DLC18 discussion and predictions

Pallas cat!!!! I'm purrfectly happy with this choice. In fact, I left a spot in my Central Asian area in hopes...

Markhor will be so useful!

And finally a baboon!

I predicted a mountain pack ages ago and I'm so pleased to see it, especially because this mean we'll probably get at least one more pack (for December?).

My guesses for the other four habitat animals are: spec bear, monal/golden pheasant, rock hyrax, ?
I love how the alpine marmot is a tail less beaver/ fat prariedog, but at the same time the african leopard is defended.
Ofcourse not by the same person but it really shows how different people tick regarding newcomers to the game
I'm not paying for the leopard, that's the main difference.
Plus, as absurd as it sounds, I like it as an alternative to Amur. It's a more generic leopard that will work better for tropical and arid climates, not just for Africa but perhaps for Asia as well.
Meanwhile the marmot... It's something I can see two hours away from my house. Not that I want to see it either cause it's not an animal that I particularly like IRL but you get the point. It's a local animal that is very easy to find here, of course I'm not really excited about it
Pallas cat!!!! I'm purrfectly happy with this choice. In fact, I left a spot in my Central Asian area in hopes...

Markhor will be so useful!

And finally a baboon!

I predicted a mountain pack ages ago and I'm so pleased to see it, especially because this mean we'll probably get at least one more pack (for December?).

My guesses for the other four habitat animals are: spec bear, monal/golden pheasant, rock hyrax, ?
I doubt we will get another pack this year, given this one will probably release in mid October, especially given the giant gap from barnyard
Honestly though, how would getting that be different than many other requested animals anyway?
Spectacled bear would be exactly like the HBB or Asian black bear, but South America. Nike croc or dwarf croc would be identical to what we already have, just another continent.
That's literally all that separates a lot of wanted animals now, the continent
I agree, I personally love the african leopard. I needed a leopard for a hot climate. Plus completing the big 5 is nice.
I will throw my best case highlands roster out into the wind:
  1. Pallas's cat
  2. Hamadryas baboon
  3. Markhor
  4. Spectacled bear
  5. Rock hyrax
  6. Matschie's tree kangarro
  7. Golden pheasant
Actually a fantastic looking roster, so I'm expecting to see some nonsense like the chiru, Persian leopard, GSNM, Indochinese leopard...
I would love that roster, and it feels fairly realistic to
If Mountain animal pack My bets for the roster are:

1. Hamadryas baboon
2. Palla's cat
3. Markhor
4. Tree kangaroo
5. Andean bear
6. Lesser rhea (wishfull thinking)
7. Vicuña
8. Tikikaka lake frog? Idk

If it is an Asían animal pack:
1. Hamadryas baboon
2. Markhor
3. Palla's cat
4. Himalayan monal/Golden pheasant/Damoiselle crane
5. Domesticated yak
6. Golden snub nosed monkey
7. Blackbuck
8. Giant chinese salamander / king cobra / no exhibit.
If Mountain animal pack My bets for the roster are:

1. Hamadryas baboon
2. Palla's cat
3. Markhor
4. Tree kangaroo
5. Andean bear
6. Lesser rhea (wishfull thinking)
7. Vicuña
8. Tikikaka lake frog? Idk

If it is an Asían animal pack:
1. Hamadryas baboon
2. Markhor
3. Palla's cat
4. Himalayan monal/Golden pheasant/Damoiselle crane
5. Domesticated yak
6. Golden snub nosed monkey
7. Blackbuck
8. Giant chinese salamander / king cobra / no exhibit.
I really hope its a mountains pack, give me all the south american animals you can
Some people think it might be a Asian pack, will bite, here is that concept

Pallas Cat
Hamadryas Baboon
Reeves Muntjac
Yellow-Thorted Martin
Mandarin Duck
King Cobra
Not bad but without my beloved hyrax it's 0/27 😡

But if we get the hyrax I will die, and if not I will still be happy
As someone who living in a place where I'm seeing Marmots on regular basis basically, if the pack is actually Mountain Animal Pack/Highland Animal Pack, those are some of the best options. first It's close to home for me lol second they are so adorable and unique, third they are super requested and fourth We NEED small animals, the more the better basically. So I would love to see those buddies so much!
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