 20 habitat species. Plus an exhibit species or two. And ~160 pieces of scenery. That would be a "bigger" final pack for console too. Just a late-night tinfoil hat thought brought to you by exhaustion and thinking too hard.
Here's all the remaining animals from Highland, Shepreth and Chester zoo (Zoos they like to collaborate with) that are not yet in the game. There are some fan favorites, but mostly I made this so I can be on lookout for possible oddball picks that they may go for out of familiarity:

Parma Wallaby
Dusky Pademelon
Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo

Monkeys and apes:
Sumatran Orangutan
Silvery Gibbon
Black Tailed Marmoset
White Lipped Tamarin
Cotton Top Tamarin
Yellow Chested Capuchin
Spider Monkey
Celebes Crested Macaque
Roloway Monkey

Lemurs and Loris:
Pygmy Slow Loris
Aye Aye
Black Lemur
Crowned Lemur
Red Bellied Lemur
Coquerel's Sifaka

White Lipped Deer
Bactrian Deer
Philippines Spotted Deer
Southern Pudu
Dik Dik
Roan Antelope
Lowland Anoa
Javan Banteng
Forest Buffalo

Himalayan Monal
Caribbean Flamingo
Bald Ibis
Scarlet Ibis

Radiated Tortoise
Sulcata Tortoise
Rhinoceros Iguana

Big Carnivorans:
Andean Bear
Sumatran Tiger x 2

Small Carnivorans:
European Wildcat x 2
Dwarf Mongoose
Pardine Genet

Red Squirrel
Azara's Agouti
Patagonian Mara
European Rabbit

Rock Hyrax
Hedgehog x 2
Two Toed Sloth

Not all of these are equally as likely of course, but seeing this list I wouldn't be surprised (nor glad, but that's another story) to see another Lemur, Sumatran Tiger (or Orangutan, there's word for Sumatran in dictionary) or Wildcat in final pack.
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Here's all the remaining animals from Highland, Shepreth and Chester zoo (Zoos they like to collaborate with) that are not yet in the game. There are some fan favorites, but mostly I made this so I can be on lookout for possible oddball picks that they may go for out of familiarity:

Parma Wallaby
Dusky Pademelon
Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo

Monkeys and apes:
Sumatran Orangutan
Silvery Gibbon
Black Tailed Marmoset
White Lipped Tamarin
Cotton Top Tamarin
Yellow Chested Capuchin
Spider Monkey
Celebes Crested Macaque
Roloway Monkey

Lemurs and Loris:
Pygmy Slow Loris
Aye Aye
Black Lemur
Crowned Lemur
Red Bellied Lemur
Coquerel's Sifaka

White Lipped Deer
Bactrian Deer
Philippines Spotted Deer
Southern Pudu
Dik Dik
Roan Antelope
Lowland Anoa
Javan Banteng
Forest Buffalo

Himalayan Monal
Caribbean Flamingo
Bald Ibis
Scarlet Ibis

Radiated Tortoise
Sulcata Tortoise
Rhinoceros Iguana

Big Carnivorans:
Andean Bear
Sumatran Tiger x 2

Small Carnivorans:
European Wildcat x 2
Dwarf Mongoose
Pardine Genet

Red Squirrel
Azara's Agouti
Patagonian Mara
European Rabbit

Rock Hyrax
Hedgehog x 2
Two Toed Sloth

Not all of these are equally as likely of course, but seeing this list I wouldn't be surprised (nor glad, but that's another story) to see another Lemur, Sumatran Tiger (or Orangutan, there's word for Sumatran in dictionary) or Wildcat in final pack.
what does the x 2 stand for?
Ngl id be very dissapointed with a third tiger subspecies in the final pack.
If there absolutely has to be a cat it better be one that offers something new either in looks or behavior, like pallas, margay or fishing.
Or if they cant resist putting in a big cat just do a lion please so its essentially a paid remaster
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Here's all the remaining animals from Highland, Shepreth and Chester zoo (Zoos they like to collaborate with) that are not yet in the game. There are some fan favorites, but mostly I made this so I can be on lookout for possible oddball picks that they may go for out of familiarity:

