Docking to YOUR carrier - landing permission?

Yes, I know, another FC thread :LOL:

But it kinda bothers me - FDEVs announced that you will be able to set landing permissions (ie. allowing or disallowing other CMDRs from landing on your FC). Now, what about FC owner? If I get FC for my own, will I be required to ask for a landing permission? And if I won't ask - what then?

My own carrier will issue a fine for loitering?
I suspect you'll have to ask simply to get the pad open. Could you get loitering fines? Who would be charging them?
I wonder if you could reserve a given number of pads just for you. The general permission could be public, but with some pads locked so that only you, or only friends could dock there. Or does this seem like it would cause too much hassle?
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Presumably it has been asked but can we charge for the carrier services? Do we get those credits? A percentage? Can we set rates or give discounts / exemptions based on things like faction alignment or squad membership? Do services require resources that get used up? Does that mean we have to keep the ship stocked up, can we do that through mining? Does the ship have manufacturing facilities for some ship related items? If services are resource limited can we restrict which services are available and to whom?..

Many questions :)

So... How long til some more news then? :)
Presumably it has been asked but can we charge for the carrier services? Do we get those credits? A percentage? Can we set rates or give discounts / exemptions based on things like faction alignment or squad membership? Do services require resources that get used up? Does that mean we have to keep the ship stocked up, can we do that through mining? Does the ship have manufacturing facilities for some ship related items? If services are resource limited can we restrict which services are available and to whom?..

Many questions :)

So... How long til some more news then? :)

Also can we outfit a Planet Coaster style "Pirate Double Ship Wreck Food Stall" in optional internal region of the carrier please?
You will just ask for docking, just like you do when in a a fighter. If you want to dock your fighter with main ship, you request docking, it will be no different
Yes, I know, another FC thread :LOL:

But it kinda bothers me - FDEVs announced that you will be able to set landing permissions (ie. allowing or disallowing other CMDRs from landing on your FC). Now, what about FC owner? If I get FC for my own, will I be required to ask for a landing permission? And if I won't ask - what then?

My own carrier will issue a fine for loitering?

The real question is does the carrier fit through the mail slot?
Yes, I know, another FC thread :LOL:

But it kinda bothers me - FDEVs announced that you will be able to set landing permissions (ie. allowing or disallowing other CMDRs from landing on your FC). Now, what about FC owner? If I get FC for my own, will I be required to ask for a landing permission? And if I won't ask - what then?

My own carrier will issue a fine for loitering?
It will actually be a bounty, but in a confused and irate state, you will vent on the forum, but will insist it is a fine. :unsure:
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