Parma Wallaby
Dusky Pademelon
Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo

Monkeys and apes:
Sumatran Orangutan
Silvery Gibbon
Black Tailed Marmoset
White Lipped Tamarin
Cotton Top Tamarin
Yellow Chested Capuchin
Spider Monkey
Celebes Crested Macaque
Roloway Monkey

Lemurs and Loris:
Pygmy Slow Loris
Aye Aye
Black Lemur
Crowned Lemur
Red Bellied Lemur
Coquerel's Sifaka

White Lipped Deer
Bactrian Deer
Philippines Spotted Deer
Southern Pudu
Dik Dik
Roan Antelope
Lowland Anoa
Javan Banteng
Forest Buffalo

Himalayan Monal
Caribbean Flamingo
Bald Ibis
Scarlet Ibis

Radiated Tortoise
Sulcata Tortoise
Rhinoceros Iguana

Big Carnivorans:
Andean Bear
Sumatran Tiger x 2

Small Carnivorans:
European Wildcat x 2
Dwarf Mongoose
Pardine Genet

Red Squirrel
Azara's Agouti
Patagonian Mara
European Rabbit

Rock Hyrax
Hedgehog x 2
Two Toed Sloth

Not all of these are equally as likely of course, but seeing this list I wouldn't be surprised (nor glad, but that's another story) to see another Lemur, Sumatran Tiger (or Orangutan, there's word for Sumatran in dictionary) or Wildcat in final pack.
The ultimate final pack:
  • Sumatran Tiger
  • European Wildcat
  • American Flamingo
  • Crowned Lemur
  • European Hedgehog
  • Parma Wallaby
  • Domestic Yak
I'm in the minority for desperately wanting a Sumatran Tiger (especially if there is more than one pack coming). I feel like Sumatran should have been in the base game instead of Bengal since its the last remaining of the Island tigers subspecies and is pretty common in captivity. I also think they're very majestic looking!
I'm in the minority for desperately wanting a Sumatran Tiger (especially if there is more than one pack coming). I feel like Sumatran should have been in the base game instead of Bengal since its the last remaining of the Island tigers subspecies and is pretty common in captivity. I also think they're very majestic looking!
A recent DNA study showed that javan tigers are highly likely still around, although its probably only a couple individuals
Here's all the remaining animals from Highland, Shepreth and Chester zoo (Zoos they like to collaborate with) that are not yet in the game. There are some fan favorites, but mostly I made this so I can be on lookout for possible oddball picks that they may go for out of familiarity:

Parma Wallaby
Dusky Pademelon
Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo

Monkeys and apes:
Sumatran Orangutan
Silvery Gibbon
Black Tailed Marmoset
White Lipped Tamarin
Cotton Top Tamarin
Yellow Chested Capuchin
Spider Monkey
Celebes Crested Macaque
Roloway Monkey

Lemurs and Loris:
Pygmy Slow Loris
Aye Aye
Black Lemur
Crowned Lemur
Red Bellied Lemur
Coquerel's Sifaka

White Lipped Deer
Bactrian Deer
Philippines Spotted Deer
Southern Pudu
Dik Dik
Roan Antelope
Lowland Anoa
Javan Banteng
Forest Buffalo

Himalayan Monal
Caribbean Flamingo
Bald Ibis
Scarlet Ibis

Radiated Tortoise
Sulcata Tortoise
Rhinoceros Iguana

Big Carnivorans:
Andean Bear
Sumatran Tiger x 2

Small Carnivorans:
European Wildcat x 2
Dwarf Mongoose
Pardine Genet

Red Squirrel
Azara's Agouti
Patagonian Mara
European Rabbit

Rock Hyrax
Hedgehog x 2
Two Toed Sloth

Not all of these are equally as likely of course, but seeing this list I wouldn't be surprised (nor glad, but that's another story) to see another Lemur, Sumatran Tiger (or Orangutan, there's word for Sumatran in dictionary) or Wildcat in final pack.
Follow up question: How many picks of the last few packs have actually been from these parks?
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